Hybrid Platform – Chapters may want to consider offering a hybrid version of their meeting. This includes an in-person audience as well as a virtual audience for those members that still may not be able to travel. It also presents an opportunity to record and archive sessions for those members that are not able to attend the live event. Wisconsin ANFP recently hosted a very successful hybrid meeting this past spring that allowed in-person and virtual members to attend the meeting simultaneously.
Registration Options – Many of our chapters offer various types of registration rates either for members, students, or prospective members. When the Southern New England ANFP meetings were taking place in person, they offered their members a complimentary guest pass which helped to increase attendance while exposing prospective members to ANFP and the CDM, CFPP credential.
Checking In With Each Other – Our upcoming networking events will offer opportunities for members to share their challenges as well as their solutions from the past year. It is also a time for members to discuss their professional goals with one another. This creates an opportunity for members to keep in touch as well as hold each other accountable for their goals until the next time they meet in person. Ask members to pair off with another member and encourage them to keep in touch between meetings. Wyoming ANFP has a strong network of CDM, CFPPs throughout the state that rely on one another throughout the year for purposes such as this.
Smaller, More Frequent Meetings/Courses – Another option chapters may wish to pursue is offering more frequent, but smaller meetings or education opportunities throughout the year. This can be done in various ways, including virtually, hybrid, or in person. This will allow your members to meet more frequently or as their schedule allows, with more opportunities to earn CE without the hassle or expense of travel in some cases. Iowa ANFP held various webinars throughout October that were very successful.