My Recipe for Success - May 2024

Sharon Vermeer, CDM, CFPP

Maurice, IA
ANFP Member since:1999

Sharon Vermeer, CDM, CFPP

Sharon Vermeer, CDM, CFPP is the Dining Services Manager at Orange City Area Health System in Maurice, IA. She has been a member of ANFP and a CDM, CFPP since 1999. She served as Chair of the ANFP Board of Directors during the 2018-19 volunteer year.

Recently a local second grade class was getting ready for parent teacher conferences. The teacher had them fill out a questionnaire of their behavior in the classroom. They could answer “never,” “sometimes” or “always.” One little boy filled his out, and had quite a few “sometimes.” The last question was “What do I think I could do better?” His answer: “I think I should fix my sometimes.” A profound thought! How many “sometimes” can we work to make into “always?”

When I looked at the questions, I felt that, with a little modification, they were applicable to all of us every day.  So, here’s my Top 10 Self-evaluation Statements (you can answer “never” “sometimes” or “always” yourselves). 

Sharon's Recipe for Success 

  1. I talk to people kindly. Speak calmly and kindly and not just snap orders. And not just to your friends, family and staff. A compliment to a random person may make their day.
  2. When other people talk, I listen. That’s listening not with just your ears, but your eyes and heart. Sometimes “I’m fine” really isn’t. 
  3. I let others learn by not distracting them. Give the people you are training complete directions (“go make a roux” is not complete). Then give them time to learn by guiding, not doing it for them.
  4. I am polite and respectful to all. Like the golden rule, treat others like you want to be treated. 
  5. I don't interrupt. Sometimes we want it to be all about us, so, although we are HEARING we are not LISTENING: we are really just waiting for the other person to be done talking so we can tell OUR story. Instead, when things are more serious, take a breath and let it out before starting to speak. Maybe they have more to say. Maybe they just want to be heard. Allowing them that luxury can bring down the stress level in the room.
  6. I begin and finish my work on time. You can put in 50-60 hours at work (I admit, sometimes it’s necessary). Or you can have a life. If you are regularly working that many hours, find ways to cut back. Delegate. Make prioritized lists. Ask for help. Protect your mental health! 
  7. I try my hardest. Always do your best. Remember you are a mentor! And have fun with your staff, even if it’s just posting a joke of the day or bringing in donuts. Find ways to let them know you appreciate them regularly.
  8. I ask for help when I don't know what to do. See #6: Delegate. Prioritize.  Ask for help. If no one knows what you are going through, how can they help? Ask questions on ANFPConnect: a great resource!
  9. My work is always neat and I use my best handwriting. We all use computers. However you communicate, make sure you do it often and openly. The better informed your staff is, the better they feel. And they’ll be more supportive if they understand the “why.”
  10. I try to be awesome! Ok, this one is mine. One of my favorite quotes is from Mark Sanborn: “No one can prevent you from choosing to be exceptional.” Make a difference in people’s lives by paying attention and offering great customer service. Everything else will follow. 

Choose to be excpetional!

Nominate Yourself or a Fellow ANFP Member

Have you spent a career in foodservice? Share your wisdom and advice in a new feature from ANFP. My Recipe for Success is aimed at retired members or those who have spent a long career in foodservice. Share the biggest lessons you’ve learned to a lengthy, fruitful, and successful career in the non-commercial foodservice industry. 

Nomination Form

My Recipe for Success Archive

January 2021 - Dorothy Radermacher, CDM, CFPP
March 2021 - Wanda Dickson, CDM, CFPP
May 2021 - Tom Thaman, CDM, CFPP
July 2021 - Chef Richard "Nick" Nickless, CEC, CCA, AAC, CDM, CFPP
September 2021 - Karen Swift, CDM, CFPP
November 2021 - Paula Bradley, CDM, CFPP
January 2022 - Deborah McDonald, CDM, CFPP
March 2022 - Trish De Leo, CDM, CFPP
May 2022 - Deb Dawson, CDM, CFPP
July 2022 - Rosalind Davis, CDM, CFPP
September 2022 - Ken Owens, CDM, CFPP
November 2022 - Janice Hemel, CDM, CFPP
January 2023 - Bonna Brown, CDM, CFPP
March 2023 - Becky Massey, CDM, CFPP
May 2023 -  Colleen Zenk, CDM, CFPP
July 2023 - Joey Rost, CDM, CFPP
September 2023 - Milton McGowian, DBA, FMP, CDM, CFPP
November 2023 - Robert McKeon, CDM, CFPP
January 2024 - Hunter Hying, CDM, CFPP
March 2024 - Kim Kyle, CDM, CFPP