Changes & Updates

by Abigail Solazzo

Chapter Rebate Requirements

Below are the upcoming rebate requirements. Documents can be submitted either through the chapter portal or sent to

  • Submit bank statement for the month of April to ANFP Headquarters – Due May 3
  • Officers entered in Chapter Portal for future volunteer year (Officers must be entered each year regardless of length of term.) – Due June 1
  • Updated - Submit updated financial reporting template by July each year to ANFP Headquarters - Due July 15
  • Upcoming Meeting Dates - Due July 15
  • 990 filed and E-receipt submitted - Due July 15
  • Affiliate Agreement – Due June 15

PAC Donations – New Way to Donate!

ANFP PAC is now taking donations via the new online platform. Members of ANFP will need to click on the following page and use the donate button. Or ANFP can provide a QR code for your chapter meetings.

The online form will collect all the required information needed for FEC reporting as donation forms are no longer needed. This will eliminate the responsibility of chapter volunteers from collecting forms, cash, and checks and mailing to us.  

The updated PAC donation policy can be found here.