• CDM of the Month

    Feb 05, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo

    One of the many ways ANFP likes to recognize our members is presenting an award for CDM of the Month. ANFP recognizes a CDM each month who has incorporated an innovative program or operational change in their facility/organization that has received positive results for the facility, staff, or residents. The CDM of the Month is featured on ANFP social media, in eNews, on www.ANFPonline.org and in the Edge Magazine CDM Spotlight feature.

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another member, please click here to complete the nomination form.

  • Chapter Champions

    Feb 05, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

    Congratulations to the following Chapter Champions!

    Illinois ANFP
    Indiana ANFP
    Iowa ANFP
  • Important Dates & Deadlines

    Feb 05, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo

    ANFP offers an adversity rebate for chapters that need additional financial assistance in addition to their bi-annual rebate and revenue produced from chapter programs. The adversity rebate is to help off-set ANFP chapter operational costs related to meetings, programs, or other initiatives. The next deadline for the adversity application is March 1, 2020. If approved, the rebate will be distributed by March 30 and expenditure should be completed by April 30. Applications are accepted quarterly and can be found on ANFPConnect, Volunteer Resources, Chapter Management.

    The January rebate requirements deadline has passed. The following items are now overdue:

    • Bylaws - Reviewed by all board members. Edited as needed.
    • Policies & Procedures - Reviewed by all board members. Edited as needed.
    • Bi-Annual Chapter Achievement Rebate Report - Download from the chapter portal.
    • Annual Succession Plan - Download outline from the chapter portal.
    • ACE Award Nomination - For more information or to submit a nomination, please click here.

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Feb 05, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo

    Cathy Oberbeck

    This month we are featuring Cathy Oberbeck, CDM, CFPP of the UT ANFP chapter. Cathy began her career in 1981 as a kitchen supervisor and consistently rose up through ranks throughout her forty-year career, where she is currently the Patient Services Manager overseeing 500 beds in an acute care setting.

    Cathy earned her CDM, CFPP in 2007 and began volunteering with the chapter that same year as the Newsletter Editor. After serving as the Newsletter Editor for four years, Cathy stepped into the role of President, which she still holds today. Cathy has also served on three national committees: the Leadership Development Committee, Program Review Committee, and the Professional Development Committee.

    While serving on the chapter board of directors, Cathy has ensured her members have access to free CEs. One way she ensures this is by partnering with local and national sponsors that have donated their time and provided speakers at meetings.

    Moving forward, Cathy would like to see the new volunteers move into leadership roles that will bring in fresh ideas and a new perspective on chapter management and the foodservice industry. Additionally, the chapter is exploring the possibility of virtual meetings as well as microlearning as an education option for busy members.

    Through volunteering, Cathy has found camaraderie among other volunteers as well as CDMs and has been able to share challenges as well as successes with those she has connected with.

    Congratulations to Cathy and the many years of success as a volunteer as well as a CDM! We appreciate all that you have done for your chapter as well as ANFP!

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • CE Prior Approval Process for Chapters - Changes & Updates

    Feb 05, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo

    CE Prior Approval Process for Chapters – Changes and Updates

    In our December issue of Volunteer Leader, we announced new changes to the CE prior approval process for chapters. We also included a brief description of several tools and resources that will be available. Included in those listed were the Top 10 lists and an updated evaluation form template. Below are additional details about each resource.

    One of the new resources that will be available to our chapters are the Top 10 lists. You may be familiar with these lists and regularly use them as a resource in your facility or with your staff. For those that are not familiar with the Top 10 lists, take a moment to review what we have available here. Two lists that will be readily available in June cover the top 10 best practices for meeting planning and presentations. While there are important components to each, we have narrowed down the steps in these crucial processes. We will continue to develop these lists in order to simplify the prior approval and meeting planning processes.  

    In addition to the Top 10 lists, we have revised the evaluation form template. Though it may look very similar to the current version, we have added a few additional questions that will serve the chapter well for future meetings. As this serves as template, chapter leaders will still be able to format and edit the document to fit their needs.

    To learn more about these resources as well as the changes to the process, please register for the March 18th webinar.

    CE Chapter Approval Process Updates & Changes – Webinar

    Please mark your calendar for Wednesday, March 18, 2:00 PM CST, for the live webinar addressing changes and updates to the CE prior approval process for chapters. Registration is required for the webinar. To register, please click here. For those that are not able to join us, the webinar will be recorded and available for viewing following the live program.

  • Food for Thought

    Feb 05, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo

    This snow is still on the ground and a chill remains in the air, but February is the time to start thinking about summer. Specifically, how we can begin to prepare the incoming volunteers and hand over the reins starting in June. This is a critical point for our incoming volunteers, as they will need to be prepared to hit the ground running and implement their strategic plan, in order to achieve their goals during their term. In order to prepare incoming officers, consider taking the necessary steps to help ensure their success.

    • Board Orientation - Chapters should be in the practice of conducting a board orientation each year. There are many ways to conduct the orientation that meet the needs of your new volunteers. Orientation can be conducted virtually if it's difficult to meet face to face. It also doesn't need to take a lot of time if you ask the participants to review materials ahead of time. To ensure you cover important practices and resources, refer to the orientation checklist available on ANFPConnect, under Volunteer Resources, in Board Governance.
    • One on One/Face to Face Meeting - If you're not able to hold an orientation with all board members, consider meeting one on one with the incoming chapter leaders. Ideally, this meeting would take place in addition to orientation, but we know that's not always possible. Take this opportunity to meet in person (if feasible) and share your experiences and best practices for the role they will be taking over. 
    • Setting Goals - When training the incoming officer, ensure they have goals in place for their term. Take time to review these goals and the strategic plan. Look at what needs to be completed or implemented and when, so the new volunteer can stay on track and continue progress toward achieving their goals while in office. 
    • Team Building - While the hands-on training and knowledge-sharing are crucial parts of orientation, it is also important that new chapter leaders are able to build a rapport with one another and establish a positive and supportive culture among incoming, current, and outgoing board members. Conducting a team building activity is a great way to start this process. 
    • Seeking Out Their Replacements - Perhaps one of the most important lessons or best practices a new chapter leader can share is the importance of building their succession plan. This starts with current officers seeking out their own replacements. It may seem early to begin to think about successors, but the earlier they are identified, the earlier they can be brought into the fold and are therefore better prepared to take on their role when their term begins. 
    • Volunteer Watch List - Begin to build a list of individuals that show interest in helping out that can be called upon when needed for small, one-off jobs. Additionally, begin to keep a list of potential members that may be well suited for the longer-term leadership roles. This can be used as a source of support for chapter leaders as well as help make succession planning easier when the need arises. 

  • Chapter Champions

    Jan 10, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

    Congratulations to the following Chapter Champions!

    Illinois ANFP
    Indiana ANFP
    Iowa ANFP
  • Important Dates & Deadlines

    Jan 10, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo
    ANFP offers an adversity rebate for chapters that need additional financial assistance in addition to their bi-annual rebate and revenue produced from chapter programs. The adversity rebate is to help off-set ANFP chapter operational costs related to meetings, programs, or other initiatives. The next deadline for the adversity application is March 1, 2020. If approved, the rebate will be distributed by March 30 and expenditure should be completed by April 30. Applications are accepted quarterly and can be found on ANFPConnect, Volunteer Resources, Chapter Management.

    The January rebate requirements deadline is right around the corner. The following items are due on January 15, 2020.

    • Bylaws - Reviewed by all board members. Edited as needed.
    • Policies & procedures - Reviewed by all board members. Edited as needed.
    • Bi-annual chapter achievement rebate report - Download for the chapter portal. 
    • Annual succession plan - Download outline from the chapter portal. 
    • ACE Award nomination - For more information or to submit a nomination please click here

    CE Chapter Approval Process Updates & Changes – Webinar
    Please mark your calendar for Wednesday, March 18, 2:00 PM CST, for the live webinar addressing changes and updates to the CE prior approval process for chapters. Registration is required for the webinar. To register, please click here. For those that are not able to join us, the webinar will be recorded and available for viewing following the live program.
  • Volunteer of the Month

    Jan 10, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo

    Bruce Link

    This month we are featuring Bruce Link, CDM, CFPP, of the WI ANFP chapter. Bruce first joined ANFP in 1994. He began his volunteer career with the WY ANFP chapter after he was asked to host a state conference. Bruce was in Wyoming for 25 years before returning to Wisconsin about two and half years ago. However, before relocating to Wisconsin, Wyoming asked him to continue as their newsletter editor. When retuning to Wisconsin and becoming active with the chapter, he was asked to serve as their newsletter editor as well. He is still serving in both roles as of today. The newsletter editor position was the first of many volunteer positions Bruce has held. He has also served as the chapter president (WY, two terms), treasurer, spokesperson, and webmaster. In addition to his volunteer roles with the chapters, Bruce served on the National Board of Directors as a Director at Large (2005-2007), government affairs committee, and was also a participant in the Leadership Institute. 

    During his volunteer career, Bruce spearheaded many projects, including the introduction of the President’s Welcome Reception at chapter meetings, led the chapter to two state achievement awards (2002 and 2003), designed chapter apparel, and helped to implement parliamentary procedure within the chapter. This was in addition to his unyielding encouragement, enthusiasm, and support of the chapter, its members, and students. 

    Additionally, Bruce was able to visit five state chapters (twice) during his time as Director at Large, which the members appreciated. He also led an ambitious initiative with then state president, Felicia Smith, during 2017 Pride in Food Service Week (PIFSW). Bruce and Felicia took a state tour where they had the opportunity to meet prospective members, current members, and administrators to get the word out about ANFP and the credential. During their tour they also made TV and radio appearances to promote ANFP and PIFSW. 

    Bruce also made major improvements to the state newsletters, both for WY and WI. During his tenure as newsletter editor, he made the communication a monthly reoccurrence, rather than a quarterly publication. This gave members better, more up to date notice of events and conferences. He also distributed the newsletter to administrators and vendors to keep them informed of news and events with the chapters. 

    As for now, Bruce would like to see chapter membership expand as well as continue to build relationships with vendors and other industry stakeholders, by means of an Industry Advisory Council. 

    Bruce believes volunteering provides one of the greatest rewards a person can receive. Volunteering generally has no financial gain, however, the friendships, contacts, and benefits gained through volunteering are priceless.

    Thank you, Bruce, for your steadfast support, continuous hard work and dedication to both the WY and WI chapters as well as ANFP! It is volunteers like you that make ANFP the success it is!

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org. 
  • Food for Thought

    Jan 10, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo
    Happy New Year! As we usher in a new year and a new decade, we have much to look forward to in the coming months as chapter leaders; spring chapter meetings, celebrating our 60th anniversary at ACE in Las Vegas, and new opportunities as CDMs, members, and volunteers. New volunteer opportunities are just around the corner with the new volunteer year only six months away. 

    If you haven’t submitted your name for the call for volunteers, please consider doing so. We are always looking for hardworking, dedicated, and knowledgeable volunteers like you to serve on various boards and committees. Responsibilities and time commitments vary for each committee. For more information on each committee and/or board, or to submit your name for consideration, please click here. Chapter leaders may also want to encourage their members to submit their names and become a part of the large network of dedicated volunteers, one of the many benefits of volunteering in addition to the following:

    • Develop leadership skills that transfer to your professional and personal life
    • Provide guidance to students and new members
    • Expand your professional network
    • Help make an impact and shape the future of ANFP and the foodservice industry
    • Give back to the group that helped you become a successful professional
    • Increase self-confidence
    • Be part of an exclusive community
    • Explore new areas of interest
    • Step outside your comfort zone
    • Be an agent of change

    CE Prior Approval Process for Chapters – Changes and Updates

    In our December issue of Volunteer Leader, we announced new changes to the CE prior approval process for chapters. We also included a brief description of several tools and resources that will be available. Included in those were the new Speaker Directory (formerly know as the Speaker Resource Guide) and the Event Planning Grid. Below are additional details about each. 

    As described, the new user-friendly speaker directory will allow chapter leaders to find ANFP approved speakers by topic, state, and type of CE awarded (GEN, SAN, and Ethics). It also includes biographies from each of the speakers simplifying the process of tracking down speaker bios that are required as part of the application. The directory will be updated regularly with ANFP approved speakers. It will also include speakers that are recommended by chapters (pending ANFP approval). A speaker recommendation form will be available starting in June. Below is a glimpse of the directory that will also be available starting in June. 
    Another tool that will be available in June is the event planning grid. This template allows the meeting/program chair to keep all information and details related to the meeting including, speaker checklist, food & beverage details/catering, daily schedule with room assignments and audiovisual needs, etc., in one place, for easy reference and organization. Additional tabs can be added and customized, like vendor information, budget or registration dashboard, or other important information related to the event. Below is a sample of one of the tabs that is included in the grid. 

  • Chapter Champions

    Dec 05, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo
    By donating $400 or more, your chapter can become an NFEF Chapter Champion. By joining, you are showing your chapter’s support for the Nutrition & Foodservice Education Foundation’s goal to raise visibility of the CDM credential.

    Learn More
  • Important Deadlines

    Dec 05, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    ANFP offers an adversity rebate for chapters that need additional financial assistance in addition to their bi-annual rebate and revenue produced from chapter programs. The adversity rebate is to help off-set ANFP chapter operational costs related to meetings, programs, or other initiatives. The next deadline for the adversity application is March 1, 2020. If approved, the rebate will be distributed by March 30 and expenditure should be completed by April 30. Applications are accepted quarterly and can be found on ANFPConnect, Volunteer Resources, Chapter Management.

    The January rebate requirements deadline is right around the corner. The following items are due on January 15, 2020.

    • Bylaws – Reviewed by all board members. Edited as needed.
    • Policies & procedures - Reviewed by all board members. Edited as needed.
    • Bi-annual chapter achievement rebate report – Download from the chapter portal.
    • Annual succession plan – Download outline from the chapter portal.
    • ACE Award nomination – For more information or to submit a nomination please click here.
  • Volunteer of the Month

    Dec 05, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo


    This month we are honoring MO ANFP Chapter Treasurer, Marsha Lutjen, CDM, CFPP, as our Volunteer of the Month. Marsha first joined ANFP in 1986. She attended her very first meeting in Kansas City, MO, a joint chapter meeting between the MO and KS ANFP chapters, where she was warmly greeted by Brenda Perkins; a memory that has stuck with her through the years. When she first joined, she went to meetings, sat in the back of the room, and didn’t have much interaction with other members. After a couple of years, she decided she wanted more out of the meeting and her membership, so she volunteered; almost 34 years later, the rest is history. The more active she became, the more she learned.

    Marsha began volunteering with the chapter by serving as the membership chairman. From there, Marsha served in various roles at the district and state level throughout the years. Her roles at the state level include newsletter editor, program chair, treasurer, president and many others. At the district level she has served as treasurer, president and program host. In addition to her district and state roles, Marsha also served at the national level on the Government Affairs Committee, PAC, and as a Director at Large for the Board of Directors. Her dedication to the credential and hard work as a volunteer were recognized when she received the Legacy Award in 2011.

    Marsha has positively impacted the chapter by continuously striving to be approachable to members, greeting them with a smile, being helpful, and letting each person know how important they are to our organization and to her as an individual.

    Moving forward, Marsha would like to see the chapter develop a mentor program for newly elected officers/committee chairs as well as potential new volunteers. Additionally, she would like to see all members involved with the chapter and believes this can happen by assessing the chapter and their needs and making changes to better serve our members.   

    As a veteran volunteer, Marsha encourages members to not be afraid to take that first step outside your comfort level and know that the experiences as a volunteer leader will only enhance your career as CDM, as well as an individual. 

    Thank you to Marsha for your enthusiasm and all the years of hard work for ANFP and the MO chapter! Your dedication is greatly valued and appreciated!

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Food for Thought

    Dec 05, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    We are excited to announce new and updated tools and resources to help simplify and streamline the prior approval application process for chapters for the upcoming volunteer year starting in June 2020. While the finalized documents will not be available until that time, we want to give our chapter leaders a ‘sneak peek’ of what is to come.

    Speaker Directory (formerly known as the speaker resource guide) – The new, user-friendly speaker directory will allow chapter leaders to sort through ANFP approved speakers, by topic, state, type of CE awarded (GEN, SAN, and Ethics) and will also include biographies.

    Sample Completed Applications – ANFP will provide samples of completed applications for chapter leaders to reference as they complete their own. This will ensure the submitted application is completed in its entirety and includes all required supporting documents in the correct format.  

    Speaker Recommendation Form – Chapter leaders will have the opportunity to recommend speakers to national and other chapters. These recommendations will be added to the speaker directory. Speaker recommendations can include speakers that presented at chapter meetings or other industry workshops, conferences or seminars.

    Event Planning Grid – This template allows the meeting/program chair to keep all information and details related to the meeting including speaker checklist, food & beverage details, daily schedule with room assignments and audiovisual needs, etc. in one place for easy reference and organization.

    Top 10 – A list of top ten tips for meeting planning and presenting will also be available to help chapter leaders stay organized and prioritize these crucial components of the meeting.

    In the coming months, please look for more information, tools, and resources that will be available to use and reference during at the start of the new volunteer year, in June 2020.

  • Chapter Champions

    Nov 01, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo
    By donating $400 or more, your chapter can become an NFEF Chapter Champion. By joining, you are showing your chapter’s support for the Nutrition & Foodservice Education Foundation’s goal to raise visibility of the CDM credential.

    Learn More
  • Important Dates & Deadlines

    Nov 01, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    Important Deadlines

    ANFP offers an adversity rebate for chapters that need additional financial assistance in addition to their bi-annual rebate and revenue produced from chapter programs. The adversity rebate is to help off-set ANFP chapter operational costs related to meetings, programs, or other initiatives. If you would like to apply for the adversity rebate, please do so by December 1, 2019, for a December 31, 2019, rebate distribution. Applications are accepted quarterly and can be found on ANFPConnect, Volunteer Resources, Chapter Management.

    The January rebate requirements deadline is right around the corner. The following items are due on January 15th, 2020.

    • Bylaws – Reviewed by all board members. Edited as needed. (Bylaws require membership review and approval of 2/3 vote.)
    • Policies & procedures - Reviewed by all board members. Edited as needed. Policies and procedures require board (majority) approval.
    • Bi-annual chapter achievement rebate report – Download from the chapter portal.
    • Annual succession plan – Download outline from the chapter portal.
    • ACE Award nomination – For more information or to submit a nomination please click here.
  • Volunteer of the Month

    Nov 01, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo


    This month we are featuring Chef Todd Leasure, CDM, CFPP, of the WV ANFP chapter. Todd became a Certified Dietary Manager in March 2012. Prior to becoming a CDM, CFPP, Todd spent nearly 30 years in the fine dining world and is certified by the Le Cordon Bleu School in Paris, France. Currently, he is the Executive Chef at The Orchards (located in OH and WV) and oversees all aspects of culinary dinning services at several facilities on three different campuses.

    Todd became active with the WV chapter in 2015 when he served as the program chair. Since then he has served as the president-elect and is the president as of 2016.

    Todd states that his involvement with WV, OH, and National meetings has helped him gain knowledge and improve his skills, specifically related to facilities that offer restaurant-style dining. By becoming involved, stepping outside his “comfort zone,” and networking with other CDMs, Todd has been able to improve his leadership skills as well as increase resident and employee satisfaction scores. 

    As for the WV Chapter, it is a strong chapter with very dedicated CDM’s that are very passionate about the industry, including Todd himself. He would to see it continue with its success by building stronger community ties, and reaching out to new CDMs to share their knowledge and talents in order to bring about change.

    Todd encourages all ANFP members to take the opportunity to get involved as a volunteer and step out of your own comfort zone. He states, "ANFP is only as strong as its members, and it’s everyone’s responsibility to take a role in sharing their talents and knowledge."

    Thank you for your many years of service and dedication to ANFP, Todd! Congratulations on the many successes throughout your career and more to come!

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Food for Thought

    Nov 01, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    Conducting virtual meetings or sessions may seem daunting for some of us; whether it’s the technology requirements that seem unattainable, or the lack of engagement and interaction between audience and speaker. Yet, they present an opportunity for members to access education that they may not be able to otherwise. Additionally, with the many online meeting platforms available for virtual meetings, we can still interact with the speaker as well as with one another. Virtual meetings offer other benefits as well.

    Engagement & Interaction – While a virtual meeting is not a traditional in-person meeting, it can still be conducted as a face-to-face meeting. Many platforms, like Facebook Live, allow the audience and speaker to interact with each other and see each other without being across the table from one another.

    Economical – There are many online meeting software programs available, some with all the bells and whistles, while others are more bare bones. Some will be more costly, while others are more cost effective, like Zoom, and offer videoconferencing, screensharing and an unlimited number of meetings. Hosting a virtual session or meeting may also help the chapter reduce costs on speaker honorariums, travel, lodging, and event space. This will also provide savings to your attendees if they no longer have to travel to the meeting.

    Expand Audience Reach – Virtual meetings or sessions allow us to reach more members that may not able to attend the in-person meeting. While you may not wish to host an entire meeting virtually, you could broadcast a few sessions for attendees that were not able to travel to the meeting.

    Attracting Younger Members – Many of our younger members are very familiar with technology and have embraced the benefits of it, including the opportunity to earn CE online. As they may prefer to obtain CE via a virtual session, this presents a wonderful opportunity to give younger members what they need, as well as introduce them to the ANFP brand and the chapter.  

    Record for Future Use – Many online meeting platforms offer the option to record your session/webinar as well. This is a great benefit for your members, as they can still access the education, but when it is most convenient for them.

  • Chapter Champions

    Oct 07, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo
    By donating $400 or more, your chapter can become an NFEF Chapter Champion. By joining, you are showing your chapter’s support for the Nutrition & Foodservice Education Foundation’s goal to raise visibility of the CDM credential.

    Learn More
  • Important Deadlines

    Oct 07, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    ANFP offers an adversity rebate for chapters that need additional financial assistance in addition to their bi-annual rebate and revenue produced from chapter programs. The adversity rebate is to help off-set ANFP chapter operational costs related to meetings, programs, or other initiatives. If you would like to apply for the adversity rebate, please do so by December 1, 2019, for a December 31, 2019 rebate distribution. Applications are accepted quarterly and can be found on ANFPConnect, Volunteer Resources, Chapter Management.

    The January rebate requirements deadline is right around the corner. The following items are due on January 15, 2020:

    • Bi-annual chapter achievement rebate report – Download from the chapter portal.
    • Annual succession plan – Download outline from the chapter portal.
    • ACE Award nomination – For more information, or to submit a nomination please click here.