This month we are honoring Rejean Sheehy, CDM, CFPP of the Southern New England (SNE) ANFP Chapter as our Volunteer of the Month. Rejean first joined ANFP in 2013 after studying to earn his CDM, CFPP certification at the University of North Dakota. He attended several meetings and seminars and discovered a great interest in learning and professional development. For Rejean, volunteering was the first step to becoming more involved and networking with others who had a similar goal. About a year after learning different areas of chapter management and having gained a number of skills, he decided to take on the role of chapter secretary. He found out that he truly enjoyed listening to others in different areas of kitchens and the ideas they brought to the table. He currently serves as the chapter treasurer.
Being a volunteer for the SNE ANFP Chapter, Rejean was shown how to be a team player which gave him opportunities to listen and interact with other chapters as well as give and receive feedback. From these interactions, he has taught his fellow teammates what he’s learned and made an impact on others.
Going forward, Rejean will continue to encourage individuals in learning more about how the chapter functions and what it entails. He would also like to mentor and inspire future kitchen workers to advance as foodservice managers and develop an enhanced career in the field.
For those interested in volunteering or becoming engaged with the chapter, he states, “First step is to volunteer in your area and get a positive experience that will spark an interest to join your state ANFP chapter. Some people may hesitate in participating in chapter roles, but you will only know how rewarding it is when you encounter others in a similar role creating a team building network.”
Thank you, Rejean! Our chapters remain strong and successful because of volunteer like yourself. Your hard work and enthusiasm are greatly appreciated!
If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at