• Important Deadlines

    Nov 06, 2018 by Abigail Solazzo

    ANFP offers an adversity rebate for chapters that need additional financial assistance in addition to their bi-annual rebate and revenue produced from chapter programs. The adversity rebate is to help off-set ANFP chapter operational costs related to meetings, programs, or other initiatives. If you would like to apply for the adversity rebate, please do so by December 1, 2018, for a December 31, 2018, rebate distribution. Applications are accepted quarterly and can be found on ANFPConnect, Volunteer Resources, Chapter Management.

    The January rebate requirements deadline is right around the corner. The following items are due on January 15, 2019.

    • Bylaws – Reviewed by all board members. Edited as needed. (Bylaws require membership review and approval of 2/3 vote.)
    • Policies & Procedures - Reviewed by all board members. Edited as needed. Policies and procedures require board (majority) approval.
    • Bi-Annual Chapter Achievement Rebate Report – Download from the chapter portal.
    • Annual Succession Plan – Download outline from the chapter portal.
    • ACE Award Nomination – For more information or to submit a nomination please click here.
  • Chapter Chat

    Nov 06, 2018 by Abigail Solazzo

    Chapter Chat will take place on Tuesday, November 27, at 2:00 PM CT. ANFP’s Cindy Zemko, Director of Education, and Paula Fauth, Events & Business Development Manager, will be on hand to discuss core competencies and meeting planning best practices.

    Chapter Chat is a platform that allows us to directly engage with other volunteer leaders throughout the country. We encourage chapter leaders to participate and share their experiences, challenges, and best practices during this time, as each of us can benefit from these discussions.

    Volunteer Essentials – Meeting Planning with ANFP's Paula Fauth, Events & Business Development Manager
    Tuesday, November 27, 2018
    2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CST

    Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

    You can also dial in using your phone.
    United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073
    United States: +1 (646) 749-3129

    Access Code: 265-332-077

    Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
    Cisco devices: 265332077@

    First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check here.

  • Making the Most of Social Media

    Nov 06, 2018 by Abigail Solazzo

    Ever find yourself looking for more input from your members, whether it's deciding on the next chapter meeting location, or wondering how often they'd like to receive the chapter newsletter? Rather than send an e-mail that might get buried or lost in their inboxes, consider using Facebook's poll feature.

    Facebook polling is a great way to receive quick responses or opinions from members. Poll do not have to be business-related either. Make it fun and get members engaged by using polls like "what's the best pumpkin pie topping?" You'll grab your members' attention AND get them participating with something easy and fun. To learn how to create a poll on your chapter's Facebook page click here.

  • Food for Thought

    Nov 06, 2018 by Abigail Solazzo

    As our fall chapter meetings have concluded, we need to shift our focus to the year ahead. Specifically, our succession plan and how we, as chapter leaders, can better plan for the future and prepare to ‘pass the torch’ to the younger generation. To help get them started and engaged, consider creating roles that: serve a purpose, are impactful, are meaningful to those serving, and can be completed remotely.

    Website or Chapter Portal Ambassadors
    As we know, Millennials are tech-savvy and can navigate just about any website with ease. Consider creating a role for younger members where they become the expert on the ANFP website or the chapter portal (if granted access). Members often have questions about both. While staff is here to help and assist at any time, it would be beneficial to have a member(s) available to answer questions face-to-face about both platforms at your next chapter meeting.

    Social Media Superstars
    For some of our chapters, social media remains an untapped resource, when it should be a regular part of our communication plan. Millennials are known to be regular and heavy-users of social media whether its Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. Take advantage of this and have a younger member regularly post on behalf of the chapter. A list of content and posts can be created ahead of time and should be approved by the board.

    Tech Titans
    With most of our work being completed electronically, it’s important we understand tech platforms and tools, and how to use them in order to simplify our lives. Ask one of your younger members to become a tech trainer, a volunteer that can assist members with their tech questions, demo tech features and shortcuts, and teach best practices on tech tools like sorting spreadsheets, merging labels, setting up/using PayPal or building forms via JotForm (online form builder).

    Service Project Pioneers
    Millennials are known for wanting to make a positive impact whether its in their professional environment, or for the greater good. Why not start with their local chapter? Create a committee or task force of younger members and task them with developing a plan for service projects which all ANFP chapter members can take part in at the next chapter meeting.

    We can also ask our younger members about the type of roles they would like to fill and what they can contribute. When our younger members are given volunteer options that appeal to them, they are more likely to become engaged and contribute to the growth of the chapter in ways that we may not have been explored before.

  • NFEF Foodservice Education Innovator of the Year Award

    Oct 18, 2018 by Mindy Theesfeld, Foundation and Analytics Manager

    Does your facility have an innovative education or training program? If so, get ready to apply for NFEF’s newest award! This award shines a spotlight on unique training or education initiatives that a facility or company offers. One winner each year will be recognized, with their training practice/program highlighted in Edge magazine.

    Award nominees might highlight:

    1. Unique training programs for new hires; or
    2. Furthering education of foodservice personnel; or
    3. Unique programs that assist/encourage foodservice directors obtaining the CDM credential; or
    4. An innovative program of promoting foodservice personnel competencies.

    While there will be only one award, a facility could highlight one or more areas for consideration in their award application.

    Applications for this award, as well as NFEF's Foodservice Department of the Year Award will open in January.

  • ROOTS Roundup

    Oct 08, 2018 by Mindy Theesfeld, Foundation and Analytics Manager

    The Government Affairs and PAC committees are teaming up to serve our Legislative needs. These committees have been called to action and are working together to promote the "ROOTS" campaign. Be sure to check out the upcoming article on the new legislative initiative in the September/October issue of Edge magazine.

    ANFP belongs to the Opportunity America Jobs and Careers Coalition (OAJCC), which reports that analytics firm Burning Glass finds there are 1.2 million more jobs available in the health care sector than there are workers available to fill them.

    Therefore, ANFP and OAJCC have supported the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (H.R. 2353), which made it out of the U.S. Senate on July 24 and was approved by the House and sent to the President for signing on July 25.

    The bill requires state and local education officials and educators to consult with employers at all stages of career education programs and also focuses on work-based learning.

    This is an important first step in reinvigorating career and technical education (CTE) at the high school and college levels, and is occurring in conjunction with House efforts to redirect higher education funding to career training in the PROSPER Act and a White House push for "Industry Recognized Apprenticeships."

    Joyce Gilbert, PhD, RDN, ANFP President and CEO, traveled to Washington, D.C. on June 25-26 to meet with Craig Brightup and staff for Reps. Roskam (IL), Marshall (KS), Gallagher (WI), and LaHood (IL).

    Additionally, Joyce and Craig met with staff for the National Governors Association to discuss workforce development and how poorly-drafted state legislation confuses the issue of licensing with certification and credentialing programs.

    The ANFP-PAC booth raised $756 at ACE in Orlando on June 3, 2018! ANFP-PAC is a member-sponsored political action fund which supports federal candidates who care about ANFP's mission and the work of ANFP members.

  • ROOTS Roundup

    Oct 08, 2018 by Mindy Theesfeld, Foundation and Analytics Manager

    The Government Affairs Committee, formerly, Legislative Committee has established a new grassroots campaign; ROOTS-Rallying Organizations and Officials in Training Standards. Show your support of CDMs cultivating ROOTS by donating to the ANFP-PAC today! Together we will cultivate, grow and REAP!

    ANFP has joined forces on Capitol Hill with The Opportunity America Jobs and Careers Coalition (OAJCC) focusing on two major bills in Congress, Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act. This bill would set funding levels for five years starting at $1.13 billion and incentivize the use of industry-recognized credentials (like the CDM) and other recognized post-secondary credentials. The second bill; Promoting Real Opportunity, Success and Prosperity through Educational Reform (PROSPER) Act would reauthorize the Higher Education Act and would create incentives for industry-led "earn-and-learn" initiatives as well as making Pell Grants more flexible to help low-income students pay for shorter courses and competency-based programs, both of which are career focused.

    ANFP will continue to foster partnerships with other Healthcare Associations to cover the need for qualified CDM's in healthcare communities.

    While CMS lists the CDM, CFPP credential as the primary qualification for the Director of Food and Nutrition Services, the regulations also acknowledge state requirements for staffing qualifications. Currently, the CDM, CFPP meets requirements in 18 states. The Government Affairs committee members are contacting government officials with a letter providing an overview of the CMS long-term care requirements and urging state officials to implement this language into their state regulations.

  • Important Deadlines

    Sep 26, 2018 by Abigail Solazzo

    ANFP offers an adversity rebate for chapters that need additional financial assistance in addition to their bi-annual rebate and revenue produced from chapter programs. The adversity rebate is to help off-set ANFP chapter operational costs related to meetings, programs, or other initiatives. If you would like to apply for the adversity rebate, please do so by December 1, 2018, for a December 31, 2018, rebate distribution. Applications are accepted quarterly and can be found on ANFPConnect, Volunteer Resources, Chapter Management.

    The January rebate requirements deadline is right around the corner. The following items are due on January 15, 2019.

    • Bylaws – Reviewed by all board members. Edited as needed. (Bylaws require membership review and approval of 2/3 vote.)
    • Policies & procedures - Reviewed by all board members. Edited as needed. Policies and procedures require board (majority) approval.
    • Bi-annual chapter achievement rebate report – Download from the chapter portal.
    • Annual succession plan – Download outline from the chapter portal.
    • ACE Award nomination – For more information or to submit a nomination please click here.
  • Chapter Chat

    Sep 26, 2018 by Abigail Solazzo

    Chapter Chat will take place on Tuesday, October 23 at 2:00 PM CT. We will discuss automation vs. teaching: how to maximize our current volunteer skills and learn new skills.

    Chapter Chat is a platform that allows us to directly engage with other volunteer leaders throughout the country. We encourage chapter leaders to participate and share their experiences, challenges, and best practices during this time, as each of us can benefit from these discussions.

    Chapter Chat – Automation vs. Teaching: Maximizing Current Volunteer Skills and Learning New Skills Tuesday, October 23, 2018
    2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CDT

    Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

    You can also dial in using your phone.
    United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679
    United States: +1 (571) 317-3116

    Access Code: 914-291-621

    Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
    Cisco devices: 914291621@

    First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check here.

  • Making the Most of Social Media

    Sep 26, 2018 by Abigail Solazzo

    Chapter meetings can be promoted in a number of ways: e-mail, chapter website, newsletters, save-the-dates and social media. As we know, your posts can reach users on social media that it may not reach through another type of communication by simply hitting the ‘share’ or ‘retweet’ button on the social media app.

    Chapter leaders should encourage members to share, repost, or retweet any posts about upcoming meetings or events in order to reach a larger audience. To entice members to help with spreading the word, make it a contest. See who will share the information at least 5-10 times within a given timeframe. The more a member shares, the more their chances increase to win the contest or perhaps be entered into a raffle. The prize could be a discounted meeting registration, ANFP merchandise, or gift cards, along with recognition and bragging rights!

  • Food for Thought

    Sep 26, 2018 by Abigail Solazzo

    Chapters fall meeting season is here with some of our chapters hosting their meetings starting as early as September. We know you have spent much of your summer planning and prepping for everything that needs to happen before your members step foot into the conference room. Most chapters will hold their board, membership, or business meetings prior to their educational meetings as well. This is also an ideal time for your chapter's finance committee to meet face-to-face. As many of you know, chapters are required to have a finance committee as part of the rebate requirements. This is required as it adds another layer of transparency and oversight to your chapter financial management and best practices. Below are some tips on how to make best use of your finance committee.

    Committee Composition – As stated in the volunteer handbook, the committee should consist of, at a minimum, two board members and two non-board members. Ideally, your non-board members have experience with financial and/or budget management. The president-elect shall determine membership of this committee.

    Committee Responsibilities – The finance committee is responsible for overseeing the financial activities of the chapter. They should review banking/financial statements, proposed budgets, and all other financial reports to ensure the chapter is practicing sound financial management and following chapter policies and procedures.

    Meeting Frequency – The finance committee should meet quarterly to discuss regular business or as needed if an issue arises. Like any other board or committee meeting, minutes should be recorded and distributed to committee members as well as the board of directors. Also like the chapter board or committees, a quorum (2/3 of the committee) must be present in order to approve motions or take action. Consider using UberConference or FreeConferenceCall for the times when the committee is not able to meet face-to-face.

  • Important Deadlines

    Aug 29, 2018 by Abigail Solazzo

    The following rebate requirements are due on September 15. If your chapter has not submitted these items in order to receive the (second) rebate, please do so by the deadline.

    • Signed Affiliate Agreement
      All board members should review the agreement prior to the president signing and submitting the agreement.

    • Proof of Attendance of ANFP Leadership Session
      Please submit proof of attendance of an ANFP chapter leadership course, session, chat, etc. It can include the chapter best practices sessions that took place at the spring regionals or at the Annual Conference & Expo (ACE) in June. It can also include chapter chats from last September until August 2018, as well as the online leadership courses. Only one chapter leader from each chapter is required to provide proof. Please submit the chapter leader’s name, date, time, and name of session attended to chapters@ANFPonline.org.
  • Chapter Chat

    Aug 29, 2018 by Abigail Solazzo

    Chapter Chat will take place on Tuesday, October 23, at 2:00 PM CT. We will discuss how to improve our current volunteer skills and learn new skills using automation and/or teaching.

    Chapter Chat is a platform that allows us to directly engage with other volunteer leaders throughout the country. We encourage chapter leaders to participate and share their experiences, challenges, and best practices during this time, as each of us can benefit from these discussions.

    Chapter Chat: Automation vs. Teaching: Maximizing Current Volunteer Skills and Learning New Skills
    Tuesday, October 23, 2018
    2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CDT

    Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/914291621

    You can also dial in using your phone.
    United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679
    United States: +1 (571) 317-3116

    Access Code: 914-291-621

    Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
    Cisco devices: 914291621@

    First GoToMeeting?
    Let's do a quick system check here.

  • Making the Most of Social Media

    Aug 29, 2018 by Abigail Solazzo

    With so many ways to get in touch with our members and other chapter leaders, we want to be sure we ‘connect the dots’ of communication and social media for our members and prospective members.

    For the chapters that use social media, make sure your accounts are linked to the ANFP website and vice versa. Social media icons are located on the ‘About Our Chapter’ page on each of our chapter websites. If the social media account is linked on the chapter website, members are able to share this information directly from the ‘About Our Chapter’ page and gain access to the chapter’s social media accounts from one place.

    The same goes for those chapters using apps for chapter meetings or otherwise. Most apps will allow you to link various social media accounts to the app.

    Also, be sure that your social media accounts have your chapter’s website information. This allows communication or access to contact information to go both ways. Please send your social media page information to chapters@ANFPonline.org.

  • Food for Thought

    Aug 29, 2018 by Abigail Solazzo

    Thank you to those who were able to join on us for a special Chapter Chat on Tuesday, August 14. We discussed the new chapter fundraising policies. These are important policies to have in place as they protect you, as individual chapter leaders, and the entire organization, from personal liability. Additionally, these policies ensure that we are transparent with our members and those companies or individuals that choose to donate to our organization. Most importantly, these policies ensure we are following the requirements of a 501c6 per the IRS. Below is more information about the policies.

    Personal Liability
    Many of our chapters hold raffles, bingo nights, or host other charitable gaming activities at their meeting for purposes of fundraising. However, if the proper documentation is not secured or filed for this activity, chapter leaders may be held personally liable for knowingly participating in charitable gaming without a license, which could result in criminal or civil penalties. Check with your state’s department of revenue or comptroller to learn more about the requirements of charitable gaming.

    We are asking chapters to include a statement on their fundraising/donation forms disclosing ANFP’s tax exempt classification which explains that ANFP chapters are established as 501c6 organizations. They are not charitable organizations. This ensures we are entirely transparent with our donors and they are fully aware of our tax-exempt status. This will also ensure they report their donations or contributions on their filings correctly. The disclaimer should state: No funds paid or gifts donated to an ANFP chapter may be deducted as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes.

    IRS Requirements
    Chapters also need to be sure they are reporting all funds, on their 990s annually. This is a requirement of the IRS for 501c6 organizations, such as ANFP and their chapters. To learn more about what a 501c6 and the difference, from a charitable organization, please click here. Additionally, we are asking chapters to disclose total funds raised, in year-end (May 31) summary submitted to National. As we do not have access to chapter’s full filing, we want to be sure they are filing accurately as there are consequences for not claiming funds, including the possibility of felony charges.

    Grants are another way for your chapter to raise funds. If your chapter is applying for a grant, whether its private, federal, or state, inquire with the donor on their policy regarding applicant requirements and ensure the chapter is eligible for the grant. Inform the donor ahead of time and tell them we are a 501c6 organization as you may find you are not eligible for the grant.

    These policies have been put into place to protect our chapter leaders and organization and ensure we are transparent as either a recipient of donations or as donors ourselves. To listen to the full chapter chat program, please click here. These policies have been included in the updated Volunteer Handbook, that is available for download on ANFPConnect, Volunteer Resources, Volunteer 101.

  • Making the Most of Social Media

    Aug 01, 2018 by Abigail Solazzo

    In addition to smaller, face-to-face regionally driven, networking events, chapters may want to consider creating an online group for chapter members, to network any time.

    LinkedIn offers a feature that allows members to create their own groups. These can be closed, invite-only groups (recommended) dedicated to your chapter members that will allow them to network throughout the year and continue conversations, or ask questions related to your chapter.

    To learn how to create a LinkedIn group, please click here.

  • Chapter Chat

    Aug 01, 2018 by Abigail Solazzo

    Chapter Chat will take place on Tuesday, August 21 at 2:00 PM CT. We will discuss how to build a better board and topics including how to conduct a call for volunteers, how to create a slate, and succession planning.

    Chapter Chat is a platform that allows us to directly engage with other volunteer leaders throughout the country. We encourage chapter leaders to participate and share their experiences, challenges, and best practices during this time, as each of us can benefit from these discussions.

    Chapter Chat - Building a Better Board
    Tuesday, August 21, 2018
    2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CDT

    Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

    You can also dial in using your phone.
    United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679
    United States: +1 (571) 317-3116

    Access Code: 152-873-493

    Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
    Cisco devices: 152873493@

    First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check here.

  • Important Deadlines

    Aug 01, 2018 by Abigail Solazzo

    All rebate requirements are now past due. The following items were to be submitted by July 15. If your chapter has not submitted these items in order to receive the rebate, please do so as soon as possible.

    • Officers entered in chapter portal for future volunteer year (June 1 - May 31). (Officers must be entered each year regardless of length of term.) For directions on how to add current officers, click here. here.
    • Fall Meeting Date entered in chapter portal
    • 990 filed and E-receipt submitted
    • Bi-Annual Chapter Report
    • Finance Committee established (consists of a minimum, two board members and two non-board members)
  • Food for Thought

    Aug 01, 2018 by Abigail Solazzo

    Summer is always a busy time. Vacations, family reunions, children's activities, or simply finding time to relax and enjoy the season keeps us busy all summer long. In addition to our personal commitments, we also have our jobs and dedicate time to keep up with continuing education and expanding our professional network. With limited availability, your chapter may want to consider hosting small, micro-meetings or events throughout the state. This allows members to continue networking and stay engaged throughout times when a full day meeting is not always possible. Consider hosting meetings and events in areas where there is a higher concentration of members or convenient such as:

    Roundtables are quick, easy way to exchange information and ideas and can take place over breakfast or lunch. Give members the chance to focus on one topic and share their experiences based on the topic. For example, Association Forum often holds lunch-and-learns, where members bring their lunch to a designated meeting space/venue and discuss various topics related to association management.

    Speed networking
    Like speed dating, every member spends a couple of minutes getting to know each other, or discussing a specific topic allowing everyone the opportunity to meet or speak with one another. Have members discuss a recent achievement, whether it was personal or professional, or some initiatives they would like to see the chapter implement (take notes!). This exercise could be used as an ice-breaker at chapter meetings as well.

    Evening Events
    Like roundtables, consider networking with other members over a casual dinner or drinks. While this can be a more social or relaxed atmosphere, remember to keep members focused on topics related to the industry. An evening event may be more convenient for members as well.

    Remember to invite industry partners, colleagues, administrators, non-members and students so they can get a ‘taste’ of your ANFP chapter.

  • Chapter Chat

    Jun 06, 2018 by Emily Harris

    Chapter Chat will take place on Tuesday, June 19 at 2:00 PM CT. We will be conducting a new chapter leader orientation/training for all those that are new to chapter leadership or for those that need a refresher.

    Chapter Chat is a platform that allows us to directly engage with other volunteer leaders throughout the country. We encourage chapter leaders to participate and share their experiences, challenges, and best practices during this time, as each of us can benefit from these discussions.

    Chapter Chat - Chapter Board Member Orientation/Training
    Tuesday, June 19, 2018
    2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CDT

    Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

    You can also dial in using your phone.
    United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679
    United States: +1 (669) 224-3319

    Access Code: 133-808-077

    Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
    Cisco devices: 133808077@

    First GoToMeeting? Try a test session.