While the new volunteer year does not officially, begin until June 1, chapters can add their incoming officers/leaders now via the portal. A ‘How To’ is attached for those of you that are not familiar with the process. A video tutorial is also available on ANFPConnect, Volunteer Resources, Chapter Management. Even if your chapter officers are not changing, they need to be added into the portal each year. When incoming officers are added using the ‘Add Electee (Upcoming Term)’ button, they will automatically appear on the chapter’s website on June 1.
Please do not click on the ‘Clear’ or ‘Change’ buttons when you are in the chapter portal entering your 2022 - 2023 officers. As per the instructions, you will need to select the ‘Add Electee (Upcoming Term)’ button, when in the Officer & Volunteer Management section within the chapter portal. If you change the names of the officers using the ‘Clear’ or ‘Change’ buttons at this time, the term will only last through the end of the month. ‘Clear’ or ‘Change’ buttons are intended for any changes that take place mid-year or as necessary.