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Texas Chapter

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Texas ANFP News

Join us for TX ANFP Boot Camp!

Published on

Texas ANFP is looking for new candidates for the chapter executive board and committees! We would like to offer a 1.5 day boot camp in late October 2021. We will be offering 5 CE hours during this boot camp. If interested, please respond to and return the survey below by October 1, 2021.

TX ANFP Boot Camp
TX ANFP Boot Camp Survey

ANFP National News

Join us for TX ANFP Boot Camp!

Published on

Texas ANFP is looking for new candidates for the chapter executive board and committees! We would like to offer a 1.5 day boot camp in late October 2021. We will be offering 5 CE hours during this boot camp. If interested, please respond to and return the survey below by October 1, 2021.

TX ANFP Boot Camp
TX ANFP Boot Camp Survey

The Texas Chapter of ANFP is an affiliate of the national not-for-profit association. ANFP was established in 1960 that today has over 14,000 professionals dedicated to the mission of providing optimum nutritional care through foodservice management.  

ANFP is the premier resource for food service managers, directors, and those aspiring to careers in food service management. ANFP members work in hospitals, long-term care, schools, correctional facilities, and other non-commercial settings. The association provides foodservice reference, publications and resources, employment services for members, continuing education and professional development, and  certification programs. ANFP monitors industry trends and legislative issues, and publishes one of the industry's most respected magazine.

Vision - Enhance health and wellness through optimum nutritional care.

Mission - Build an inclusive and diverse community of experts in foodservice management and food safety through: Education, Advocacy, and Research.

For more information about ANFP please contact Association of Nutrition & Foodservice Professionals by telephone at 800.323.1908 or 630.587.6336, or by e-mail

If you have any questions regarding Texas ANFP, our activities or events, or if you would like to employ a CDM, CFPP in your facility, please contact us through theChapter Contact Form.