Improve Strategic Thinking Skills – Working at the National level involves strategic thinking and looking at issues from an elevated level rather than working out the details of how to execute the plan. This can involve the development of new policies and strategies to support the strategic plan as well as focus on proactive solutions for the future. Strategic thinking and decision-making are essential leadership skills for any job or position.
Be a Champion of Change – Serving at the National level provides an opportunity to make your voice heard about issues you are passionate about. Perhaps you are passionate about mentoring chapter leaders (apply for the Chapter Leadership Team) or want to help increase awareness of the credential throughout the country (apply for Government Affairs Committee or the Political Action Committee), maybe you would like to develop the professional development plan and help identify industry trends and topics (apply for the Professional Development Committee). Whatever your passion may be, ANFP offers many opportunities for members to use their voice for change.
Share Your Unique Perspective – Each of us has our own story whether it be about where were from, how we were raised and our path that led us to where we are today. These experiences help to shape you and can help to create a diverse, inclusive, and welcoming environment. ANFP encourages all members with varying skill sets, education, race, ethnicity, career level/experience, etc. to apply for volunteer leadership roles and share your unique perspective to help make a difference.
Earn CE – Volunteers can earn CEs with both chapter and national roles. Per the CBDM, these requests for CE for volunteer leadership activities will be based on the following:
a. Organization for which activities are contributed must be related to a domain in the Detailed Content Outline
b. The activity must be at a leadership level and in a non-compensated role
c. A maximum of two CE may be accrued per year, with a total of six CE in a three-year recertification period.
d. CE will not be awarded until date of service ends.
ANFP’s Call for Volunteers is open and accepting applications until February 1, 2024.
We encourage you to continue building your professional and volunteer career and consider submitting your name for the 2024 Call for Volunteers. Please click here to learn more about the opportunities available as well as the criteria for each committee/board. We look forward to working with you!