This month we are honoring Felix Jones, CDM, CFPP, of the Georgia (GA) ANFP Chapter as our Volunteer of the Month.
Felix joined ANFP in 2017 when his employer, Ethica Health and Retirement Communities, gave him the opportunity to learn and grow with his responsibilities. After earning the CDM, CFPP credential in 2018, he started volunteering with ANFP by recruiting members to attend state chapter meetings. He also helped secure event sponsorships by asking local vendors and employers to participate in GA ANFP’s chapter meetings.
During a chapter meeting in Atlanta, Felix was approached by Regina St. Clair, GA ANFP’s president, and she asked him if he would be interested in running for president-elect, which he was nominated for in June 2020. In addition to Felix’s ANFP volunteer work, he has also served as a preceptor for CDM, CFPP students since 2018.
One of the biggest impacts Felix has made was building a relationship with a Georgia House Representative. This gave the chapter a direct link in the state of Georgia to listen to their needs, find out what ANFP stands for, and all that it represents, including the importance of recognizing CDM, CFPPs throughout the state and country. In addition, Felix has been an integral part in increasing awareness of ANFP and how we support continued education, skills, and expertise of every CDM, CFPP in the foodservice industry. Felix knows that being recognized will help the association grow in credibility and reputation.
Moving forward, Felix would like to see more participation during chapter events. As president-elect, he wants to continue to pass the torch and help the organization move in a strategic direction for the upcoming term and foreseeable future. He would also like to help build a very diverse and cohesive board. Felix believes diversity is vital to our success, bringing together a board that is a mixture of different cultures, backgrounds, experiences, and opinions will help the chapter foster progressive change and introduce collaborative teamwork. He believes strength lies in differences, not in similarities.
Felix’s advice for those that are hesitant about becoming a volunteer is “not to let fear hold them back from moving forward and advancing in their professional careers. Speak to inspiring co-workers, former members, especially those with longevity. Take a leap of faith and step out into something new. I did and I’ve never regretted it. Volunteering gives you a chance to make a difference!”
Thank you, Felix! Your continued advocacy for the credential, and your hard work and dedication to ANFP are greatly appreciated! Volunteers like you keep our chapters strong and growing.
If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at