• ROOTS Roundup

    Mar 29, 2021 by Emily Harris

    WELCOME to the Spring edition of ROOTS Roundup! In this newsletter you will read about what is happening at ANFP Headquarters, updates from your Government Affairs Committee, and valuable information you can share with your state chapter and leaders.

    As the primary education and certifying organization of dietary managers, ANFP serves as a clearinghouse for members to access dietary staffing regulations in long-term care facilities and hospitals in their state. To stay current, ANFP conducts an annual review of regulatory requirements with Health Departments across the US. A current copy of these requirements is available online under the “Resources” tab.

    We are pleased to share that Kentucky, New Hampshire and Texas have adopted the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regulations that list the CDM, CFPP as the primary qualification for the Director of Food and Nutrition Services in the absence of a full-time dietitian, bringing the total number of states that recognize the credential to 21! View a complete list of these states here.

    Several health department representatives confirmed during the annual review that their state is planning to revise the staffing regulations by incorporating the CMS rules to ensure consistency with state law.

    As a result of the CMS regulations, congressional legislation is no longer needed to establish training and certification requirements for the Director of Food and Nutrition Services. However, the focus continues to be on implementing the regulations at the state level.

    ANFP’s Government Affairs committee and ANFP chapter’s spokesperson volunteers continue to advocate for CDM, CFPPs with local and state legislators providing a toolkit and data statistics that include the current number of states that recognize the credential, a map outlining the number of long-term care facilities and ANFP-approved programs in each state. Connecting with legislators provides an opportunity to share impactful stories and to make a difference on the issues that CDM, CFPPs care about!

    Also, in pursuit of new pathways for the CDM, CFPP credential, ANFP is working to sponsor a U.S. Dept. of Labor (DOL) recognized youth apprenticeship program with help from the Urban Institute. The Urban Institute received a $2 million annual grant from DOL in 2020 to establish more youth apprenticeship programs and has been assisting ANFP with all aspects of the application process to become a youth apprenticeship national sponsor that would include funding of up to $1,000 per apprentice.

    Learn more about the GrassROOTS initiatives or join the cause and become a member of the network here. Please also consider giving to ANFP’s political action committee, ANFP-PAC, which is integral to our visibility and success on Capitol Hill.

  • Food for Thought

    Mar 04, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Spring is a time of year for growth and change for many of us, and that is also true of our chapters and how we approach meetings and volunteer roles. In the coming weeks, we are providing chapter volunteer leaders with two new resources that will help our chapters adapt to the changing world of meetings and introduce a new volunteer role to raise awareness of ANFP. 

    On Monday, March 8, at 2:00 p.m. CST, join us for Chapter Best Practices to discuss virtual chapter meetings. We will be speaking with Regina St. Clair, CDM, CFPP, the current GA ANFP chapter president. The GA chapter hosted a very successful virtual meeting in the fall of 2020. During this webinar, participants can expect to learn about:

    • Virtual Platform Options - There are many platforms available for video conferences. We will review various options that are available and how to determine what best fits the needs of your virtual meetings as well as attendees.
    • Technology Advantages & Disadvantages - Technology has its benefits but also has its drawbacks. We will discuss each of these as well as provide options to overcome these disadvantages.
    • Challenges of Virtual Meetings - For many of us, the world of virtual meetings is new. Learning the technology, facilitating sessions, and engaging members using a virtual platform are just a few of the challenges. Learn how to troubleshoot and prepare for these situations.
    • Best Practices - Like all meetings, there are best practices that should be considered when planning your virtual meeting. We will review these and have the opportunity for others to share their own best practices as well.

    To attend Chapter Best Practices - Virtual Meetings, please pre-register by clicking on the link below.


    Then, on Wednesday, April 7, at 2:00 p.m. CST, we will host another webinar; Chapter Brand Ambassador Role - Increasing the Awareness of ANFP and the CDM, CFPP. We will introduce the role of chapter Brand Ambassador. We will be speaking with Barbara Thomsen, CDM, CFPP, as well as Mindy Theesfeld and Jay CariƄo of ANFP Staff. During this webinar, participants will learn about the following:

    • Role & Responsibilities - Learn about this new and exciting volunteer opportunity and the responsibilities that are part of the role and how the Brand Ambassador fits in with chapter leadership.
    • Tools & Resources - We have developed tools and resources to support those in this role. They will be included in a toolkit that will be available on ANFPConnect in early April.
    • Government Affairs Involvement - One of the ways Brand Ambassadors can help to increase awareness is to become knowledgeable about ANFP's government affairs initiatives. Learn about tools and resources available for these initiatives and how we can support these efforts.
    • Best Practices - Like Chapter Best Practices, we will also discuss the best practices for this role. These practices will help our Brand Ambassadors succeed in their role and support the chapter to bring awareness of ANFP and CDM, CFPPs.

    To attend the Chapter Brand Ambassador Role - Increasing the Awareness of ANFP and the CDM, CFPP, please pre-register using the link below.


  • Volunteer of the Month

    Mar 04, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    This month we are honoring Chef Rick Schmitt, CDM, CFPP, of the South Carolina ANFP chapter as our Volunteer of the Month. Rick first joined ANFP in 2005 and began volunteering with the chapter in various roles. Rick is currently serving his third term as chapter president, having previously served in 2009 and 2015. Rick has also served in roles including, but not limited to, spokesperson, webmaster, program chair, and on the Impact Team. He is also a Leadership Institute Alumni.

    Rick’s service to the SC ANFP chapter has brought much stability in times of instability. He has done so by following the chapter’s governing documents, applying best practices, and mentoring new volunteers to maintain consistency and develop future leaders. Additionally, Rick has made a major impact in South Carolina in advocating for the CDM, CFPP credential and for ANFP. His knowledge and experience with advocacy have made him an ideal mentor to other chapter leaders looking to make the same impact in their states.

    Looking ahead, Rick is looking forward to things returning to pre-COVID-19 normal. Rick has seen the significant impact of COVID-19 restrictions on our members' ways of teaching, networking, and functioning as an organization, which has been felt throughout the industry. Rick understands ANFP, and our members appreciate and value the time we spend face to face. He believes the educational opportunities that are offered to our members, whether through the chapters or headquarters, not only give members the necessary education they need to remain leaders in the foodservice industry in normal times, but it also provide a reason to get away, network, and take care of ourselves outside of the everyday grind.

    When it comes to volunteering, Rick believes everyone is good at something and everyone has a unique talent to offer. He also feels each organization needs a variety of talented members to bring in fresh ideas, and all help is welcomed.

    Rick, thank you for the many years of service and hard work! Your dedication to the South Carolina chapter and to ANFP are greatly valued and appreciated, and we look forward to our continued work together!

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Important Dates & Deadlines

    Mar 04, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Chapter Rebate Revised Requirements

    Chapters need to submit the following as soon as possible in order to be eligible for the second rebate.

    • Bank statements for the month of October 2020 to ANFP Headquarters
    • Most recent copy of bylaws
    • Most recent copy of policies & procedures
    • Revised chapter achievement report (part 2)
    • 990 e-receipt (if not submitted prior)
  • Changes & Updates

    Mar 04, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    CDM, CFPP Recognition Opportunities

    A few months ago, you received an e-mail regarding new CDM, CFPP recognition opportuniteis. Opportunities include CDM, CFPP of the Month, What CDM, CFPP Means to Me, Everyday Heroes, Career Reflections, and My Recipe for Success. For more information regarding these recognition opportunities, or to submit a nomination, please click here.

    Additionally, if you or a chapter leader you know would like to be featured as the Volunteer of the Month, please e-mail Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

    Call for Proposals

    We are now accepting speaker proposals for the 2021 ANFP Meetings & events season! The safety of our members and attendees always comes first – we are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation, but we are optimistic that we will be able to meet again in person in 2021. As a CDM, CFPP and an ANFP volunteer, I invite you to take this opportunity to share your expertise with your industry colleagues. All topics are welcome, but trending topics we are aiming to include are crisis management, labor issues, staff recruitment and retention, and more. For more information, or to submit your proposal, please visit our Call for Proposals webpage.

  • Chapter Champions

    Mar 04, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo
    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion here.
  • Food For Thought

    Feb 05, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    For most of us, we are nearing the end of winter and heading towards positive changes with the upcoming spring season. For chapters, this also means meetings season. Our meetings have looked a little different this year, and spring meetings may follow the same format. While we would like to meet in person, this may not be feasible for all members at this time. However, we can still conduct many components of the meeting as well as chapter business virtually or electronically, and reap the benefits from this type of structure. 

    Education – Sessions can still be conducted via Zoom or other video platforms. One of the benefits of this format is that you can still have multiple speakers present, at a much lower cost due to travel being eliminated. Additionally, these sessions can be recorded and viewed at a later time for members that are not able to participate in the live event. Attendees are still able to interact with the speakers and earn CE without having to go anywhere.

    Elections/Ballots – Many chapters hold their elections at spring meetings. This can also be done electronically. SurveyMonkey allows votes to be cast anonymously and automatically, taking out some of the work of tallying votes. Chapters may also want to consider sending out e-ballots that allow members to cast their vote via e-mail.  

    Networking – Networking in person is ideal, but it does not mean it can’t be done virtually. Think about hosting a happy hour at the end of the day, roundtable discussions over lunch, or chatting over coffee prior to the start of the meeting. Offer a new or prospective member meet-up, with your long-time members hosting the event. Each can be done using a video platform like Zoom.  

    Vendor Show – Vendor or exhibit halls can still be done virtually as well. Invite your vendors to give a brief presentation on their products or services. This can be done live or pre-recorded with links to individual vendor presentations. Both your members and vendors will appreciate the opportunity to build their relationships with one another until they can meet face-to-face. 

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Feb 05, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    This month we are honoring Deborah McDonald, CDM, CFPP, of the Texas ANFP chapter as our Volunteer of the Month. Debbie first joined ANFP in 1990 and began to volunteer with her chapter in 1992. Since then, Debbie has served in multiple roles for many years, not only at the chapter level but at the national level as well. Debbie has served in just about every chapter position that is available including president, webmaster, travel chair, spokesperson, and education chair.  

    At the national level, Debbie served as Chair (including Chair-Elect and Immediate Past Chair) from 2015-2016. She has also served on several committees including the Leadership Development Committee, Program Review Committee, Professional Development Committee, Chapter Leadership Team, and Item Writers Committee. She has also served on the CBDM board and is an alumnus of the Leadership Institute. She was the recipient of the much-deserved Legacy Award in 2020.

    Having volunteered with ANFP for many years in various roles, Debbie has made a positive and long-lasting impact through her leadership. She is well regarded by members and vendors because of her consistency and dependability. She is the “go to” for members for answers to questions and support. With her patience, knowledge of ANFP and the industry, as well as experience, she has successfully mentored many members over the years.. Debbie is a team player and continuous advocate for ANFP. When speaking with administrators, food service workers, high school students and political representatives she is passionate about ANFP, which proves to be contagious.   

    Moving forward, Debbie would like to see more participation from chapter members, better communication, and increased mentoring opportunities for incoming members. She would also like to see the TX chapter win the coveted Diamond Award. 

    Lastly, for those that are considering volunteering with their chapter, but haven’t had the courage, Debbie states, “Volunteering is a great learning experience. There are perks for volunteering, such as support to participate at ACE. The more members volunteer, the more they would know about the organization. There are resources, seasoned members, and ANFP staff to assist you in all areas throughout the organization. You will have the opportunity to meet new people and network across all 50 sates.”

    Debbie, your contributions and dedication to ANFP and the TX chapter are unmatched! We are very grateful to have volunteers like you and the hard work you have done over the years!  

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please e-mail Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org


  • Changes & Updates

    Feb 05, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    New CDM, CFFP Recognition Opportunities

    We have recently implemented a number of new CDM, CFPP recognition opportunities. Opportunities include, CDM of the Month, What CDM Means to Me, Career Reflections, My Recipe for Success and Everyday Hero. For more information on these recognition opportunities or to submit a nomination, please click here

    Additionally, if you or a chapter leader you know would like to be featured as the Volunteer of the Month, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org

    Call for Proposals

    We are now accepting speaker proposals for the 2021 ANFP Meetings & events season! The safety of our members and attendees always comes first – we are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation, but we are optimistic that we will be able to meet again in person in 2021. As a CDM, CFPP and an ANFP volunteer, I invite you to take this opportunity to share your expertise with your industry colleagues. All topics are welcome, but trending topics we are aiming to include are crisis management, labor issues, staff recruitment and retention, and more. For more information, or to submit your proposal, please visit our Call for Proposals webpage.

  • Important Dates & Deadlines

    Feb 05, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

     Chapter Rebate Revised Requirements

    Deadline: January 15, 2021

    Chapters needed to submit the following by January 15, 2021 (except bank statement) to be eligible for the second rebate.

    • Bank statements for the month of October 2020 to ANFP Headquarters (Due November 30)
    • Most recent copy of bylaws
    • Most recent copy of policies & procedures
    • Revised chapter achievement report (part 2)
    • 990 e-receipt (if not submitted prior)
  • Chapter Champions

    Feb 05, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo
    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.
  • Food For Thought

    Jan 13, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo
    Happy New Year to our Chapter Leaders! A new year means a chance for a fresh start. It is often the time of year that many of us are looking forward to what is ahead and planning accordingly. This often entails making plans that include an evaluation of projects or situations, making a timeline, and determining what resources are needed to help us achieve our goals. Chapter goals and plans are no different. They require foresight and well-thought-out tactics to help support the completion of the goals and plan for the year ahead. If your chapter has not done so already, consider taking the following steps to make sure you are prepared for the year ahead. 

    Member Survey – Now is a great time to distribute a member satisfaction survey. This will give your chapter time to analyze the data or responses and adjust the strategic plan or chapter goals to better serve members and meet their needs before the start of the new volunteer year. A survey template is available on ANFPConnect to help your chapter get started. 

    Review and evaluate goals/strategic plan – Annually reviewing the chapter’s strategic plan or goals is always a good idea. It keeps the goals at the forefront of discussions as well as provides time to reflect on what the chapter has accomplished. Evaluate the progress and decide what needs to be done to complete them by the assigned deadline. Revise or develop tactics necessary to achieve the goal. Keep your members’ needs in mind. 

    Required Resources – After reviewing chapter goals and/or strategic plan, you will need to determine what resources are required to complete the goal. Ask yourselves “what do we need to complete the goal?” It could mean more volunteers, more time, additional financial support, focus groups/surveys, or additional information and data to achieve the goal. 

    Checklist/Timeline – Plans should have a timeline or checklist assigned to the tasks needed to support the goal as well. Set target dates to have certain projects or tasks completed. Send reminders to project owners and check in with them regularly to ensure they stay on schedule. Or, set reminders for yourself to complete tasks in a timely manner. A checklist template is available on ANFPConnect. 

    Seek out your replacements – Take a look at when your current volunteers’ terms will end. If the term(s) end May 31, 2021, now is the time for them to begin looking for their replacement if they have not already. Current volunteers should always be on the lookout for their replacements or additional volunteers. Seek out those individuals that are engaged or looking for new challenges, or individuals that would be a good fit for the role. 

    Committee and Task Force Needs – On the same note of seeking your own replacement, the board will also want to determine volunteer needs for any committees or task forces for the next volunteer year. Members of standing committees should be decided prior to June, same as all other volunteer roles. Task forces, ad-hoc committees, or advisory groups can be created as needed throughout the year but should still be included as part of the strategic plan if possible. 
  • Volunteer of the Month

    Jan 13, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo


    This month we are honoring Bonna Brown, CDM, CFPP of the Maryland, Delaware, DC (MD, DE, DC) ANFP chapter as our Volunteer of the Month. Bonna first joined ANFP in1984 when it was known as HIEFSS. She then became certified as a CDM in 1987. Bonna spent many years in various roles in the foodservice industry, starting with volunteering in her school cafeteria in high school. She eventually found her way to Cedar Ridge Children’s Home & School where she recently retired after 40 years of dedicated service.  

    Bonna has also held several volunteer roles throughout her long career. Starting in 1985, she was the MD chapter hospitality chairperson and has continued to serve in this role in some capacity throughout the years. She served as the membership chairperson for the Western district during that time as well. Then, in 1996, she began to volunteer at the chapter level as the treasurer and continues to serve in this role today. She was honored as the chapters ‘Dietary Manager of the Year’ in 1999 as well as the MD, DE, DC ANFP ‘CDM of the Year’ in 2018.

    As a volunteer through the years, Bonna’s biggest impact has been to maintain financial stability for the chapter. Through her leadership, consistency, and transparency, the chapter audits prove the finances to be error free during her time as treasurer. She would like to see this continue with another volunteer willing to take on the role of treasurer.
    As members contemplate volunteering with the chapter, Bonna states, “My advice to members looking to volunteer is to start small. Volunteer for jobs that you would be comfortable doing. I like bookkeeping and numbers, so treasurer was a job I could do. It was well within my comfort zone and I have enjoyed the job.”

    Thank you Bonna for your many years of service and the positive impact you have had on the MD, DE, DC, chapter! ANFP is grateful for dedicated and hardworking volunteers like you! 

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org

  • Important Dates & Deadlines

    Jan 13, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo
    Deadline: January 15, 2021

    Chapters will need to submit the following by January 15, 2021 (except bank statement) to be eligible for the second rebate. 

    • Bank statements for the month of October 2020 to ANFP Headquarters (Due November 30 - Past Due)
    • Most recent copy of bylaws
    • Most recent copy of policies & procedures
    • Revised chapter achievement report (part 2)
    • 990 e-receipt (if not submitted prior)
  • Changes & Updates

    Jan 13, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo
    New CDM, CFFP Recognition Opportunities

    Last month you received an email regarding new CDM, CFPP recognition opportunities. Opportunities include CDM of the Month, What CDM Means to Me, Career Reflections, My Recipe for Success, and Everyday Heroes. For more information on these recognition opportunities or to submit a nomination, please click here

    Additionally, if you or a chapter leader you know would like to be featured as the Volunteer of the Month, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org
    Call for Proposals

    We are now accepting speaker proposals for the 2021 ANFP Meetings & events season! The safety of our members and attendees always comes first – we are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation, but we are optimistic that we will be able to meet again in person in 2021. While we are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation, we are optimistic that we will be able to meet again in person in 2021. As a CDM, CFPP and an ANFP volunteer, I invite you to take this opportunity to share your expertise with your industry colleagues. All topics are welcome, but trending topics we are aiming to include are crisis management, labor issues, staff recruitment and retention, and more. For more information, or to submit your proposal, please visit our Call for Proposals webpage.
  • Food For Thought

    Dec 03, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo
    With less than a month of 2020 remaining, we can begin to look forward to the new year and some positive changes ahead, whether that be within your personal and/or professional life. This year has brought many challenges, most notably the impact COVID-19 has had on our members. However, they continue to persevere, as they always do. Their actions also prove they continue to strive to meet ANFP’s mission; Position the CDM, CFPP as the expert in Foodservice Management and Food Safety. We also hope they strive to meet their own personal mission and goals, which will differ from member to member. While you may have your personal and career goals, consider creating your own mission statement as we move into the new year. A personal mission statement may help you further define your goals as well as volunteer or career aspirations. It can be a reminder, especially during difficult times, what your end goal is and what that looks like. When developing your personal mission statement, there are a few pointers to keep in mind. 

    Different Styles – First, there are three different, but well recognized, styles of mission statements; single sentence, paragraph (or two), or a list of objectives, e.g., I will…, I will…

    Necessary Steps – Second, when developing your personal mission statement, take these four steps or ask yourself these questions. 

    • Step 1 - Mission statements require action. Start by writing down three action verbs that are meaningful to you (i.e. serve, devote, lead, cultivate, build, etc.)
    • Step 2 - Ask yourself, what do you stand for? What principle, cause, value, or purpose would you be willing to devote your life to? What is always driving you? Some examples: joy, service, justice, family, creativity, freedom, equality, faith, excellence, etc. 
    • Step 3 - Whom are you here to help? Write down three groups or causes you are passionate about. For example: senior citizens, environment, family, education, youth, children, homeless, literacy. Other examples: volunteers, cancer patients, etc. 
    • Step 4 - Put it together. Last, take what you have developed through the steps of self-discovery and build your statement. 
    • My mission is to .. (your three verbs),(your core value), to, for, or with (the group(s) or cause). 

    Here are a few examples: 

    “To promote safety, well-being, and self-esteem for all children.”

    “I will live each day with respect for myself and others, facing challenges as they come and learning from my mistakes in order to become a stronger person.”

    “To inhale every sunrise and look under every rock for the joy life has to offer.”

    Consider taking the time to create your own personal mission statement before the new year.

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Dec 03, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo

    Jeannie McGovern, CDM, CFPP

    This month we are honoring Jeannie McGovern, CDM, CFPP, of the Florida (FL) ANFP chapter as our Volunteer of the Month. Jeannie joined ANFP in 1996 while a student at the University of Florida, and began her volunteer career at the district level, eventually moving on to serve at the state level. Over the years, she has held many volunteer positions with FL ANFP including district president, chapter secretary, and co-treasurer, as well as newsletter editor, education chair, webmaster, and government affairs liaison.

    Jeannie started her career in foodservice as a cook at a truck stop in Lloyd, FL. However, she would later make the switch into healthcare (LTC) as an inventory clerk/sanitation for the Dietary Department of Brynwood Nursing Center (formerly Meadowbrook Manor) in Monticello, FL. Currently, Jeannie is employed at Westminster Oaks in Tallahassee, FL where she is one of the Clinical Nutrition Supervisors.

    Through her mentor, Virgie Reams, Jeannie was urged to obtain her certification in dietary management. Jeannie gained her certification via dietetic correspondence course taught by Ruby Puckett, who was the instructor at the University of Florida in Gainesville at the time. After earning her CDM, CFPP, Jeannie worked in several LTC facilities from the Florida panhandle to Georgia. Jeannie prides herself on being able to teach others what she has learned in her experiences as a dietary manager and as part of ANFP.

    As a long-time volunteer, Jeannie is the “glue” that holds the chapter together. She regularly communicates with National on behalf of the chapter, in addition to stepping into roles to ensure the job duties are completed, outside of her current roles. Moving forward, Jeannie would like to see Florida back on the map as the foremost chapter within ANFP. 

    As someone who has dedicated many years to ANFP and the FL chapter, Jeannie states, “Don’t hesitate to volunteer. You can bring your creativity, your business sense. If you are someone that likes to get involved, likes to get things done, come on board."

    We thank you, Jeannie! Your dedication, hard work and perseverance are immensely appreciated and an inspiration to our members.

    We are grateful for you and your contributions and time given to the organization over the years! Thank you, Jeannie!

  • Changes & Updates

    Dec 03, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo
    New CDM, CFPP Recognition Opportunities

    Last month you received an email regarding new CDM, CFPP recognition opportunities. Opportunities include CDM of the Month, What CDM Means to Me, Career Reflections, My Recipe for Success, and Everyday Hero. For more information on these recognition opportunities or to submit a nomination, please click here

    Additionally, if you or a chapter leader you know would like to be featured as the Volunteer of the Month, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

    Call for Proposals

    We are now accepting speaker proposals for the 2021 ANFP Meetings & events season! The safety of our members and attendees always comes first – we are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation, but we are optimistic that we will be able to meet again in person in 2021. While we are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation, we are optimistic that we will be able to meet again in person in 2021. As a CDM, CFPP and an ANFP volunteer, I invite you to take this opportunity to share your expertise with your industry colleagues. All topics are welcome, but trending topics we are aiming to include are crisis management, labor issues, staff recruitment and retention, and more. For more information, or to submit your proposal, please visit our Call for Proposals webpage.

    Chapter Rebate Revised Requirements

    Chapters will need to submit the following by January 15, 2021 (except bank statement) to be eligible for the second rebate.

    • Bank statements for the month of October 2020 to ANFP Headquarters (due November 30)
    • Most recent copy of bylaws
    • Most recent copy of policies & procedures
    • Revised chapter achievement report (part 2)
    • 900 e-receipt (if not submitted prior)
  • Chapter Champions

    Dec 03, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo
      Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion here
  • Food For Thought

    Nov 05, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo
    It may be hard to believe, but 2021 is less than two months away. Some may be looking forward to a fresh start and new beginnings that accompany a new year. We may also have ideas and goals that we are starting to cultivate for the next year, whether they are personal, or chapter related. Developing goals for ourselves or for our chapter should follow a simple acronym: SMARTER. Some may be familiar with SMART goals, which is still relevant, but SMARTER takes it two steps further to help develop our goals as well as be more accountable. When developing goals, here are few ideas to keep in mind when going through the process:

    Specific — The goal addresses a particular problem or need or action step and is worded clearly. For example, "To save the world" is not specific; "To recycle my water bottles" is. 

    Measurable — How will you know that you have met the goal? What will be the evidence or the end result? 

    Agreed — If working with another person, both have clearly spoken and agreed to the goal as a next step. If this is a personal goal, you may want to "ritualize" your commitment in some way. Achievable is also tied to SMART goals, however, ‘agreed’ tends to bring an emotional aspect to the goal. 

    Realistic — The goal is achievable and can be accomplished with reasonable expectations of time and resources.

    Time-bound — What is the specific date by which you will take the next step, and what is each subsequent step toward completing your goal? What is the absolute deadline for achieving it? 

    Ethical — The goal will bring no harm to me nor to anyone else. Will the goal positively affect myself or others? 

    Recorded — Has the decision to meet this goal been recorded anywhere? How will you keep written track of your progress in meeting the goal?

    After creating the goal statement, review the language to ensure SMARTER is part of the goal.