This month we are honoring Paul DeMaida, CDM, CFPP of the Southern New England (SNE) ANFP chapter.
Paul joined ANFP in 1998 and began volunteering in 2002 as a chapter board member with what was then the Connecticut ANFP chapter. Since that time, Paul has served in various roles as the chapter secretary, newsletter editor as well as president. He is currently serving as SNE’s treasurer.
During his many years of service, Paul has remained flexible and helped support the chapter by going above and beyond his role. In addition to completing his assigned duties, Paul has assisted with planning meetings, contacting new and prospective members, recruiting board members, and helped with anything else the chapter might need at that time.
As a current SNE ANFP board member, Paul would like to see the attendance at chapter meetings increase, therefore engaging more current and prospective members as well as industry partners and other professionals. He’d also like to see the CDM, CFPP become a requirement within the field.
Thank you for your many years of service Paul! Your dedication and hard work have contributed the continuous success of the SNE chapter as well as ANFP.
We’d like to recognize you and your fellow chapter leaders as our Volunteers of the Month in 2023. Please send your nominations (which can include yourself) to