2025 Spring Virtual Meeting

Schedule may change without notice.

Thursday, April 3rd, 2025

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM CT

Level Up Your Leadership Skills for Your Food Career
1.25 GEN CE

You are one of the 14.5 million people in the United States employed in the food industry. You’re a part of a multi-million-person club, about 10% of the U.S. adult population, ensuring others enjoy food and drink each day. Clients, customers, and patients alike expect second-to-none food skills and social know-how skills. Beyond serving others, you want to continue to grow intellectually with inspiration and succeed in a bigger way. Start with a shared vision. Guiding with direction and focus, it enables others to re-imagine new endings and solutions. With everyone in and sharing the same vision, expect to experience a power for advancement and change. It’s about your leadership.


Learning Objectives:


- Differentiate between technical and organizational leadership, and the importance of each separately and together.

- Discuss approaches and considerations for communicating succinctly with storytelling.

- Describe three ways to evolve your leadership and communications skills. 



Cindy Goody, PhD, RDN 

  Cindy Goody

2:15 PM - 2:30 PM CT

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM CT

Survey Strategies: How to Successfully Navigate a Dietary Audit
1.5 SAN CE

Outside reviews of the dietary department can be a nerve-wracking process, whether an internal inspection, accrediting audit, or government survey. Knowing what to expect can greatly improve your survey outcomes. This session will explore what to expect from a survey, review systems and tools that can be used to maximize survey preparedness, and discuss how to best manage the kitchen while a survey is being conducted.


Learning Objectives:


- Define the type of dietary audits that occur and the key areas of sanitation and operations that can be reviewed.
- Describe tools and systems that can assist in self-review of the dietary department's preparedness for an audit. 
- Identify the steps that can be taken during an audit to successfully manage the process. 


Brittany Taylor, MS, RD, LDN

Brittany Taylor

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM CT


4:15 PM - 5:00 PM CT

Continuing Your Professional Development Journey: Updates and Policies
0.75 GEN CE

Join us for this session focusing on CBDM's Continuing Competence initiative. We'll delve into accessing the self-assessment tool, analyzing your learning plan, and accessing resources for ongoing professional development. If your certification cycle is up this year or next, this session is for you!

Learning Objectives:

- Gain deeper insight into CBDM's Continuing Competence initiative. 
- Discover the process of utilizing the self-assessment tool and identifying educational opportunities tailored to your needs. 
- Explore the implications of new policies on credential maintenance.


Jessica Weisbrich, RDN, LD, MS, CDM, CFPP

Jessica Weisbrich

Friday, April 4th, 2025

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM CT

Ethical Decision Making for Dietary Managers in Healthcare Settings
1.5 ETH CE

This session will give an overview of biomedical ethics, present frameworks for resolving ethical dilemmas that commonly arise in healthcare facilities where nutrition must be provided to patients, and apply these frameworks to cases that highlight challenges common in healthcare settings. This session meets the CEU ethics requirement for RDNs and DTRs. 

Learning Objectives:

- Define ethics and review the core principles of medical ethics.
- Describe ethical dilemmas in nutrition care and food service in health care settings.
- Clarify the role of the dietitian and food service manager in nutrition care dilemmas.
- Apply principles discussed through case studies.


Lisa Brown, PhD, RD, LDN

Lisa Brown

2:30 PM - 2:45 PM CT


2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CT

Uniting Generations: 5 Ways to Overcome Communication Barriers and Resolve Conflict
1.0 GEN CE

In today's dynamic workplace, a diverse tapestry is woven with the presence of five distinct generations. Join me as we embark on a detailed exploration of each generation, unraveling the unique threads that contribute to their essence. Delve into a transformative dialogue as we unveil five powerful strategies tailored for Effective Communication and Conflict Resolution across generations by leveraging the HEART framework to build successful relationships. The HEART framework includes the key components of a healthy relationship in a way that is easy to implement. Intergenerational conflicts will happen, and we need to understand the perspectives and motivations of each generation and avoid making assumptions or judgments based on age. In a healthy environment, confrontation is natural, and change is eventually necessary.

Learning Objectives:

- Understand tools to best manage conflict.
- Uncover the key characteristics and communication styles of five different generations in today's workplace.
- Understand how to implement five strategies for navigating communication across generations.


Coleen Gose, MBA

Coleen Gose

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM CT


4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CT

The Solution Room
1.0 GEN CE

In this interactive session, come with your biggest challenges in mind and discuss amongst your peers and panelists to find solutions. Often, the best way to learn is from others who have already overcome that challenge, or maybe you will have your own successes that will inspire others! Discuss the takeaways from the conference to discover how you can implement these ideas when you return to your organization. 

Through openness and discussion, discover ways to change your challenges to solutions!  This has become a regional meeting favorite session!


Felicia Smith, MHA, CDM, CFPP

Felicia Smith

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