The Government Affairs Committee, formerly, Legislative Committee has established a new grassroots campaign; ROOTS-Rallying Organizations and Officials in Training Standards. Show your support of CDMs cultivating ROOTS by donating to the ANFP-PAC today! Together we will cultivate, grow and REAP!
ANFP has joined forces on Capitol Hill with The Opportunity America Jobs and Careers Coalition (OAJCC) focusing on two major bills in Congress, Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act. This bill would set funding levels for five years starting at $1.13 billion and incentivize the use of industry-recognized credentials (like the CDM) and other recognized post-secondary credentials. The second bill; Promoting Real Opportunity, Success and Prosperity through Educational Reform (PROSPER) Act would reauthorize the Higher Education Act and would create incentives for industry-led "earn-and-learn" initiatives as well as making Pell Grants more flexible to help low-income students pay for shorter courses and competency-based programs, both of which are career focused.
ANFP will continue to foster partnerships with other Healthcare Associations to cover the need for qualified CDM's in healthcare communities.
While CMS lists the CDM, CFPP credential as the primary qualification for the Director of Food and Nutrition Services, the regulations also acknowledge state requirements for staffing qualifications. Currently, the CDM, CFPP meets requirements in 18 states. The Government Affairs committee members are contacting government officials with a letter providing an overview of the CMS long-term care requirements and urging state officials to implement this language into their state regulations.