• Chapter Awards – Due April 30

    Mar 02, 2023 by Abigail Solazzo

    If your chapter is applying for chapter awards, including communications, government affairs, membership, state achievement, or the Diamond award, please submit the completed application to chapters@ANFPonline.org by April 30 or upload via the portal. Award applications are available in the chapter portal.


    Mar 01, 2023 by Abigail Solazzo

    March has arrived and while it is the unofficial start to spring, changes have already begun. One of those changes is the continuing competence model the CBDM introduced last year and that will go into effect on June 1, 2023. As chapter leaders, your members will look to you for answers to frequently asked questions as well as guidance through the process. In order to prepare our chapter leaders for these questions and concerns, Ken Hanson, CPM, CDM, CFPP and Chair of the CBDM will be conducting an informational webinar on Wednesday, March 22 at 2:00 PM CT to discuss the model and answer your questions. We strongly recommend that all chapter leaders attend the webinar to learn more about continuing competence, the benefits, and how you can assist your members with the transition. CE will be awarded for those in attendance at the live session. Below is additional background information and a link to register for the webinar.

    Why did the CBDM decide to do this? 

    Moving from a Continuing Education model for recertification to a Continuing Competence model is intended to not only increase awareness but encourage credential holders to examine their own individual needs and plan/select their continuing education activities to meet those needs. This is the primary goal.

    Continuing competence embraces demonstrating specific levels of knowledge, skills or abilities not only at the time you become certified, but as you progress throughout your career, and encompasses your changing needs. Continuing to be competent within the industry and your job means you deliver best practice results and have greater credibility with employers, surveyors and colleagues. A continuing competence model is a best-practice method of recertification, especially in the healthcare arena, and demonstrates currency in your field.

    Why is this important? 

    • Keeping up knowledge and skills specific to one's goals and needs ensures that an individual delivers "best practice" results and performance.
    • Continuing competence means greater professional credibility, with employers, surveyors, and within the foodservice department, resulting in increased potential for career advancement and promotion.
    • Research shows that employee development increases profitability for employers.
    • Continuing competence shows the ability to recognize and adapt to a changing industry.

    What do I have to do to meet requirements? 

    • Complete the Self-Assessment Tool prior to submitting continuing education activities in your record
    • Meet requirements for maintaining CDM, CFPP certification (45 CE, nine pertaining to Sanitation/Safety, one pertaining to Professional Ethics)
    • Pay annual certification fee

    To register for the Continuing Competence Webinar on Wednesday, March 22, 2:00 PM CT, please use the link below:


    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

    To learn more about continuing competence, please click HERE.

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Mar 01, 2023 by Abigail Solazzo

    Lynn Nail, CDM, CFPP
    This month we are honoring Lynn Nail, CDM, CFPP of the Arkansas (AR) ANFP chapter.

    Lynn joined ANFP in 2006 and began volunteering with the chapter in 2010. She started as a district president and eventually worked her way up to the chapter president in 2013. Since that time, Lynn has held the position seven separate times and is currently the president of the chapter.

    During her many years of service, Lynn recruited many new members. She also spent time mentoring these members and provided support and encouragement in the ever-changing world of foodservice management.

    Like all chapters, AR ANFP faced challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic including keeping the chapter sustainable and members engaged. However, Lynn was able to keep the chapter moving forward and recently held their first state meeting since the pandemic that was a great success.

    As for the future of AR ANFP, Lynn would like to help members understand the importance of ANFP and its members, that are valuable resources and sounding boards for one another. She would also like to see more members step forward to volunteer with the chapter to spread this message.

    Lynn, thank you for your many years of service and dedication! Your perseverance and positive attitude have helped elevate the AR ANFP chapter and its members. Thank you!

    We’d like to recognize you and your fellow chapter leaders as our Volunteers of the Month in 2023. Please send your nominations (which can include yourself) to asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Chapter Rebate Requirements

    Mar 01, 2023 by Abigail Solazzo

    Below are the rebate requirements that are now past pue. Documents can be submitted either the chapter portal or sent to chapters@ANFPonline.org.

    • Submit bank statements for the month of October to ANFP Headquarters – Due November 30  
    • Chapter Bylaws – Due January 15 (if the chapter bylaws have not changed, please let us know. You will not need to submit another copy.)                                                
    • Policies & Procedures - Due January 15 (if the chapter policies & procedures have not changed, please let us know. You will not need to submit another copy.)
    • Bi-Annual Chapter Rebate Achievement Report - Part 2 - Due January 15         

    Also, if you have not submitted the following documents from the first deadline, please do so as soon as possible:

    • 990
    • Affiliate Agreement                                                                                                     
    • Financial Code of Conduct
  • Chapter Champions

    Mar 01, 2023 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

    Congratulations to the following Chapter Champions!

    Louisiana ANFP
    Minnesota ANFP
    South Dakota ANFP

  • ROOTS Roundup

    Feb 02, 2023 by Emmy Bender
    Craig Brightup Luncheon with Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA)         

    The Political Action Committee voted on and approved to release PAC funds for ANFP’s Washington Representative Craig Brightup to attend a luncheon for the re-election of Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) that took place on February 1. This meeting laid the groundwork for the upcoming visit to Cassidy’s office during Dr. Joyce Gilbert, PhD, RDN and Barbara Thomsen’s February 26-28 “fly-in” on Capitol Hill and discussion about the Annual Conference & Expo (ACE) in New Orleans. 

    ANFP Plans Meetings in Washington, DC  

    ANFP President and CEO Dr. Joyce Gilbert, PhD, RDN, and Government Affairs Committee Chair Barbara Thomsen, CDM, CFPP, will be in Washington, DC, February 26-28 for meetings on Capitol Hill.  The “fly-in” is to raise awareness of the ANFP Apprenticeship Program which is based on the CDM, CFPP credential and, after a two-year process, was approved by and registered with the U.S. Department of Labor in November 2022.  

    ANFP Washington Representative Craig Brightup is planning meetings with House and Senate members and/or staff including newly-elected Rep. Jen Kiggans (R-VA), who wants to take a lead role on LTC issues; Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-ND) about the University of North Dakota’s CDM, CFPP program; Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) about ACE in New Orleans, particularly with Cassidy being named Ranking Member on the Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee; and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) who is Chairman of the HELP Committee.       

    The Call for Volunteers Campaign is Now Closed! 

    Thank you to each one who applied for an ANFP board or committee position through the Call for Volunteers Campaign. The Leadership Development Committee will review board nominees, and Committee Chairs will review committee nominees between February 9-14, and candidates will be contacted with next steps between February 20-24. The committee will conduct phone interviews with Board candidates March 13-14, slate recommendations will be announced to membership on March 16, and the Board will approve the slate in April. 

    Support the GrassROOTS Initiatives 
    If you are interested to learn more about the GrassROOTS initiatives or to become a member of the network please sign up here. Please also consider giving to ANFP’s Political Action Committee. ANFP-PAC is integral to our visibility and success on Capitol Hill. If you are planning to attend your local spring meeting, this is a great opportunity to make a donation! 
  • Food for Thought

    Feb 02, 2023 by Abigail Solazzo
    February is the shortest month of the year. Before we know it, spring will be here, and we will look back wondering where time went. While many of our chapters are preparing for their spring meetings, we also want to keep in mind the volunteer year ahead. Our spring meetings are the perfect catalyst to get prepared for the year ahead as well as get member feedback and buy-in, and discuss your chapter’s strategic plan for the new volunteer year. Here are a few ways to ensure you make the best of your face-to-face time with members and are prepared for the year ahead. 

    New Mission & Vision – Last month, ANFP introduce the new mission and vision that will go into effect on June 1. 
        VISION: Enhance health and wellness through optimum nutritional care. 
        MISSION: Build an inclusive and diverse community of experts in foodservice management and food safety through: Education, Advocacy, & Research. 
    Use your spring meeting to discuss the new vision and mission and remind attendees that your strategic plan will be tied to this as well as the goals, and members will be notified once it has been finalized. However, chapters can use this time to start discussing how members can support the mission, vision and strategic plan, at both the national and chapter level. 

    Member Survey – While chapters will use their meetings as an opportunity to survey members about the meeting, its also a great time to get additional feedback and suggestions for their overall satisfaction with the chapter. Think about sending out a brief member satisfaction survey prior to the meeting, and then discuss the summarized results in person. Or consider adding additional member satisfaction questions to your meeting evaluation which can then be sent to the members not in attendance following the meeting. 

    Budgets – Chapters should also be using the next couple months to develop their annual budget. Budgets should be completed by the spring board meeting so the board can review the final draft and approve it. 
  • Volunteer of the Month

    Feb 02, 2023 by Abigail Solazzo

    Paul DeMaida, CDM, CFPP

    This month we are honoring Paul DeMaida, CDM, CFPP of the Southern New England (SNE) ANFP chapter.

    Paul joined ANFP in 1998 and began volunteering in 2002 as a chapter board member with what was then the Connecticut ANFP chapter. Since that time, Paul has served in various roles as the chapter secretary, newsletter editor as well as president. He is currently serving as SNE’s treasurer.

    During his many years of service, Paul has remained flexible and helped support the chapter by going above and beyond his role. In addition to completing his assigned duties, Paul has assisted with planning meetings, contacting new and prospective members, recruiting board members, and helped with anything else the chapter might need at that time.

    As a current SNE ANFP board member, Paul would like to see the attendance at chapter meetings increase, therefore engaging more current and prospective members as well as industry partners and other professionals. He’d also like to see the CDM, CFPP become a requirement within the field.

    Thank you for your many years of service Paul! Your dedication and hard work have contributed the continuous success of the SNE chapter as well as ANFP.

    We’d like to recognize you and your fellow chapter leaders as our Volunteers of the Month in 2023. Please send your nominations (which can include yourself) to asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Changes and Updates

    Feb 02, 2023 by Abigail Solazzo
    ANFP is now accepting award nominations for the 2023 ACE awards! Take this opportunity to showcase your work, a colleague, or a company that demonstrates excellence! Individual recipients of the 2023 ACE Awards will receive a free registration and be recognized at the 2023 Annual Conference & Expo Honors Gala as well as in Nutrition & Foodservice Edge magazine. Individual nominations will close March 1, 2023, and must be submitted online. 

    Please note: There may be only one nominee per submission, but the colleague, company, or you can apply for as many awards as desired. The 2023 ACE Awards will be presented at the 2023 Annual Conference & Expo from June 25-28, 2023 in New Orleans, LA.  

    To nominate or learn more, click here.
  • Chapter Rebate Requirements

    Feb 02, 2023 by Abigail Solazzo

    Below are the upcoming rebate requirements. Documents can be submitted either the chapter portal or sent to chapters@ANFPonline.org.

    • Submit bank statements for the month of October to ANFP Headquarters – Due November 30  
    • Chapter Bylaws – Due January 15 (if the chapter bylaws have not changed, please let us know. You will not need to submit another copy.)                                                                                           
    • Policies & Procedures - Due January 15 (if the chapter policies & procedures have not changed, please let us know. You will not need to submit another copy.)                                                           
    • Bi-Annual Chapter Rebate Achievement Report - Part 2 - Due January 15         

    Also, if you have not submitted the following documents from the first deadline, please do so as soon as possible:

    • 990
    • Affiliate Agreement                                                                                                     
    • Financial Code of Conduct
  • Chapter Champions

    Feb 02, 2023 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

    Congratulations to the following Chapter Champion!

    Louisiana ANFP
    Minnesota ANFP
    South Dakota ANFP
  • Food for Thought

    Jan 04, 2023 by Abigail Solazzo

    Happy New Year! As we kick off the new calendar year, it’s not too early to start thinking about the new volunteer year as well. Along with setting goals, preparing budgets, and making plans for the chapter, January is also a great time to think about our personal goals as they relate to volunteering. Chapter leaders are essential to our organization and help further ANFP’s mission and strategic plan throughout their state. Our national volunteers do the same thing but on a broader scale. We encourage our current chapter leaders to consider volunteering at the national level and continue your path of professional growth and apply your current skills at a higher level.

    Help Solve Problems – As a national volunteer, you will have the opportunity to work in a group that will help shape programs and services relevant to chapters, education, and communications and help solve challenges we face as an organization and industry.

    Expand Your Network - Working on a committee or board allows you to meet and engage with other members (or non-members) that you may have not had a chance to meet otherwise, including corporate partners and registered dietitians.  

    Broaden Your Skill Set - National volunteers continue to grow their professional skills like communication, project management and coaching as well as gain a better understanding of governance, leadership development and advocacy.

    Earn CE – Volunteers can earn CEs for volunteering with both chapters and national roles. Per the CBDM, these requests for CE for volunteer leadership activities will be based on the following:
    a. Organization for which activities are contributed must be related to a domain in the Detailed Content Outline 
    b. The activity must be at a leadership level and in a non-compensated role
    c. A maximum of two CE may be accrued per year, with a total of six CE in a three-year recertification period.
    d. CE will not be awarded until date of service ends

    We encourage you to continue building your professional and volunteer career and consider submitting your name for the 2023 Call for Volunteers. Please click here to learn more about the opportunities available as well as the criteria for each committee/board. We look forward to working with you!

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Jan 04, 2023 by Abigail Solazzo

    Look back at our 2022 Volunteers of the Month. Each of these volunteers have continually demonstrated their dedication to ANFP and their chapters through hard work, perseverance, and exceptional leadership. We are appreciative and grateful for all they have done for ANFP.

    We’d like to recognize you and your fellow chapter leaders as our Volunteers of the Month in 2023. Please send your nominations (which can include yourself) to asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Chapter Rebate Requirements

    Jan 04, 2023 by Abigail Solazzo

    Below are the upcoming rebate requirements. Documents can be submitted either the chapter portal or sent to chatpers@ANFPonline.org.

    • Submit bank statements for the month of October to ANFP Headquarters – Due November 30  
    • Chapter Bylaws – Due January 15 (if the chapter bylaws have not changed, please let us know. You will not need to submit another copy.)                                                                                           
    • Policies & Procedures - Due January 15 (if the chapter policies & procedures have not changed, please let us know. You will not need to submit another copy.)                                                           
    • Bi-Annual Chapter Rebate Achievement Report - Part 2 - Due January 15         

    Also, if you have not submitted the following documents from the first deadline, please do so as soon as possible:

    • 990
    • Affiliate Agreement                                                                                                   
    • Financial Code of Conduct
  • Changes and Updates

    Jan 04, 2023 by Abigail Solazzo
    ANFP is now accepting award nominations for the 2023 ACE awards! Take this opportunity to showcase your work, a colleague, or a company that demonstrates excellence! Individual recipients of the 2023 ACE Awards will receive a free registration and be recognized at the 2023 Annual Conference & Expo Honors Gala as well as in Nutrition & Foodservice Edge magazine. Individual nominations will close March 1, 2023, and must be submitted online. 

    Please note: There may be only one nominee per submission, but the colleague, company, or you can apply for as many awards as desired. The 2023 ACE Awards will be presented at the 2023 Annual Conference & Expo from June 25-28, 2023 in New Orleans, LA.  

    To nominate or learn more, click here.
  • Chapter Champions

    Jan 04, 2023 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

    Congratulations to the following Chapter Champion!

    Louisiana ANFP
    Minnesota ANFP
  • Changes and Updates

    Dec 06, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo
    ANFP is now accepting award nominations for the 2023 ACE awards! Take this opportunity to showcase your work, a colleague, or a company that demonstrates excellence! Individual recipients of the 2023 ACE Awards will receive a free registration and be recognized at the 2023 Annual Conference & Expo Honors Gala as well as in Nutrition & Foodservice Edge magazine. Individual nominations will close March 1, 2023, and must be submitted online. 

    Please note: There may be only one nominee per submission, but the colleague, company, or you can apply for as many awards as desired. The 2023 ACE Awards will be presented at the 2023 Annual Conference & Expo from June 25-28, 2023 in New Orleans, LA.  

    To nominate or learn more, click here.
  • Food for Thought

    Nov 29, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    During our November Leadership Happy Hour call, we discussed some of our challenges (recruiting volunteers), as well as our victories (great speakers at our fall meetings) as well as some unique incentives to entice members to attend, including member appreciation and recognition. The importance of recognizing our members is two-fold; it is a way to be inclusive no matter the member (or non-member) type, and it makes them feel appreciated as well. Here are few suggestions for member recognition and appreciation.

    Years of Service – National has a longevity program that recognizes members for their years of membership. Chapters can do the same and even take it a step further by presenting members with certificates or small gifts of appreciation at your meetings as well as noting their anniversaries in your newsletters.  

    Newcomers/First Timers – It’s important we recognize our first timers, including students and prospective members, and ensure their meeting experience is a positive one. Some chapters recognize first timers with name badge ribbons or ask them to introduce themselves at the start of the meeting to be recognized.  This also makes it easier to identify newcomers and go out of our way to make sure they feel included and can assist with anything they might need. Don’t forget to thank them for attending in your newsletter or social media posts too!

    Volunteers – We certainly can’t forget to recognize our volunteers! Volunteer recognition can be key in recruiting new volunteers as well as demonstrating to members the time and hard work that goes into managing the chapter. More importantly, our volunteers are deserving of this recognition and appreciation. Perhaps it’s a nice lunch for your volunteers, or a gift card to their favorite coffee shop. However, you choose to recognize volunteers, its important to do so on a regular basis.  Thank you, Volunteers!

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Nov 29, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Angie Mannel

    This month, we are honoring Angie Mannel, CDM, CFPP of the NE ANFP Chapter as our Volunteer of the Month. Angie first joined ANFP in 2009 after earning her certification. However, Angie’s career in foodservice began before she was a CDM, CFPP. As a teenager, Angie worked in the kitchen of a nursing home in her town. At that time, she decided she wanted to earn her CDM, CFPP and to learn more about foodservice management. She has since held positions at various healthcare facilities and is currently at the Cozad Community Hospital applying the credential to her everyday work, where she manages a staff of 12 among two buildings.

    Since joining ANFP, Angie has been involved with chapter leadership and served as the education and membership chair, as well as secretary and is currently the chapter president since January 2021.

    Having to take on the role of chapter president during COVID brought many challenges, like for many of our chapters. However, Angie and her team made use of social media to stay connected to members and recruit volunteers which proved successful. NE ANFP was able to fill all volunteer roles and held a very successful fall meeting that gave members the chance to connect in-person once again.

    As for the future of NE ANFP, Angie would like to see more members involved as well as additional volunteers helping out, no matter their role. She would also like to see more NE ANFP members attend ACE and hopes to see the chapter win the Diamond award.

    Angie would also like to see younger nutritional services employees obtain their CDM, CFPP and become involved in their state chapter and ANFP.

    Thank you, Angie, for your dedication and continued hard work for NE ANFP! Your perseverance has built NE ANFP into a successful and sustainable chapter.

    If you would like to nominate a volunteer for the Volunteer of the Month, please send your submission to asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Chapter Rebate Requirements

    Nov 29, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Below are the upcoming rebate requirements. Documents can be submitted either the chapter portal or sent to chatpers@ANFPonline.org.

    • Submit bank statements for the month of October to ANFP Headquarters – Due November 30  
    • Chapter Bylaws – Due January 15 (if the chapter bylaws have not changed, please let us know. You will not need to submit another copy.)                                                                                           
    • Policies & Procedures - Due January 15 (if the chapter policies & procedures have not changed, please let us know. You will not need to submit another copy.)                                                           
    • Bi-Annual Chapter Rebate Achievement Report - Part 2 - Due January 15         

    Also, if you have not submitted the following documents from the first deadline, please do so as soon as possible:

    • 990
    • Affiliate Agreement
    • Financial Code of Conduct