Chapter News

Membership Longevity Recognition Program

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ANFP is thrilled to announce its new policy and procedure toward recognizing you and your continuous membership! Your membership longevity will be recognized once a year in the continuous five-year increments earned. To ensure accuracy of member records, if you allow your membership to lapse more than one year, you will obtain a new join date of membership. We look forward to recognizing you and your years of service to ANFP!

Frequently Asked Questions

When will recognition be provided?
The recipients of the Membership Longevity Recognition program will receive recognition annually in the month of January starting January 2022.

How will years of recognition be calculated?
Recognition is based on continuous membership with no interruption (or less than 1 year). Individuals with a membership of more than a year of interruption will obtain a new join date and re-start in their count of membership longevity.

How will recognition be provided?
Details of recognition are being determined and will be shared once they have been finalized.

What will happen with my years of membership?
A system wide assessment of membership historical records will be conducted to accurately recognize those individuals with continuous membership. Some records will be adjusted to reflect accurate membership longevity if there has been 1 year or more of interrupted continuous membership.