At the national level, Debbie served as Chair (including Chair-Elect and Immediate Past Chair) from 2015-2016. She has also served on several committees including the Leadership Development Committee, Program Review Committee, Professional Development Committee, Chapter Leadership Team, and Item Writers Committee. She has also served on the CBDM board and is an alumnus of the Leadership Institute. She was the recipient of the much-deserved Legacy Award in 2020.
Having volunteered with ANFP for many years in various roles, Debbie has made a positive and long-lasting impact through her leadership. She is well regarded by members and vendors because of her consistency and dependability. She is the “go to” for members for answers to questions and support. With her patience, knowledge of ANFP and the industry, as well as experience, she has successfully mentored many members over the years.. Debbie is a team player and continuous advocate for ANFP. When speaking with administrators, food service workers, high school students and political representatives she is passionate about ANFP, which proves to be contagious.
Moving forward, Debbie would like to see more participation from chapter members, better communication, and increased mentoring opportunities for incoming members. She would also like to see the TX chapter win the coveted Diamond Award.
Lastly, for those that are considering volunteering with their chapter, but haven’t had the courage, Debbie states, “Volunteering is a great learning experience. There are perks for volunteering, such as support to participate at ACE. The more members volunteer, the more they would know about the organization. There are resources, seasoned members, and ANFP staff to assist you in all areas throughout the organization. You will have the opportunity to meet new people and network across all 50 sates.”
Debbie, your contributions and dedication to ANFP and the TX chapter are unmatched! We are very grateful to have volunteers like you and the hard work you have done over the years!