May is Mental Health Awareness month and the perfect time to check-in with yourself and fellow chapter leaders. Our chapter leaders are constantly being pulled in different directions, whether it’s by staff/employees, chapter members, friends, and family. We can all relate to this feeling. However, it is still important to find some time for ourselves, if only once a day to take a break. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health but is often put last on our long list of things to take care of. Consider taking just a few moments for yourself each day this month to take a mindful inventory of your mental health/state. Below are some ways to clear your mind, take a break and focus on yourself. You might find yourself less stressed, more productive or have improved your mood. Think about sharing these techniques at your next chapter meeting with your members and encourage them to take care of their mental health as well.
Mediation/Yoga – Mediation or yoga can help us focus on our breathing and clearing our thoughts to better focus on our day or the tasks at hand. Its also makes for a great break during your busy day. Here are a few yoga stretches/poses you can do from just about anywhere. Or if yoga is not your thing, here are a few meditation techniques to hopefully reduce stress.
Do Something Fun – Distraction isn’t always a bad thing, especially on a day where it feels like we can’t catch a break. Maybe its Sudoku, or Wordle or a few pages of a book you’re reading. Whatever it is, think about something that brings you joy, but can also help you get your mind off things for a little breather.
Exercise – We know that exercise can boost our mood and energy level, so it’s something to be mindful of throughout our day. If you are in a sedentary position all day, think about ways you can get a few steps in by setting a timer throughout the day to remind yourself to get up and move. Or if you’re on your feet most of the day, think about how you can rest or get off your feet for a few minutes here and there. (Easier said than done!) Exercise is important, as is rest.
Eat Right – Same with exercising, we know healthy food can help to boost or at the very least sustain our energy level throughout the day. That may look different for each of us. It may mean packing a lunch instead of buying it or drinking more water, cutting back on caffeine or eating more vegetables.
Demonstrate Gratitude – Our chapter leaders are some of the most gracious people in the industry, and gratitude comes easily to them. While we hope that each of our chapter leaders are also being showered with gratitude by others, it’s important to do this for ourselves as well. When we practice gratitude, we give ourselves a chance to take a step back and take inventory of the good around us. Also, think about how you can spread gratitude to others through a gratitude challenge with your staff, colleagues or chapter members.