CE Prior Approval Process for Chapters – Changes and Updates
In our December issue of Volunteer Leader, we announced new changes to the CE prior approval process for chapters. We also included a brief description of several tools and resources that will be available. Included in those listed were the Top 10 lists and an updated evaluation form template. Below are additional details about each resource.
One of the new resources that will be available to our chapters are the Top 10 lists. You may be familiar with these lists and regularly use them as a resource in your facility or with your staff. For those that are not familiar with the Top 10 lists, take a moment to review what we have available here. Two lists that will be readily available in June cover the top 10 best practices for meeting planning and presentations. While there are important components to each, we have narrowed down the steps in these crucial processes. We will continue to develop these lists in order to simplify the prior approval and meeting planning processes.
In addition to the Top 10 lists, we have revised the evaluation form template. Though it may look very similar to the current version, we have added a few additional questions that will serve the chapter well for future meetings. As this serves as template, chapter leaders will still be able to format and edit the document to fit their needs.
To learn more about these resources as well as the changes to the process, please register for the March 18th webinar.
CE Chapter Approval Process Updates & Changes – Webinar
Please mark your calendar for Wednesday, March 18, 2:00 PM CST, for the live webinar addressing changes and updates to the CE prior approval process for chapters. Registration is required for the webinar. To register, please click here. For those that are not able to join us, the webinar will be recorded and available for viewing following the live program.