• News & Events

    May 08, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    Webinar – New Chapter Board Member Orientation
    For all incoming chapter board members/volunteers and those who would like a refresher, please join us on Wednesday, June 5 at 2:00 PM CT for our annual chapter board member orientation. Registration is required for this webinar. Feel free to pass this information onto your incoming volunteers.

    To register for this free webinar please click on the following link:
    Once you are registered you will receive and email confirmation with the call-in information.

    Responses Requested – CE Prior Approval Process for Chapters
    A survey has been created that specifically addresses the meeting planning and chapter prior approval processes. It is our goal to streamline and simplify both processes for our chapter leaders. However, before we can do this, we need to have a better understanding of our chapters’ points of pain when it comes to meeting planning and the prior approval process. To complete the survey and provide feedback, please click here HERE.

  • Volunteer of the Month

    May 08, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    Linda Waite, CDM, CFPP

    This month, we are featuring Linda Waite, CDM, CFPP, of the Illinois Chapter. Linda has been a member of ANFP since August 1989. She officially began her volunteer career in 1992 as the president-elect and has continued to serve in various roles throughout her years, including treasurer, secretary, and spokesperson as well as many other roles. In addition to these roles, she also served on the Government Affairs and Item Writer Committee and was a school liaison. Linda also volunteers with many local and state organizations including her church and the Lions Club.

    As a volunteer and leader, Linda has always been one of the chapter’s ‘go-to’ members to answer questions, provide support and guidance, and offer encouragement for members that are interested in becoming involved with the chapter as a volunteer. Her consistent presence as a mentor, veteran member, and volunteer has positively impacted the chapter as a whole as well as individuals that are new to volunteering and the chapter.

    As Linda continues to be involved with the chapter, she would like to see continued awareness of the chapter throughout the state to aid members’ careers. Additionally, she would like to see the chapter continue growing its membership through member engagement.

    As a veteran volunteer, Linda suggests to those that may be hesitant to volunteer; jump in and get your feet wet. As a volunteer, you can network with peers and gain knowledge and leadership skills that meet challenges and contribute to your career. Linda believes an association is as strong as the member involvement and members' voices need to be heard, particularly those that may be hesitant of volunteering. She recommends starting in a role with some experience and working your way up from there.

    Congratulations to Linda on her many years of success, dedication, and contributions as a CDM, CFPP and as an ANFP Volunteer! Thank you for all your hard work for your chapter and our association, Linda!

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please e-mail Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org. (All nominations are confidential.)

  • Food for Thought

    May 08, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    This spring, staff and members of our Chapter Leadership Team (CLT) met with several chapters across the country. The purpose of these visits was to provide leadership training and support for the chapters’ challenges or areas of concern. Before staff or the CLT member arrived on-site, chapter board members completed a SWOT analysis. A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis helps a chapter to better understand the current status of the chapter from each board member’s perspective. This also presents an opportunity for the board to look at areas that need improvement, as well as the areas they are succeeding in. Chapters should consider conducting their own SWOT analysis every one to two years. Below are some pointers when conducting your SWOT analysis.

    • Use a facilitator - When conducting a SWOT analysis, it is best to use a facilitator. Chapters should consider asking a veteran member or another trusted member that is not currently a board member.
    • Be honest – It is important through this process to be candid and honest about your chapter’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Take the time to brainstorm and include any and all characteristics. You can always edit the list later and focus on the top priorities.
    • Everyone has a voice – You may not agree with each other’s ideas, but they should still be included in the overall analysis and discussed or addressed in a professional matter. (This is why having a facilitator is key.)
    • Don’t be afraid to ask the tough questions – No chapter is perfect, and each has areas that can use improvement. Before we can tackle those areas, recognize what they are and understand how they can be turned into an opportunity for growth and future success.
    • Focus on the most critical areas – If you find there are areas that are noticeably less successful than others, make those the priority for the chapter.
    • Have a plan – It is important to walk away from the training with an action plan in place. Use the TOWS tool to apply your strengths and opportunities and your weaknesses and threats.
    • Follow-up – Be sure to include in your action plan a timeline and when the board will check on their progress.

    Both the SWOT Analysis Guide and the TOWS tool are available to download from ANFPConnect, Volunteer Resources, Board Governance.

  • Chapter Champions

    Apr 03, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    We Are Champions!

    By donating $400 or more, your chapter can become an NFEF Chapter Champion. By joining, you are showing your chapter’s support for the Nutrition & Foodservice Education Foundation’s goal to raise visibility of the CDM credential.

    If your chapter donates $400 or more by April 15, 2019 the chapter will be entered into a drawing for a prize that can be raffled at a state meeting.

    When your chapter pledges to become a 2018-2019 Chapter Champion, it will receive special Chapter Champion recognition on your chapter’s website and the Foundation’s website and Facebook page. Chapters that remain champions for three, five, or 10 consecutive years will also receive special Chapter Champion badging on their website as well as the Foundation website.

    Get Started

    Congratulations to the following Chapter Champions!

    Kansas State Chapter Logo

    Minnesota State Chapter Logo

    North Dakota State Chapter Logo

    Oklahoma State Chapter Logo

    Texas State Chapter Logo

    Wisconsin State Chapter Logo

  • Important Deadlines

    Apr 03, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    ANFP offers an adversity rebate for chapters that need additional financial assistance in addition to their bi-annual rebate and revenue produced from chapter programs. The adversity rebate is to help off-set ANFP chapter operational costs related to meetings, programs, or other initiatives. You may also want to consider applying for this if you are seeking speakers that request honorariums. If you would like to apply for the adversity rebate, the next deadline is June 1, 2019 for a June 30 rebate distribution. Applications are accepted quarterly and can be found on ANFPConnect, Volunteer Resources, Chapter Management. Please note the important deadlines approaching.

    • Chapter End of the Year Financial Report
      Due May 15 (New policy implemented in August 2018) submit to chapters@ANFPonline.org

    • Officers entered in chapter portal for future volunteer year (June 1 - May 31). (Officers must be entered each year regardless of length of term.) For directions on how to add future electees, click here.
      Due June 1
  • Chapter Chat

    Apr 03, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    Our last Chapter Chat will take place on Tuesday, April 23, at 2:00 PM CT. We will be discussing ways to invest in our volunteers and the return on investment we receive from these individuals.

    Chapter Chat is a platform that allows us to directly engage with other volunteer leaders throughout the country. We encourage chapter leaders to participate and share their experiences, challenges, and best practices during this time, as each of us can benefit from these discussions. For the full Chapter Chat schedule please click here.

    Chapter Chat - Investing in Volunteers: What is Your ROVI?
    Tuesday, April 23, 2019
    2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CDT

    Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

    You can also dial in using your phone.
    United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073
    United States: +1 (646) 749-3129

    Access Code: 640-218-669

    Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
    Cisco devices: 640218669@

    First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check:

    Please note, that all chapter chats have been archived on ANFPtv and are available for viewing at any time.

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Apr 02, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    Wayne Kuhn Headshot In honor of the upcoming Volunteer Appreciation Week (April 8-12, 2019), and as result from the volunteer satisfaction survey, we will be highlighting a chapter leader as ‘Volunteer of the Month’ in each issue of Volunteer Leader. We will feature a volunteer who has contributed to the chapter through years of service and support and has made a positive impact through their contributions and leadership.

    This month, we are featuring Wayne Kuhn, immediate Past President, of the MD, DE, DC ANFP Chapter. Wayne has been a member since 1977 when ANFP was known as HIEFSS (Hospital, Institution and Educational Food Service Society). He began his time as a volunteer in 1980 by starting with small, one-off volunteer jobs. Eventually he began to get to know the board members and more about board functionality during his years as a volunteer. With this knowledge and exposure, he then began working his way up the volunteer ladder by serving in different roles such as the newsletter editor, secretary, program chair, and even playing a role at the national meeting in Pittsburgh in 1987. Wayne has also served on the Item Writers Committee, the Government Affairs Council, and is a Leadership Institute Alumni. Through his many years as a volunteer, Wayne has served as the chapter president for five terms (inconsecutively). During his years as a volunteer, Wayne and the other chapter leaders have successfully held their annual ‘Workshop by the Sea’ that will celebrate 24 years this fall. Additionally, Wayne and the chapter have had much success with recruiting and retaining volunteers through mentorships and conflict resolution.

    As for the future of his chapter, Wayne would like to see the chapter continue with their annual fall workshop and continue to build their succession plan with new volunteers. He would also like to see more members become involved with committees at the chapter level, which they have already had some success with in the past.

    What advice does Wayne have for those who are hesitant to volunteer? “Get in there, get your feet wet, involve yourself, make friends, and don’t sit back. You’re investing in your own self. You’re becoming a better professional and a better person. Find one person you are comfortable with and get them to pull you along for awhile. Its about learning to be professional and believe in what you’re doing. I’ve gained so much from volunteering.”

    Though he said at times he was discouraged, he always came back and tried again and learned new skills that were necessary for his role, and he attended many annual meetings that have benefited him personally and professionally.

    Congratulations to Wayne on all his accomplishments as a CDM, CFPP and as an ANFP Volunteer! Thank you for your years of service, determination, and dedication to ANFP, Wayne!

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo. (All nominations are confidential.)

  • Food for Thought

    Apr 02, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    In February, we sent out a volunteer satisfaction survey to all chapter leaders. Thank you to all that took the time to complete the survey as the results have proven to be invaluable. We will use the information when developing training programs for chapter leaders over the coming year including online courses, tools and resources for ANFPConnect, and chapter best practices sessions. Below are a few highlights from the survey.

    Chapter Succession Management

    • 80% of those that responded to the survey conduct a board orientation for new chapter leaders.
    • 76% also offer mentors to incoming officers and leaders.
    • 83% of chapter leaders are planning to attend the annual chapter board orientation via GoToMeetings (tentatively planned for May/June – information forthcoming)

    Chapter Resources & Tools

    • 100% of individuals found the chapter resources such as the handbook, chapter portal tutorials, templates and board orientation checklist to be helpful in managing their chapters.
    • 66% of chapter leaders were in interested in online course that covers volunteer recruitment & retention.
    • 57% would like to see online courses on governance best practices and program/meeting chair roles and responsibilities.
    • These courses will be available in the 2019-2020 volunteer year.

    Chapter Volunteer Leaders Forum

    While 85% of our chapter leaders found the information posted on the forum to be useful, we’ve found that only 35% of these individuals have actually posted questions or comments. The purpose of this forum was to encourage chapter leaders throughout the country to engage with one another, not for chapter updates specifically. Unfortunately, due to lack of participation and based on the survey results, we decided to sunset this forum (62% in favor). However, all information that was posted on the forum will continue to be distributed to chapter leaders via e-mails, Volunteer Leader, and other means of communication. Also, please keep in mind that you can connect with other chapter leaders through the Member Directory function on ANFPConnect.

    Chapter Chats

    60% of chapter leaders stated they have participated in chapter chats at some point during the year, and 86% found the information within chapter chats to be useful. However, due to overall low participation, ANFP will be moving chapter chats to online courses that will be available in the Marketplace. We will offer at least four courses, based on the topics that chapter leaders have indicated are important to them as part of their leadership development. Please be on the lookout for more information on these courses. Archived chapter chats are available for viewing at any time on ANFPtv.

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey. These results help us understand how to improve our training, education, and the tools and resources our volunteers need to successfully manage their chapters and have a positive volunteer experience.

    With that being said, we have created another survey that specifically addresses the meeting planning and chapter prior approval processes. It is our goal to streamline and simplify both processes for our chapter leaders. However, before we can do this, we need to have a better understanding of our chapters’ ‘points of pain’ when it comes to meeting planning and the prior approval process. To complete the survey and provide feedback, please click here HERE.

  • ROOTS Roundup

    Mar 29, 2019 by Emily Harris

    WELCOME to the Spring edition of ROOTS Roundup, a quarterly newsletter containing information about what's happening at ANFP Headquarters, updates from your Government Affairs Committee, and valuable information you can share with your state chapter and leaders. If there are any topics you would like us to cover in a future issue, please email Mindy Theesfeld.

    On March 18, the White House issued its HEA priorities with flexible Pell Grants and “market- driven workforce development programs.” The White House also announced its Workforce Advisory Board which includes Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, and Barbara Thomsen is pursuing a meeting with her staff.

    On March 14, Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH) and Tim Kaine (D-VA) introduced the Jumpstart Our Businesses by Supporting Students (JOBS) Act, which could be added to any HEA bill and would help students by expanding Pell Grant eligibility for training and credentialing programs.

    On Dec. 28, 2018, the IRS published a proposed rule to interpret and implement changes made to the formula by which businesses can take interest deductions in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The American Health Care Association submitted comments on the various ownership/leasing arrangements for SNFs (direct ownership, REITs, third-party financing, etc.) and how the IRS regulations might affect them one way or the other.

    On Dec. 14, 2018, the Dept. of Education held a Career & Technical Education (CTE) summit for input on the “Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act” that was enacted in July 2018, and OAJCC President Tamar Jacoby represented ANFP at the meeting.

    ANFP is a member of the Opportunity America Jobs and Careers Coalition (OAJCC), consisting of companies and associations working to amplify the employer voice on career education and put workforce education more on a par with traditional academic instruction.

    OAJCC is following reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA) with the goal of redirecting funds towards CTE programs. In February, Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN) stated his desire to get an HEA bill through the Senate this summer with more flexible funding for CTE.

    On the regulatory front, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is in the early stages of preparing a rule “Prevention of Workplace Violence in Healthcare and Social Assistance” that will cover LTC facilities. On Feb. 27, the House Subcommittee on Workforce Protections held a hearing on H.R. 1309, which would short-circuit OSHA’s rulemaking process and require the agency to issue an interim-final rule within a year.

    ANFP-PAC flyers continue to be distributed to chapter presidents promoting the new ROOTS campaign along with the PAC Donation Policy and donation form, encouraging volunteers to solicit PAC fundraising at their spring state meetings. ANFP-PAC now has $6,129 cash-on-hand!

  • Chapter Champions

    Feb 28, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    We Are Champions!

    By donating $400 or more, your chapter can become an NFEF Chapter Champion. By joining, you are showing your chapter’s support for the Nutrition & Foodservice Education Foundation’s goal to raise visibility of the CDM credential.

    If your chapter donates $400 or more by April 15, 2019 the chapter will be entered into a drawing for a prize that can be raffled at a state meeting.

    When your chapter pledges to become a 2018-2019 Chapter Champion, it will receive special Chapter Champion recognition on your chapter’s website and the Foundation’s website and Facebook page. Chapters that remain champions for three, five, or 10 consecutive years will also receive special Chapter Champion badging on their website as well as the Foundation website.

    Get Started

    Congratulations to the following Chapter Champions!

    Kansas State Chapter Logo

    Minnesota State Chapter Logo

    Oklahoma State Chapter Logo

    Texas State Chapter Logo

    Wisconsin State Chapter Logo

  • Important Deadlines

    Feb 28, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    Please note the important deadlines approaching.

    • Chapter Awards (Communications, Membership, Government Affairs & Diamond Award)
      Due March 31

    • Chapter End of the Year Financial Report
      Due May 15th (New policy implemented in August 2018) submit to chapters@ANFPonline.org

    • Officers entered in chapter portal for future volunteer year (June 1 - May 31). (Officers must be entered each year regardless of length of term.) For directions on how to add future electees, click here.
      Due June 1

    ANFP offers an adversity rebate for chapters that need additional financial assistance in addition to their bi-annual rebate and revenue produced from chapter programs. The adversity rebate is to help off-set ANFP chapter operational costs related to meetings, programs, or other initiatives. If you would like to apply for the adversity rebate, the next deadline is June 1, 2019 for a June 30 rebate distribution. Applications are accepted quarterly and can be found on ANFPConnect, Volunteer Resources, Chapter Management.

  • Chapter Chat

    Feb 28, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    Chapter Chat will take place on Tuesday, April 23, at 2:00 PM CT. We will discuss ways to invest in our volunteers and the return on investment we receive from these individuals.

    Chapter Chat is a platform that allows us to directly engage with other volunteer leaders throughout the country. We encourage chapter leaders to participate and share their experiences, challenges, and best practices during this time, as each of us can benefit from these discussions. For the full Chapter Chat schedule please click here.

    Chapter Chat - Investing in Volunteers: What is Your ROVI?
    Tuesday, April 23, 2019
    2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CDT

    Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

    You can also dial in using your phone.
    United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073
    United States: +1 (646) 749-3129

    Access Code: 640-218-669

    Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
    Cisco devices: 640218669@

    First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check

  • Making the Most of Social Media

    Feb 28, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    As you know, ANFP has a new Instagram account. If you’ve been following the account, you’ll notice the great photos of delicious food, ANFP members, staff, and other interesting images related to foodservice and nutrition.

    We would love to see your photos as well! During your next chapter event or meeting, be sure to have your members snap photos of sessions, members, social events, vendors, awards, and any other events that take place during the meeting.

    We also want to see photos of your culinary creations! If you would like to have your photo(s) featured on the ANFP Instagram account, e-mail them to marketing@ANFPonline.org with a caption/description and your Instagram username.

  • Food for Thought

    Feb 28, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    As a member of ANFP, you have many great benefits available through our affinity program. Some of those benefits include discounts on items or purchases needed for chapter business or meetings and events, or just for fun. Other benefits can be used for individual needs including insurance, hotel packages, rental cars, sporting events, and concerts. Consider some of the offers below to help your chapter or do something nice for yourself.

    Office Depot
    If you need supplies for your next chapter event or meeting, or even within your office or facility, take a look at the Office Depot discount program. Name badges, folders, giveaways such as mini hand sanitizer or portable flash drives, and even snacks are available to ANFP members at a discount. You can use the discount in-store, online, to pick-up your items, or have them delivered for free for orders over $50. This is a great way to save your chapter some money while making sure you have everything you need to successfully run your next meeting.

    Gift Cards and Other Giveaways
    Many of our chapters will raffle off or give away gift cards or other items. Our affinity program offers a wide array of gift cards for purchase, including Amazon, Home Depot and many restaurants and retail stores. Additionally, you may wish to raffle off a hotel stay, theme park pass, show or movie tickets as well. All of these can also be purchased at a discount through our affinity program.

    Car Rental
    If you are looking to carpool with a large group to your next ANFP event or want to take a group to the capitol (DATC) and need a larger vehicle, consider a rental car through one of our car rental partners. They offer 7% – 25% discount on rentals as well as a loyalty program.

    Other Services & Discounts
    ANFP volunteers are some of the hardest working individuals and deserve some time for rest and relaxation. Take a look at the discounts offered on hotels, cruises, vacation packages, or tickets for a night on the town, and make some time for yourself. Also, if you are still looking for health insurance, need assistance with selecting the right coverage or navigating the marketplace, our affinity program offers these services through the Auego Health Insurance Marketplace.

    For more information about our affinity program and member benefits, please click HERE.

  • Chapter Champions

    Feb 06, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    We Are Champions!

    By donating $400 or more, your chapter can become an NFEF Chapter Champion. By joining, you are showing your chapter’s support for the Nutrition & Foodservice Education Foundation’s goal to raise visibility of the CDM credential.

    If your chapter donates $400 or more by April 15, 2019 the chapter will be entered into a drawing for a prize that can be raffled at a state meeting.

    When your chapter pledges to become a 2018-2019 Chapter Champion, it will receive special Chapter Champion recognition on your chapter’s website and the Foundation’s website and Facebook page. Chapters that remain champions for three, five, or 10 consecutive years will also receive special Chapter Champion badging on their website as well as the Foundation website.

    Get Started

    Congratulations to the following Chapter Champions!

  • Important Deadlines

    Feb 06, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    ANFP offers an adversity rebate for chapters that need additional financial assistance in addition to their bi-annual rebate and revenue produced from chapter programs.

    Adversity Rebate

    The adversity rebate is to help off-set ANFP chapter operational costs related to meetings, programs, or other initiatives. If you would like to apply for the adversity rebate, the next deadline is March 1, 2019 for a March 30 rebate distribution. Applications are accepted quarterly and can be found on ANFPConnect, Volunteer Resources, Chapter Management.

    If you have not yet submitted the required documents for the chapter rebate, please do so as soon as possible as rebates will no longer be given past February 28.

    Chapter Rebates – Part 2

    • Bylaws – Reviewed by all board members. Edited as needed. (Bylaws require membership review and approval of 2/3 vote.)
    • Policies & Procedures – Reviewed by all board members. Edited as needed. Policies and procedures require board (majority) approval.
    • Bi-Annual Chapter Achievement Rebate Report – Download from the chapter portal.
    • Annual Succession Plan – Download outline from the chapter portal.
    • ACE Award Nomination – For more information or to submit a nomination please click here.

    Awards & End of the Year Statement

    • Chapter Awards – Applications are found in the Chapter Portal. Due March 31
    • End of the Year Financial Statement – Due May 15
  • Chapter Chat

    Feb 06, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    Chapter Chat will take place on Tuesday, February 19, at 2:00 PM CT. This is our annual Town Hall meeting and an opportunity for our chapter leaders to ask any of their burning chapter-related questions.

    Chapter Chat is a platform that allows us to directly engage with other volunteer leaders throughout the country. We encourage chapter leaders to participate and share their experiences, challenges, and best practices during this time, as each of us can benefit from these discussions. For the full Chapter Chat schedule, please click here.

    Chapter Chat - Town Hall Meeting
    Tuesday, February 19, 2019
    2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CST

    Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

    You can also dial in using your phone.
    United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679
    United States: +1 (571) 317-3116

    Access Code: 894-928-989

    Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
    Cisco devices: 894928989@

    First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check.

  • Making the Most of Social Media

    Feb 06, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    Some of the most liked or interesting social media posts often involve memes (pronounced ‘meems’). They are images (some of them are recognizable internet images, others are not) that often have a funny or clever saying placed over it.

    Social media posts don’t always have to be serious or informative, so consider using memes as a fun way to keep your members engaged and liking your posts. There are websites that allow you to create your own memes, such as imgflip.com, where you can use your own image or popular images from their meme bank. From there, you can add your own text or sayings. Meme Better also offers many of your favorite and popular meme images which can be customized and saved directly to your computer.

  • Food for Thought

    Feb 06, 2019 by Abigail Solazzo

    We are at the beginning of the end of winter; another few weeks and we’ll start to see signs of spring, which allows us enough time to start planning for new chapter initiatives, programs, or plans if we haven’t done so already. One of those initiatives should be to continually engage our members whether it's during our annual chapter meetings, via e-mail, or other means of communication. Below are some alternative methods and tools you may want to consider using, to keep your members engaged all year long.

    A game-based, interactive platform to engage members through learning games, trivia, and quizzes. This interactive app allows you to build your own games or use existing games or trivia. It's great for teambuilding, mobile training, as well as meetings and will get your members engaged and hold their attention. Consider it as means to keep members thinking of ANFP in between meetings by sending them quarterly trivia quizzes. (Quiz them on chapter history!) It’s also a great way to make your board trainings and chapter meetings a little more fun, by sending out a quiz following the sessions to affirm what they have learned. There are various plans available and nonprofits receive a 50% discount on the Plus and Pro plans.

    An online collaboration hub that allows you to easily exchange ideas, share projects, as well as instant message and connect with others based on topic or groups, as well as interests. This platform would work well for your committees and board as well as your members types or specialties that would like to connect (i.e. pre-professionals/Millennials, groups based on facility settings or region). Slack offers a free plan that lets you test drive the platform as well as plans that offer more features for a small monthly fee.

    SignUp Genius
    Looking for volunteers to help with stuffing bags or handing out agendas at your next meeting? Look no further than SignUp Genius. This website allows you to create an event or ‘SignUp’ and add jobs, tasks, projects or volunteer activities for members to add their names and commit to the task. Perhaps your chapter plans to hold a potluck dinner. Create a SignUp event and list all the items that are needed, send out the link and allow members to sign up for what they wish. This would also work well for other one-time or micro volunteering opportunities in your chapter that take place throughout the year.

    Poll Everywhere
    This online participation tool is a great way to get your members feedback and opinions whether its at your next meeting or throughout the year. Maybe you need to determine your space needs for your next meeting; you can quickly send out a poll to members asking who is likely to attend and get a better idea of meeting space needs. Or immediately following a session, poll your attendees and ask for their opinion on the speaker or topic. Plans, pricing and features vary.

    Each of these is a unique tech tool that will help you to engage with your members as much as you’d like during the year and keep ANFP at the forefront of our members’ minds.

  • Chapter Champions

    Dec 14, 2018 by Abigail Solazzo

    We Are Champions!

    By donating $400 or more, your chapter can become an NFEF Chapter Champion. By joining, you are showing your chapter’s support for the Nutrition & Foodservice Education Foundation’s goal to raise visibility of the CDM credential.

    If your chapter donates $400 or more by April 15, 2019 the chapter will be entered into a drawing for a prize that can be raffled at a state meeting.

    When your chapter pledges to become a 2018-2019 Chapter Champion, it will receive special Chapter Champion recognition on your chapter’s website and the Foundation’s website and Facebook page. Chapters that remain champions for three, five, or 10 consecutive years will also receive special Chapter Champion badging on their website as well as the Foundation website.

    Get Started

    Congratulations to the following Chapter Champions!