WELCOME to the Spring edition of ROOTS Roundup! In this newsletter you will read about what is happening at ANFP Headquarters, updates from your Government Affairs Committee, and valuable information you can share with your state chapter and leaders.
As the primary education and certifying organization of dietary managers, ANFP serves as a clearinghouse for members to access dietary staffing regulations in long-term care facilities and hospitals in their state. To stay current, ANFP conducts an annual review of regulatory requirements with Health Departments across the US. A current copy of these requirements is available online under the “Resources” tab.
We are pleased to share that Kentucky, New Hampshire and Texas have adopted the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regulations that list the CDM, CFPP as the primary qualification for the Director of Food and Nutrition Services in the absence of a full-time dietitian, bringing the total number of states that recognize the credential to 21! View a complete list of these states here.
Several health department representatives confirmed during the annual review that their state is planning to revise the staffing regulations by incorporating the CMS rules to ensure consistency with state law.
As a result of the CMS regulations, congressional legislation is no longer needed to establish training and certification requirements for the Director of Food and Nutrition Services. However, the focus continues to be on implementing the regulations at the state level.
ANFP’s Government Affairs committee and ANFP chapter’s spokesperson volunteers continue to advocate for CDM, CFPPs with local and state legislators providing a toolkit and data statistics that include the current number of states that recognize the credential, a map outlining the number of long-term care facilities and ANFP-approved programs in each state. Connecting with legislators provides an opportunity to share impactful stories and to make a difference on the issues that CDM, CFPPs care about!
Also, in pursuit of new pathways for the CDM, CFPP credential, ANFP is working to sponsor a U.S. Dept. of Labor (DOL) recognized youth apprenticeship program with help from the Urban Institute. The Urban Institute received a $2 million annual grant from DOL in 2020 to establish more youth apprenticeship programs and has been assisting ANFP with all aspects of the application process to become a youth apprenticeship national sponsor that would include funding of up to $1,000 per apprentice.
Learn more about the GrassROOTS initiatives or join the cause and become a member of the network here. Please also consider giving to ANFP’s political action committee, ANFP-PAC, which is integral to our visibility and success on Capitol Hill.