New SC ANFP Vice President Announcement
The SC ANFP board would like to formally announce your new Vice President, Audrey Thomas! Chris Olson, our President Elect resigned from the board a little over a month ago. As per our By Laws, the elected Vice President, Paige, has moved into the President Elect position, and Audrey has accepted the position as Vice President as she had the next highest votes in our last election for the position of VP.
Audrey is a great leader, and has served on many committees over the last decade. Her service to the organization has been appreciated greatly, and I cannot think of a more deserving and giving member to serve as your President in the future.
Due to the mess that Covid has caused in our world, and the inability for "us" to meet and carry out chapter business in our traditional ways of meeting, the board has decided to stay intact until normal nomination processes can resume - this fall. Brandy, Jeri, Diana and myself will remain in our current offices and continue to serve the organization.
Please congratulate your new VP - Audrey Thomas!
Rick Schmitt, CDM, CFPP
President – SC ANFP
Chapter Leadership Team - ANFP