This month we are honoring ALL our chapter leaders and volunteers!
Last week we celebrated our annual Volunteer Appreciation Week. A week filled with giveaways, recognition and appreciation of the hard work and dedication our volunteers provide to ANFP.
We started the week off with a keepsake postcard sent out to all our volunteers. We hope that you will display this proudly in your office or workspace to let others know that you are greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, we asked volunteers to send us their testimonials about volunteering with ANFP. We asked volunteers to tell us their ‘why’ and what benefits they have received as part of their volunteer work. We hope each of you were able to reflect on your own ‘why’ and know that we are grateful for the motivation and reasons you volunteer.
On Wednesday, we had a chance to honor volunteers with Volunteer Superlatives, to recognize those that go above and beyond for their chapters, committees, or boards. Below is a list of the winners:
Early Bird Award – John Hickson, CCA, FMP, CHESP, SNM, CDM, CFPP
Biggest Heart Award– Cindy Cothern, CDM, CFPP
Perpetual Smile Award – Ariel Womack, CDM, CFPP
Band-Aid Award – Janice Hemel, CDM, CFPP
On-the-Spot Award – Joey Rost, CDM, CFPP
Thursday, we sent a video message to all our volunteers from the ANFP National Staff, thanking all volunteers for your contributions that make our organization a success. To view the video, please click here. We hope you’ll share this with your employers and fellow members so they too, can understand the positive impact you have made on ANFP.
We rounded out the week with a giveaway of Visa gift cards to 8 lucky volunteers that were randomly selected from our entire pool of volunteers. Congratulations to these individuals!
A BIG thank you to all our volunteers! Your hard work and time given have not gone unnoticed and we hope that you feel appreciated by our members, Board, and staff. Thank you!
If you have suggestions for the 2023 Volunteer Appreciation Week, please contact Abigail Solazzo at