CDM, CFPP of the Month - June 2024

Anuradha Sharma, CDM, CFPP

Name: Anuradha Sharma, CDM, CFPP

Job Title: Food Service Director

Employer: North Park Post Acute

Job Location: Tracy, CA

Years at Current Facility: 2

Years in Current Position: 12

CDM, CFPP Since: 2006


Why did you decide to become a CDM, CFPP?

I worked as a Dietitian in India before coming to United States. When I came to the USA I aspired to become a RD here but since I had to take care of my sons, I was not able to pursue my Masters. However, I always wanted to remain connected with my passion for patient care and nutrition. I decided to become CDM, CFPP because it would create the opportunities for me to create the fulfilling career I dreamt about while my sons were growing. So, Dietary Managers Association, now called ANFP, reviewed my transcripts (as I had a Masters degree in India) and they allowed me to take the CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam directly and that’s how I became a CDM, CFPP. 

What are your main responsibilities in your current position?

Managing and overseeing the Dietary Department to make sure each day-to-day operation is running smoothly, which includes making sure scheduling is covered for all positions, hiring, staff retention, performing sanitation audits, training development, and performance management. Other responsibilities include meal planning, inventory control, budgeting and purchasing. Additionally, I interact with numerous employees and residents on a daily basis directing daily food service operations, direct interaction with dietary staff, attending care conferences, attending QA meetings, and much more. 

How do you organize your time at work to make sure you accomplish all your responsibilities?

I feel I am very work driven and love to see work tasks finished. I try to stay focused on what needs to be done for that day. Each day, before I leave I write down what I need to work on getting accomplished for the next day so that when I come to work I have my to do list ready. It also helps to have daily goals in mind to push towards. Delegation is also important to implement.

What was your first job in the foodservice industry?

My first job in United States was working as Director of Dining Services in Golden Living Center, San Jose.

Who has been your biggest mentor in foodservice and how have they helped shape your career?

Until now throughout my career as a CDM, CFPP, I received an opportunity to learn from many people who I will always will be grateful for. A big thanks to Pamela Jones, RD, Mark Reyes, RDN, and Diane Zwang, RD, who always motivated me and supported me with their expertise. 

What are the biggest challenges you face in your position and how do you handle them?

Rising food costs and managing the budget.

What is your favorite part of your job?

Interacting with patients and honoring their food preferences is my favorite part of my job. I try my best to provide our patients with their specific food choices. I also take pride in the competence of my dietary staff. I rely on them to be confident and do their very best under pressure and, at all times, to satisfy the needs of our residents and honor their needs.

How do you stay up to date with current innovations and trends?

I am very much connected to ANFP news and in my free time I read articles in EDGE magazine to keep myself updated with current innovations and trends in the foodservice industry. 

How do you envision the foodservice industry changing in the next few years?

The foodservice industry continues to change and grow. The major things that I see being the biggest ‘hurdles’ are allergies, intolerances, and special diet requests. The generations getting older are more demanding and we may need to be more flexible to accommodate their needs. I feel it will be more liberal and geared toward person-centered care even more than what we are today.

What is your advice to those just getting started in the foodservice industry?

If you are passionate about working in the food industry, work hard and you can accomplish whatever you aspire to achieve. There are plenty of possibilities and opportunities. All you have to do is be a caring, passionate, and hardworking individual and have perseverance. Always be open minded to take the feedback in a positive way and seek out your team’s input. And never take a complaint personally. Look at it objectively and see how you can resolve the situation.