This month we are featuring Esthela Conlu, CDM, CFPP, of the CA ANFP chapter. After passing the exam in 2005, Esthela was invited by fellow member Karmen Kortie, CDM, CFPP to greet nutrition students at the local college. She has remained involved with the chapter ever since. During her many years of service with CA ANFP, Esthela has served in many roles, including membership chair, treasurer (8 years), and is currently the president. Additionally, she has previously served as the webmaster, which required frequent communication with the members. She found this role very beneficial to her professional growth. Since she has served for several years in various leadership roles, she has become a steadfast, recognizable, and trustworthy volunteer that members have come to rely on for support.
As Esthela looks to the future of the CA chapter, she looks forward to working with a robust board that will allow them to do more for members, like providing a HELP desk to assist CDMs with day-to-day operations. As not all CDMs have a consistent resource at their facilities, she would like to utilize chapter leaders or a committee as their help line. While chapter meetings and workshops are great learning opportunities, she believes a live person, able to answer questions in real-time, would serve the members well.
When it comes to volunteering, Esthela recognizes it takes time out of her busy schedule, but she finds it to be very fulfilling. Whether she is volunteering with ANFP, at the local food bank, as a math tutor, or singing with the church choir, she truly believes, “when you are a volunteer, you’ll always be appreciated.” She finds the appreciation of her service that she receives from the community to be most rewarding. She wants ANFP members to know: “You have what it takes, and we are waiting for you.”
Congratulations to Esthela for her success as a CDM, CFPP and as a dedicated ANFP volunteer throughout the years! Thank you for your dedication to ANFP, your chapter, and our members!
If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at