September-October 2023 Edge
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Article References

Nutrition for Wound Healing: Insights for Foodservice Managers
Chrissy Carroll, MPH, RD

Arribas-López E, Zand N, Ojo O, Snowden MJ, Kochhar T. The Effect of Amino Acids on Wound Healing: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Arginine and Glutamine. Nutrients. 2021 Jul 22;13(8):2498. 

Cheskin LJ, Margolick J, Kahan S, Mitola AH, Poddar KH, Nilles T, Kolge S, Menendez F, Ridoré M, Wang SJ, Chou J, Carlson E. Effect of nutritional supplements on immune function and body weight in malnourished adults. Nutr Metab Insights. 2010 May 4;3:25-35. 

Clark RK, Stampas A, Kerr KW, Nelson JL, Sulo S, Leon-Novelo L, Ngan E, Pandya D. Evaluating the impact of using a wound-specific oral nutritional supplement to support wound healing in a rehabilitation setting. Int Wound J. 2023 Jan;20(1):145-154.

Daher GS, Choi KY, Wells JW, Goyal N. A Systematic Review of Oral Nutritional Supplement and Wound Healing. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2022 Dec;131(12):1358-1368.  

European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Quick Reference Guide. Emily Haesler (Ed.). EPUAP/NPIAP/PPPIA: 2019.

Ghaly P, Iliopoulos J, Ahmad M. The role of nutrition in wound healing: an overview. Br J Nurs. 2021 Mar 11;30(5):S38-S42.

Guo S, Dipietro LA. Factors affecting wound healing. J Dent Res. 2010 Mar;89(3):219-29.   

Jones MS, Rivera M, Puccinelli CL, Wang MY, Williams SJ, Barber AE. Targeted amino acid supplementation in diabetic foot wounds: pilot data and a review of the literature. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2014 Dec;15(6):708-12. 

Litchford, M. Wound Module 3: Making the Connection: Chronic Wounds and Nutrition. Abbott Nutrition and Health Institute. 2022. 

Peckford, S. Survey of Wound Prevalence in a Long-Term Care Facility. European Wound Management Association Journal. 2018; 19(2):39-42.

Quain AM, Khardori NM. Nutrition in Wound Care Management: A Comprehensive Overview. Wounds. 2015 Dec;27(12):327-35.

Raeder K, Jachan DE, Müller-Werdan U, Lahmann NA. Prevalence and risk factors of chronic wounds in nursing homes in Germany: A Cross-Sectional Study. Int Wound J. 2020 Oct;17(5):1128-1134.   

VanGilder C, Lachenbruch C, Algrim-Boyle C, Meyer S. The International Pressure Ulcer Prevalence™ Survey: 2006-2015: A 10-Year Pressure Injury Prevalence and Demographic Trend Analysis by Care Setting. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2017 Jan/Feb;44(1):20-28. 


Lifestyle Interventions to Combat Metabolic Syndrome
Kristin Klinefelter, MS, RDN, LDN

Serra-Majem L, Roman B, Estruch R. Scientific evidence of interventions using the Mediterranean diet: a systematic review. Nutr Rev. 2006 Feb;64(2 Pt 2):S27-47. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2006.tb00232.x. PMID: 16532897.

The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Research Group; The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP): Description of lifestyle intervention. Diabetes Care 1 December 2002; 25 (12): 2165–2171.

Handout: VA Mediterranean Plate

Handout: Cleveland Clinic

Food and Nutrition can Trigger an Immediate Jeopardy in a CMS Survey
Brenda Richardson, MA, RDN, LD, FAND

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) State Operations Manual Appendix PP - Guidance to Surveyors for Long Term Care Facilities (Rev. 211, 02-03-23)

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) State Operations Manual Appendix Q – Core Guidelines for Determining Immediate Jeopardy (Rev. 187, Issued: 03-06-19) 

Happy Heart, Happy Life
Diana Dominguez, CDM, CFPP


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Willett, W., Rockström, J., Loken, B., Springmann, M., Lang, T., Vermeulen, S., Garnett, T., Tilman, D., DeClerck, F., Wood, A., Jonell, M., Clark, M., Gordon, L. J., Fanzo, J., Hawkes, C., Zurayk, R., Rivera, J. A., De Vries, W., Majele Sibanda, L., Afshin, A., … Murray, C. J. L. (2019). Food in the Anthropocene: the EAT-Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems. Lancet (London, England), 393(10170), 447–492.