This month we are honoring Donna Ynostrosa, CDM, CFPP, of the Texas (TX) ANFP Chapter as our Volunteer of the Month.
Donna, the current chapter treasurer, first joined ANFP in 2012 and begin volunteering with the chapter in 2018. She is also an alumnus of the Leadership Institute.
During her time as a volunteer, Donna has worked diligently on promoting ANFP membership to prospective members. Through this and other efforts and initiatives, she hopes to see the chapter reach their full potential.
For those that are considering volunteering, Donna states, “My best advice is to volunteer to get your voices heard to make a difference! It is rewarding, fun, enlightening and the networking is great. Be a mentor promote your chapter, educate about ANFP. Expand your horizons!”
Donna, thank you for your hard work and continually advocating for ANFP! We appreciate your dedication and the time you have given to TX ANFP.
If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at