My Recipe for Success - November 2021
Paula Bradley, CDM, CFPP
Protection, KS
ANFP Member since: 1990
Paula Bradley, CDM, CFPP is the CDM, Dietary Supervisor at Protection Valley Manor in Protection, Kansas. She has over 40 years of experience in food service. She has been a CDM, CFPP since 1991 and a member of ANFP since 1990. Below are Paula’s best pieces of advice for a long and successful foodservice career.
Paula's Recipe for Success
Have a positive attitude. You set the tone for your department.
- Promote leadership of your staff. Making your staff feel good about themselves will lead to a positive environment.
Encourage your staff to think on their own (with guidance).
- Always lead by example. Walk your talk.
- Don’t be afraid to make suggestions or comments. Take pride in your abilities. Just always make sure you have the information or documentation to justify your ideas.
Laugh. It makes everyone feel good.
Play dumb! Play dumb by asking questions even when you already know the answers. When you ask questions, it may help others see the bigger picture. Sometimes it’s best to let others get the glory.
Don’t get upset over the little stuff. Most of those life lessons are grooming you for bigger and better things.
No one is perfect. Always try to see the good side of everyone and everything that happens.
Support your staff when they want to improve themselves.
Praise your staff for great job performance, positive attitude, doing the extra things and working when they are not scheduled and are filling in. Everyone wants to be appreciated.
Don’t be afraid to share your knowledge. We never know when the Good Lord will take us. Prepare your staff to survive without you…even when they don’t want to learn.
Be a good listener! Sometimes, we just need to not say anything.
To me, success is when I help others to succeed.
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Have you spent a career in foodservice? Share your wisdom and advice in a new feature from ANFP. My Recipe for Success is aimed at retired members or those who have spent a long career in foodservice. Share the biggest lessons you’ve learned to a lengthy, fruitful, and successful career in the non-commercial foodservice industry.