This month we are honoring all our volunteers from this past year. Each of you should have received a volunteer appreciation certificate which is a small token of our gratitude and appreciation for all you do for ANFP. Our volunteers make so much possible for our members and generously give their time to improving and sustaining our chapters. Through our chapter leaders we have:
· Spread awareness of ANFP and the credential
· Cultivated future leaders
· Provided education and other programs to our members at the state level
· Created a network of colleagues and industry peers
· Supported our communities or those in need
· Recognized members and their contributions at the local level
· Provided support and guidance to one another through difficult times
While these are just a few ways our chapter leaders have positively impacted their chapter and the industry, each is an integral part of achieving our goals and mission as an organization.
Thank you, volunteers! We are grateful for each of you and your hard work!
If you would like to nominate a member for Volunteer of the Month, please email Abigail Solazzo at