Volunteer of the Month

by Abigail Solazzo
Amanda Baron, RD, CDM, CFPP

This month we are honoring Amanda Baron, RD, CDM, CFPP, of the Arizona (AZ) ANFP Chapter.

Amanda joined ANFP in August of 2022 after successfully passing the CDM, CFPP credentialing exam. Amanda’s unique path to volunteer leadership started at the national level in June 2023. She started on the Awards & Recognition Committee and is currently a member. She is also serving as an active member on the Program Review and Marketing & Communications Committees. Having gained experience as a volunteer, Amanda has begun to get involved at the chapter level and recently stepped into her role as treasurer with the AZ ANFP Chapter.

As a volunteer both at the national and chapter level, her biggest impact has been being present and engaged at committee and board meetings demonstrating her commitment to the chapter and the organization. While the chapter is still rebuilding their foundation, Amanda’s support, participation, and enthusiasm are helping to push the chapter forward and make it successful once again.

As for the future of the chapter, Amanda would like to see the AZ Chapter become a leader in education for members with regular meetings and events to support CDM, CFPPs in Arizona. As a Registered Dietitian and a CDM, CFPP, she understands that obtaining and holding a credential takes time and effort, and the more support we can provide, the easier it is for our members to maintain the credential and appreciate the value. She also hopes to see the AZ Chapter recruit more members and increase the number of CDM, CFPPs within the state.    

Thank you, Amanda, for your enthusiasm, dedication, and hard work for our members! Because of volunteers like you, we are able to accomplish our goals and move the industry forward. Thank you!

We would like to feature you as our next Volunteer of the Month. To nominate yourself (or another volunteer) please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.