• Changes & Updates

    Nov 05, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo
    New CDM, CFFP Recognition Opportunities
    Earlier this week you received an email regarding new CDM, CFPP recognition opportunities. Opportunities include CDM, CFPP of the Month, What CDM, CFPP Means to Me, Career Reflections, My Recipe for Success, and Everyday Hero. For more information on these recognition opportunities or to submit a nomination, please click here
    Additionally, if you or a chapter leader you know would like to be featured as the Volunteer of the Month, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org

    Call for Proposals
    We are now accepting speaker proposals for the 2021 ANFP Meetings & events season! The safety of our members and attendees always comes first – we are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation, but we are optimistic that we will be able to meet again in person in 2021. While we are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation, we are optimistic that we will be able to meet again in person in 2021. As a CDM, CFPP and an ANFP volunteer, I invite you to take this opportunity to share your expertise with your industry colleagues. All topics are welcome, but trending topics we are aiming to include are crisis management, labor issues, staff recruitment and retention, and more. For more information, or to submit your proposal, please visit our Call for Proposals webpage.
  • Food for Thought

    Oct 06, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo
    Maintaining regular communication and strong relationships with fellow chapter leaders and members during the last several months may have proven to be challenging. Many of our volunteer leaders are short-staffed and stretched thin, not leaving them with much time for volunteer work and member relationship building. When we are faced with these challenges, time constraints, lack of face to face interactions, and not feeling a connection, it is important that we apply the best practices of communications and team building to the opportunities that we have available to us during these times. Here are a few tips to help improve communications and continue building trust with your other chapter leaders and members:

    Respond Within a Specific Timeframe – Board members and chapter leaders should always try to respond to communications regarding chapter business as soon as possible, but we know that can’t always happen. Set a time frame (36 hours, 2 business days, etc.) in which the recipient should respond to e-mails or phone calls. Even if you need more time to answer the question or request, at least let the sender know when to expect to hear from you with a full response. 

    Actively Listening – As we are not communicating face to face on a regular basis, it's important we listen intently and ensure that we are giving that person our full attention when communicating via phone. Signaling with small verbal comments such as “uh huh” or “yes, I see” allows the other person to feel as they are being heard. 

    Set Regularly Scheduled Board Meetings – One way to ensure that communication is consistent and clear is to set regularly scheduled board meetings. This will allow your board members and chapter leaders to ensure they have enough time to plan for the meeting and make themselves available for the call. 

    Icebreakers/Team Building – With the lack of face to face interaction, we may feel disconnected, so it is important to continue to build relationships with your fellow chapter leaders. One way to do this is by conducting a (brief) team building activity or icebreaker at the start of each meeting. Perhaps it is as something as simple as everyone listing one challenge and one success they had during the week. Or asking everyone about their favorite vacation (bringing back memories of traveling!) or if anyone has picked up a new skill or hobby lately? Whatever it is, take some time to give everyone a brief reprieve from the heavy workload and responsibilities. Team building can also be done during virtual meetings in small groups or via text or chat apps.    

    These highlights, examples and much more will be discussed during the chapter best practices webinar on Wednesday, October 21 at 2:00 pm CT. (1 GEN CE will be awarded for those that attend the live session.)

    To register for this event, please click on the link below. (The webinar will be recorded and posted on ANFPtv for those that are not able to join the live program.)


    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Oct 06, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo


    This month we are honoring Bob Milligan, CDM, CFPP, of the Indiana (IN) ANFP chapter as our Volunteer of the Month. Bob became certified on January 29, 1996 and started his ANFP volunteer career at the district level as president in 1997. Bob continued to volunteer at the district level through 2004. During the course of those seven years, Bob served in various roles, including newsletter editor, president-elect and eventually president. In 2009, Bob began volunteering at the state level as the newsletter editor and webmaster. He served in these roles for four years. Only to add to his already full plate, he began serving as the chapter historian in 2013. Two years later, Bob began his role as president-elect, and then eventually stepped into the role as president in 2018, completing a successful term in May of 2020. 

    At the National level, Bob has served on the Awards & Recognition Committee and is currently serving on the Edge Editorial Advisory Board and Board of Directors as a Director-at-Large. 

    During Bob’s 20+ years of volunteering with ANFP, one of his biggest impacts he has made is to lead by example. His years of service have shown members what a dedicated volunteer looks like, and serving others is something he is passionate about. Through Bob’s dedication and unwavering commitment, Bob has helped develop IN ANFP into a strong and viable chapter. Through support and collaboration with the other IN ANFP leadership team members, they have created a strong strategic and succession plan to ensure the IN ANFP chapter remains successful and serves their members for years to come.  

    Looking ahead, Bob would like to see the chapter continue to increase their membership. Additionally, he would like to see chapter leadership continue to develop future leaders who will be viewed as reliable resources and trusted liaisons for ANFP. He would like to see future leaders cultivated into knowledgeable foodservice professionals who are passionate about serving others. 

    Through his many years of volunteering, Bob has seen the ups and downs, however he still encourages others to get involved. He says “Do not hesitate in becoming a volunteer leader! You already serve as a leader in your profession - why not carry that through into something that you are passionate about and that is foodservice leadership? All it takes is for you to say 'YES' and when you do, you will be able to see the fruits of your labor as you serve and nurture growth to those who have the same goals as yourself.”

    Thank you, Bob! Your dedication and selflessness are unmatched and an inspiration to our members!

    ANFP is grateful and appreciative of the hard work and time you have given to the organization over the years. Thank you! 

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org
  • Changes & Updates

    Oct 06, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo
    Call for Proposals

    We are now accepting speaker proposals for the 2021 ANFP Meetings & events season! The safety of our members and attendees always comes first – we are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation, but we are optimistic that we will be able to meet again in person in 2021. While we are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation, we are optimistic that we will be able to meet again in person in 2021. As a CDM, CFPP and an ANFP volunteer, I invite you to take this opportunity to share your expertise with your industry colleagues. All topics are welcome, but trending topics we are aiming to include are crisis management, labor issues, staff recruitment and retention, and more. For more information, or to submit your proposal, please visit our Call for Proposals webpage.

  • Important Dates & Deadlines

    Oct 06, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo
    This is reminder that if your chapter has not submitted the below requirements, they will not receive the chapter rebate as all items past due at this time. Please submit the below requirements as soon as possible. The deadline for rebates is Wednesday, October 14, 2020. 

    • End of the Year Financial Statement (June 2019 - April 2020)
    • IRS Form 990 e-receipt (upload as image, PDF, or Word Doc to Chapter Portal)
    • Proof of two signatures on the chapter's financial account(s)
  • Chapter Champions

    Oct 06, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo

    Chapter Champions

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

  • Food for Thought

    Sep 03, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo

    Obtaining sponsors or donations can be tricky for some chapters, even when a pandemic is not taking place. Often, we may not know how to approach potential sponsors or how to “sell the chapter.” However, sponsors play a significant role for chapters that allow members to build relationships and discover new products and services to help better serve our residents/customers. Sponsors also play an important role in supporting chapters through in-kind donations or monetary donations to help offset the costs of meetings and events. These relationships are important for both the members as well as the sponsor and we would like to see all our chapters have strong and sustainable partnerships with each other. In order to help foster these relationships, ANFP will be hosting a webinar, ANFP Chapter Sponsorship Best Practices, Tools & Resources, on Thursday, September 10 at 2:00 PM CT. Here are a few highlights that will be included in the webinar as well as the toolkit that will be available on the same day in ANFPConnect:

    Important Questions to Ask – The best way to get started is to ask important questions, not only of your sponsors but about your chapter as well. What you ask can help you determine what your needs are as a chapter and how your sponsors can help. You will also want to learn more about the products and services your sponsors will be selling and how you can form a collaborative relationship that is mutually beneficial.

    Tools & Templates – There are several tools and templates that will prove to be useful when approaching prospective sponsors. These tools will help you stay organized, collect information and data, and present a professional and cohesive sponsor package to potential sponsors when it comes time to sell.

    Best Practices - During the webinar we will be providing tips and best practices when it comes to selling to sponsors and building and maintaining relationships so both parties benefit from the partnership.

    These highlights and much more will be discussed during the webinar. Please join us on Thursday, September 10 at 2:00 PM CT to learn more about building sponsor partnerships.

    Registration for this event is required. (The webinar will be recorded and posted on ANFPtv for those that are not able to join the live program.)


    After registering, you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing information about joining the webinar. 
  • Volunteer of the Month

    Sep 03, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo


    This month we are honoring Gloria Spottswood CDM, CFPP, of the Virginia (VA) ANFP chapter as our Volunteer of the Month. Gloria has been a member of ANFP since 2002 and became certified in 2004. Gloria has been in the foodservice industry for over 20 years and has served in many different settings including healthcare and hospitality. 

    Gloria began her volunteer career with the VA ANFP chapter in 2017. National sent out a call for volunteers to all VA ANFP members in hopes of finding individuals to help rebuild the chapter after previous leadership had resigned. Gloria graciously answered the call to lead members, as chapter president, in the revitalization of the chapter and has been at the helm since. During her time, Gloria has been able to help the chapter get back on track and build a chapter that is more engaged and dynamic. She oversees the chapter meetings, where members can share their experiences and knowledge and earn many needed CEs. Her determination, thoroughness and dedication to the chapter and the members is what has kept the chapter going, through these last few years. 

    Looking ahead Gloria would like to see more involved, committed, forward thinking, dedicated members who are willing to invest and make the VA ANFP chapter the best it can be. She welcomes all help from members and would like to have a more robust team of volunteers as well. 

    If there are VA ANFP members that are hesitant to volunteer, Gloria states “Being a CDM, CFPP matters. As a member owned association, it lies with us to elevate and maintain our profession, locally, statewide, nationally, and around the world. This pandemic has proven culinary nutrition professionals throughout various institutions to be "essential and frontline employees, and critical members of safety teams everywhere.”

    Thank you, Gloria! Your hard work, positive attitude, and perseverance to continue to build the chapter are very much admired and appreciated! ANFP cannot be the organization it is without our dedicated volunteers like you. Thank you! 

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org
  • Changes & Updates

    Sep 03, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo
    We are now accepting speaker proposals for the 2021 ANFP Meetings & events season! The safety of our members and attendees always comes first – we are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation, but we are optimistic that we will be able to meet again in person in 2021. While we are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation, we are optimistic that we will be able to meet again in person in 2021. As a CDM, CFPP and an ANFP volunteer, I invite you to take this opportunity to share your expertise with your industry colleagues. All topics are welcome, but trending topics we are aiming to include are crisis management, labor issues, staff recruitment and retention, and more. For more information, or to submit your proposal, please visit our Call for Proposals webpage.
  • Important Dates & Deadlines

    Sep 03, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo
    This is a reminder that if your chapter has not submitted the below requirements, they will not receive the chapter rebate as all items are past due at this time. Please submit the below requirements as soon as possible.

    • End of the Year Financial Statement (June 2019 - April 2020) - PAST DUE
    • Update officers in chapter portal - PAST DUE (incoming or current officers must now be entered as 'Add Position Current Term'). Click here for instructions.
    • Affiliate Agreement and Code of Conduct signed and submitted to National - PAST DUE
    • Meeting date and location submitted in chapter portal - PAST DUE
    • First part of Bi-Annual Chapter Report (upload to chapter portal) - PAST DUE
    • IRS Form 990 e-receipt (upload as image, PDF, or Word Doc to chapter portal) - PAST DUE
  • Chapter Champions

    Sep 03, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo

    Chapter Champions

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

  • Food For Thought

    Aug 03, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo
    We have made many adjustments during the last few months. Many changes have taken place in our facilities, with our families, and how we obtain education and network with our peers. We are learning to adapt to the “new normal.” Over the last few weeks, we have heard from several chapters leaders about how they plan to transition from face to face meetings to virtual meetings. In addition to the best practices of hosting a virtual meeting (July Volunteer Leader), there are some other key practices to keep in mind related to the prior approvals process. 

    Applying for Multiple Sessions/Courses – Many chapters have decided to offer several sessions over a few weeks or months during the fall. As these will be considered separate sessions, each course will require a separate Prior Approvals application. This will ensure that a different Prior Approval number is assigned to each separate course, and those participating in the course will receive the correct number of CE hours. 

    Assigning Competency Levels – With each separate session/course a competency level will also need to be assigned. As your courses may differ, competency levels may also differ. Using Appendix C & D within the Prior Approvals handbook, you will need to decide the overall competency level for your sessions and select the most relevant topic areas for the education that will be covered in the session. Please see the Prior Approvals handbook for more information. 

    Application Deadlines – It’s important to keep deadlines in mind when completing the Prior Approval applications. As of June 1, a $50 late fee will be charged if applications are submitted with less than 30 days allowed for processing. We suggest ANFP Chapters submit applications and supporting material at least eight weeks prior to the start date of the program/event to allow time for processing, corrections, and advance publicity. Anticipate a four to six-week timeframe for approval from the date the application is received.

    Make Use of the Toolkit – The Prior Approvals Toolkit has many useful tools, resources, and templates that help simplify the application process. It includes sample applications, speaker directory, how to’s, and speaker information form, all which are useful and relevant to a virtual session or course. 

    For questions regarding the Prior Approval application and/or processes, please email at priorapprovals@CBDMonline.org

    For questions regarding chapter meeting planning, please email chapters@ANFPonline.org or asolazzo@ANFPonline.org

    To learn more about the CE Prior Approvals application process, please take some time to view webinar on ANFPtv. 
  • Volunteer of the Month

    Aug 03, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo


    This month we are honoring Denise Choleva CDM, CFPP, of the Vermont (VT) ANFP chapter as our Volunteer of the Month. Denise began her career in foodservice in 1998 at her facility and will celebrate her 22nd year this week. Denise joined ANFP and became a CDM, CFPP in 2003.

    Somewhat hesitant and shy, Denise tended to sit in the back row at meetings and didn’t know many members. However, after hearing a national representative speak about volunteering and getting to know other VT members, Denise decided to volunteer with the chapter. Denise began her ANFP volunteer career in 2008 as the chapter secretary. Since that time, Denise has remained a volunteer with the chapter and has served in roles such as program and membership chair, webmaster, treasurer, and president. Additionally, Denise has taken much of her time to train others and step in when there were no other volunteers. Her passion, patience, and dedication to serve others has set the bar for volunteers that follow in her footsteps. VT ANFP members recognize her as someone they can go to with questions or concerns or when they need help; she is there without hesitation. 

    As for the future of the VT ANFP chapter, Denise and other chapter leaders are working to increase the number of CDM, CFPPs in the state in hopes they will join ANFP as well as the chapter. The chapter plans to reach out to targeted facilities within the state and inquire as to why there is not a CDM, CFPP within their facility. If there is a CDM, CFPP within their facility, but not engaged with the chapter, VT ANFP hopes to learn more about the opportunities to engage these members.  

    Volunteering with the chapter allowed Denise to come out of her shell and strengthen her leadership skills. For those that are hesitant to volunteer, Denise suggests starting with a less demanding role, such as serving on the hospitality or welcome committee. She also suggests getting to know others in your chapter by volunteering to be the greeter at your next chapter meeting and take the time to introduce new members to everyone and make members feel welcome. 

    Having served as spokesperson for several years, Denise knows the state spokesperson is always looking for help reaching out to state legislators. And if you have political or legislative connections, consider serving on the impact team to support the spokesperson. Or perhaps you have strong writing skills, Denise suggests developing the chapter’s newsletters 2- 4 times a year (dependent on your chapter) can help the organization tremendously by passing along important information to members and non-members. While Denise lists a few ways to get your foot in the door, she firmly believes volunteering will also help educate the individual about the chapter and the organization. In turn, this may lead them to feeling more comfortable to step into a more predominant and demanding role. Along with finding volunteering rewarding, Denise’s staff and facility have an appreciation and admiration for what she does for the chapter. 

    Denise states “Also, don’t ever feel like you are alone in this volunteer journey as you are not. The board members and other volunteers work as a team to keep these organizations running smoothly. You are never alone.”

    Thank you, Denise for your continuous hard work, dedication, and support for the VT chapter and ANFP! Your passion is an inspiration for others, and we value and appreciate volunteers like you! 

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org
  • Important Dates & Deadlines

    Aug 03, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo
    This is reminder that if your chapter has not submitted the below requirements, they will not receive the chapter rebate as all items past due at this time. Pleas submit the below requirements as soon as possible.  

    • End of the Year Financial Statement (June 2019 - April 2020) - PAST DUE
    • Update officers in chapter portal - PAST DUE (incoming or current officers must now be entered as 'Add Position Current Term.' Click here for instructions. 
    • Affiliate Agreement and Code of Conduct signed and submitted to National - PAST DUE
    • Fall meeting date and location submitted in chapter portal - PAST DUE
    • First part of Bi-annual Chapter Report (upload to chapter portal) - PAST DUE
    • IRS Form 990 e-receipt (upload as image, PDF, or Word Document to chapter portal) - PAST DUE
  • Government Affairs Update

    Aug 03, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo
    New to Volunteer Leader, we will be providing updates on government affairs initiatives with our chapter leaders as new information becomes available. These updates will be provided as means to help our members understand the initiatives that affect our industry as well as members. 

    Last week, chapter leaders received an email regarding PAC donations. We encourage chapter leaders to share this information on the chapter’s social media accounts as well as with all members. 

    Below is the link to the forms available on the website. 
  • Chapter Champions

    Aug 03, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

  • Food For Thought

    Jul 01, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo

    As we approach the middle of summer, many of our chapter leaders have already turned their thoughts to fall meetings. Unforeseen circumstances presented challenges for our chapter spring meetings, and we may face those same challenges in the fall. Depending on your state and/or facility’s recommendations for travel and/or gatherings of large groups, an in-person meeting may not be feasible. If your chapter decides to forego the in-person meeting, keep some ‘do’s and don’ts’ in mind when developing the meeting or sessions to present virtually.

    DO Start with Learning Objectives – Similar to any face to face course or session, virtual sessions should also include objectives, and attendees should still be able to walk away with takeaways. For more information on how to write objectives, please refer ‘How to Create Learning Objectives’ in the Prior Approvals Toolkit on ANFPConnect.

    DON’T Try to Re-Create a Live Event on a Virtual Platform – Trying to give your attendees the exact same experience as an in-person meeting is not feasible. Sitting in front of a screen watching a slideshow or a ‘talking head’ is far less engaging than being in a room with other attendees and a live speaker. Keep this in mind as you develop your agenda and consider a shorter program broken up over several days or even weeks.

    DO Plan for Interactive Activities - Maintaining engagement during a virtual session can be difficult. Often, attendees have many behind-the-scenes distractions that compete for their full attention. To make the session more engaging, consider implementing polls, asking for feedback via the chat function (depending on the platform), Q&A sessions, trivia, or bingo (related to the learning objectives) through the session.

    DON’T Use a Platform You are Unfamiliar With – For many of us, we have been forced to learn new technology that includes video/audio features. Whether it was for meetings, trainings, or even seeing the faces of our loved ones, we have likely had to learn to use a platform such as Zoom, Google Hangouts, FaceTime, etc. When it comes to your virtual events, go with what you know. Take the time to become more familiar with all the features available of the preferred platform and ensure your speakers feel comfortable with the technology as well.

    DO Assign Volunteers to Help Facilitate the Session – While you may have one or two chapter leaders responsible for developing the program, there are many facets of a virtual session that require support and attention. Consider having one volunteer dedicated to monitoring the questions that come through on chat, dedicate another volunteer for troubleshooting for attendees that have difficulty with the technology, and designate someone as the virtual emcee/host.

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Jul 01, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo


    This month we are honoring Toni Skaggs CDM, CFPP, of the Wyoming ANFP chapter, as our Volunteer of the Month. Toni became certified in 2016 and jumped right into volunteering with her chapter as the president-elect. She then stepped into the role of president shortly thereafter and continues to serve in this role as of today. In 2019, she also served on the Young Members Advisory Council, a group of appointed members that guides the direction and focus on member recruitment and retention of individuals new to the profession and persons under the age of 35.

    When Toni first stepped into the chapter volunteer role, she was not familiar with some of the responsibilities and faced various challenges. However, through this experience she has learned a great deal about chapter management and administration, and herself, and she has set an example for other members as a leader that is not afraid to step into the great unknown of chapter leadership.

    She hopes by leading by example, that others will step outside their own comfort zones and volunteer with the chapter. Toni would also like to see the WY ANFP chapter continue collaborating with others states for chapter meetings as they have done in the past with Utah and Colorado with great success.

    When asked about her thoughts on those members that may be hesitant to volunteer, Toni states “Just say yes. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and the experience has definitely added skills and knowledge to my toolbox I will carry to everything I do in life. It hasn’t always been easy but there has always been someone willing to help me from my state chapter or from nationals. It has truly been rewarding to be a part of something bigger.”

    Thank you, Toni, for your dedication and service to ANFP! You have shown members that taking a risk is well worth the effort and has led to many great accomplishments! Congratulations on the many successes and more to come!

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Changes & Updates

    Jul 01, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo

    New Chapter Leader Resource!

    In addition to the new Prior Approvals Toolkit that became available on June 1, we have also included a Food Broker’s Contact List in the toolkit on ANFPConnect. This list can be found within the Prior Approvals Toolkit under Additional Resources. This is a great resource for our individual members as well as chapters for prospective partnerships at the chapter level.

    ANFP Government Affairs Update

    New to Volunteer Leader, we will be providing updates on government affairs initiatives with our chapter leaders as new information becomes available. These updates will be provided as means to help our members understand the initiatives that effect our industry as well as members. All of the information is available in the ANFP’s ROOTS Roundup update. Please take a few moments to read through the update and share with your members.

  • Important Dates & Deadlines

    Jul 01, 2020 by Abigail Solazzo
    This is a reminder of the approaching deadline for rebate requirements. 

    • End of the Year Financial Statement (June 2019 - April 2020) - PAST DUE
    • Update officers in chapter portal - PAST DUE (incoming or current officers must now be entered as 'Add Position Current Term.' Click here for instructions. 
    •  Affiliate Agreement and Code of Conduct signed and submitted to National - PAST DUE
    • Fall meeting date and location submitted in chapter portal - Due July 15
    • First part of the Bi-Annual Chapter Report (upload to chapter portal) - Due July 15
    • IRS Form 990 e-receipt (upload as image, PDF, or Word document to chapter portal) - Due July 15