Chapter News

SC ANFP Needs You! Calling all Volunteers! 

Due to COVID-19 and the restrictions that came with it, we have been unable to meet as the awesome group that we are; however, elections must take place as laid out in our Bylaws. We have three positions that must be voted into office - Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

On the ballot at this time for Vice President is Audrey Thomas. Diana Trout has resigned as Secretary due to multiple health and career changes, and this is Jeri Tallon's last year in office as treasurer.

Please contact Renee Spence (Nominating Committee Chair) or Rick Schmitt to be added to the ballot. What have you done for your organization lately? We need leaders now!

Wren Notes

Edited by Brian O'Reilly






Chapter E-mailed News Blasts

Improving Dining for Residents with Dementia

You Don't Say Show

Mystery Basket Team Building

Ethics for Certified Dietary Managers

Creating a Culinary Culture in Your Foodservice Operation

Employment Opportunities

Nation-wide opportunities can be found on the ANFP Job Board.

Chapter Photos

View photos from our chapter here.

ANFP National News