• Chapter Champions

    Sep 03, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

  • Food For Thought

    Aug 04, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    During one of the last months of summer, most of us are making plans for the fall. Many of our chapters have scheduled their fall meetings and are looking forward to reconnecting with members they may have not seen in well over a year. Additionally, as many new members have joined during the year, this will be their first opportunity to meet other members. It may also be the first in-person meeting for many of our members since the pandemic began. However, there are some that may still not be able to attend live meetings.

    As we are moving towards regularly scheduled in-person events, chapters may want to consider continuing with offering virtual options for a portion of their live meetings as well as other educational opportunities that can be planned throughout the year. This allows for flexibility with the program should unexpected situations arise (i.e., COVID-19, extreme weather, labor strikes, etc.) as well as allow those members that are not able to travel to participate in a chapter meeting/event. Below are some ideas for educational meetings and events throughout the year.

    Hybrid Meetings & Events – The first option being the most obvious is to hold chapter meetings/events as a hybrid event, with virtual and in-person options. It allows for flexibility for your members to attend throughout the state regardless of their ability to travel or scheduling conflicts. Zoom has monthly plans as low as $14.99 that can be canceled at any time.

    Alternate between in-person and virtual – Chapters can also plan to host one of their meetings as a virtual event (Spring or Fall) while the other can take place as an in-person event. Again, this allows flexibility for your members as well as helps to reduce some of the costs associated with a live, in-person meeting.

    Lunch and Learns – This type of session can be done virtually and in person. It can also be done through a simple platform as such as FaceTime. For continuity purposes, you can choose to focus on one topic that is discussed at each virtual session as well as an in-person session at your next meeting. Or, various topics can be discussed at each one.

    Board and Committee Meetings - Another opportunity to incorporate hybrid presentations/meetings is through your board and committee meetings. There are times that our chapter boards and committees delay meeting as they traditionally meet in person. However, by holding virtual meetings throughout the year when we are not able to meet in person, we can continue to move forward with our goals and conduct regular business.

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Aug 04, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Marcia Borton, CDM, CFPP

    This month we are honoring Marcia Borton, CDM, CFPP of the Wisconsin (WI) ANFP Chapter as our Volunteer of the Month. Marcia has been at the same facility for over 41 years, starting as a night tray aide, eventually moving into the cook’s position. She then began assisting the manger with grocery orders as well as other tasks that needed to be completed. Then in 1997, she was promoted to manager which is also the time she took the CDM, CFPP exam to become certified.

    Marcia joined ANFP in 1999 and began her volunteer career as a district volunteer in 2007, continuing through 2011 when the districts were dissolved. During her time as district volunteer, she served on the Program Planning Committee where she helped with every aspect of planning the meetings. In 2016 she attended a state meeting where it was announced the president-elect was stepping down, which is when Marcia decided to run for the position. According to Marcia, this was one of the best decisions she has made. She was sworn in as president-elect in the fall of 2016. In addition to serving as chapter president-elect, Marcia has also served as Education and Program Chair.

    During her years as a volunteer, Marcia’s biggest impact has been connecting and engaging with the members. She sought out what their needs/wants were and worked with her fellow board members to meet those needs and achieve their goals. In the coming years, Marcia would like to see an increase in membership and see more members become involved with the chapter as volunteers.

    To those future volunteers, Marcia shares some wise and encouraging words, “Just step up and volunteer at any level, you learn so much. I grew in the last four years and will continue to grow. You will never regret helping your state chapter. It’s the best experience I have had, and I’ve made so many friends. I never understood everything that went on at the Board level and am so happy I made that choice. And remember you are never alone; you have the rest of the board and Nationals to help you out.”

    Thank you, Marcia! It is volunteers like you that help to keep our chapters strong, and our members engaged! We appreciate your dedication and hard work to ANFP and the WI chapter.

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Important Dates & Deadlines

    Aug 04, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo
    Please note - if your chapter would like to receive the first installment of the rebate, all the below documents must be submitted as soon as possible. 

    • Chapter's April bank statement
    • Officers entered in the portal for future volunteer year (June 1 - May 31). Officers must be entered each year regardless of length of term. For directions on how to add future electees, click here. If you no longer have access to the chapter portal, please contact chapers@ANFPonline.org to re-gain access
    • Code of Conduct signed by President, President-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary
    • Affiliate agreement - reviewed, signed, and submitted to National
    • Fall meeting date and location submitted in chapter portal
    • First part of bi-annual chapter report uploaded to chapter portal
    • IRS Form 990 e-receipt (upload as image, PDF, or Word Document to chapter portal)
  • Changes & Updates

    Aug 04, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Special ANFP Merchandise Offer

    Save 20% on select CDM, CFPP branded merchandise through the end of August! Sale items include the cinch pack, key chain, padfolio, tumbler, and pen cup. Use code SUMMER at checkout through August 31, 2021. 

  • Chapter Champions

    Aug 04, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo
    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion here
  • Food For Thought

    Jul 08, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    It was great to be back in Orlando at ACE last week for our first in-person meeting in quite some time. We reconnected with old friends, met some new friends, and learned a lot in between. We were able to celebrate our volunteers and our chapters’ achievements during the Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon. We also had the opportunity to hear from a panel of chapter leaders and corporate partners that discussed best practices related to building industry partnerships. Sherri Conde of Performance Foodservice, and Kelley Vande Lune of Fieldstone Bakery, were our guest corporate sponsor panelists. John Hickson, CDM, CFPP, president of the LA ANFP Chapter and Jessica Weisbrich, RDN, LD, CDM CFPP, secretary of the MN ANFP chapter were also on the panel. Below are some of the key takeaways from the session that we hope you will apply to your own industry partnerships.

    Communication is Key – Some chapters may only reach out to partners and vendors on an as-needed basis. However, maintaining communication throughout the year helps to keep vendors and partners engaged and aware of what is going on with the chapter. Communication is also key to building mutual trust and respect that will end up benefitting both parties. Include vendors in newsletter mailings, meeting/event invites, and ask them to like the chapter’s social media page to get the most up-to-date information. Also, don’t hesitate to check in with them occasionally to remain on one another’s radar, not just during meeting/event seasons.

    Inform and Educate – Chapters and their members should not hesitate to let their vendors and partners know what they need. While this includes financial assistance or in-kind donations for chapter events, this also includes what you may need within your facilities or in your role as a CDM, CFPP. They cannot provide the right equipment, supplies, or services without getting a better understanding of what their customers need. Also, vendors and partners should do the same - let chapters know what some of the trends they are seeing in the industry are, or fresh ideas used in other facilities that may prove to be a positive outcome for both groups involved.

    Data, Data, Data - Prior to approaching any industry partner, chapters should be ready to share their data, including chapter/member demographics. This helps your prospective partners understand the chapters make-up and how they will best be able to support your members, initiatives, and meetings/events. A chapter resume template is available on ANFPConnect in the Chapter Sponsorship Toolkit. This may take some time to develop but is worthwhile to help ‘paint the picture’ of your chapter for any prospective industry partnerships in order to help them make informed decisions.

    Think Outside the Box – In addition to maintaining communication with your industry partners throughout the year, explore and consider other ways they can engage with members or be involved with your chapter. Many chapters participate or host charitable events or provide services to their community members in need. Invite your industry partners to attend these events with your chapter members. Offer them an opportunity to speak at your next event or sit down and have lunch with your members. The idea is to engage your industry partners as part of your chapter, not just in times of need.

  • Important Dates & Deadlines

    Jul 08, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo
    Please note the important deadlines below: 

    • Chapter's April bank statement due June 1
    • Officers entered in chapter portal for future volunteer year (June 1 - May 31). Officers must be entered each year regardless of length of term. For directions on how to add future electees, click here. Due June 1. (If you no longer have access to the chapter portal, please contact National at chapters@ANFPonline.org to regain access). 
    • Code of Conduct - Due June 1 (signed by Chapter President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary).
    • Affiliate Agreement - Due June 15 (Reviewed, signed, and submitted to National)
    • Fall meeting date and location submitted in chapter portal - Due July 15
    • First part of Bi-Annual Chapter Report, uploaded to chapter portal - Due July 15
    • IRS Form 990 e-receipt (uploaded as image, PDF, or Word doc to chapter portal( - Due July 15
  • Volunteer of the Month

    Jul 08, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Michelle Kerr

    This month we are honoring Michelle Kerr, CDM, CFPP of the Oregon (OR) ANFP Chapter as our Volunteer of the Month. Michelle first joined ANFP in 2010 and was quick to volunteer with the chapter the following year. She is currently the president of the chapter and has held the position for several years. When she began to volunteer with the chapter, she was trained by chapter leaders that were committed to provide the best experience, resources, and networking opportunities for OR ANFP members, just as she does today. 

    During her time as chapter president, Michelle has found the role rewarding but has had some challenges with member engagement as healthcare is ever evolving. As the needs of the chapter and its members have changed, even though in a positive way, she has found that it takes a larger community to better serve the chapter. 

    During her time as a chapter leader, Michelle has built positive relationships within and is always looking for innovative ways to keep the chapter moving forward no matter the pace. Her commitment as an industry advocate has also had a positive impact on those around her. She has proctored exams and rotations, worked with students and interns, and provided mentoring to upcoming and current leaders in the workplace and community settings. 

    Currently, Michelle is hoping to see increased engagement and participation in both the planning and executing of meetings, networking opportunities, and sharing best practices for the chapter. Managing a chapter is a collaborative effort and to ensure they are meeting the needs of members; they need to hear from members more often.  

    For those that are considering volunteering, Michelle shares some wise words, “Don’t fear the time commitment, it is both valuable time spent and rewarding being part of the chapter. Having board members, chapter leaders helps to share the workload. We are most impactful in sharing our learnings and supporting each other as a group that it doesn’t feel unmanageable.” 

    Thank you, Michelle for your continued commitment and hard work for the OR ANFP Chapter. Our chapters cannot remain sustainable and successful without volunteers like you!

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org
  • Changes & Updates

    Jul 08, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Government Affairs & PAC Updates

    For those chapters that are planning to make a donation for Chapter Champions or to the PAC Roots Campaign, please use the new forms to do so. Please dispose of any prior forms. 

    NFEF Chapter Champions Form

    ANFP PAC - ROOTS Campaign Donation Form

    ANFP PAC - General Donation Form

  • Chapter Champions

    Jul 08, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

  • ROOTS Roundup

    Jun 23, 2021 by Emily Harris

    As we usher in a new year and the summer season, I would like to welcome the Government Affairs newest Chair, Bionca Lindsey, CDM, CFPP! Serving alongside Barbara Thomsen, CDM, CFPP, in her new role as Ex-Officio and mentor, Bionca will now carry the torch and lead in the development of the committee’s strategic and long-term goals. On behalf of the committee, thank you, Barbara, for all your hard work, dedication, and commitment over the past eight years!

    Continuing their service on the committee are Larry Jackson, CDM, CFPP; Zlatko Jancic, CDM, CFPP; Richard Lind, CDM, CFPP; Kenneth Owens, CDM, CFPP; and Sherri Williams, CDM, CFPP. Please welcome Jonathan Robertson, CDM, CFPP and Renee Spence (Board Liaison) as the newest volunteers.

    Continuing to serve as the Chair on the ANFP-PAC committee is Shona McCue, CDM, CFPP. This committee is responsible for assisting the Government Affairs committee in the development and implementation of effective government affairs strategies and recommends the disbursement of funds from the ANFP-PAC in concert with current legislative strategies.

    Continuing their service are Andrew Aumann, CDM, CFPP; Denise Choleva, CDM, CFPP; and Tina Day, CDM, CFPP and Dorothy Radermacher. Please welcome Marjorie Smith, CDM, CFPP as the newest volunteer.

    This year, the committees will continue to focus on increasing the number of ANFP-approved training programs and will continue to promote the CDM, CFPP credential as the primary qualification for the Director of Food and Nutrition Services in the absence of a full-time dietitian.

    ANFP belongs to the Opportunity America Jobs and Careers Coalition and it initiated meetings between ANFP and the Urban Institute, which has a $2 million annual grant from the Department of Labor (DOL) for youth apprenticeships, in order to assist ANFP through the federal application process in order to sponsor a registered apprenticeship program. ANFP is now in the pilot phase of establishing a DOL-recognized youth apprenticeship program, which will help skilled nursing facilities attract employees based on using an ANFP-approved course. The DOL will also give employers $1,000 for each apprentice (though the Urban Institute grant) to cover the cost of the course and exam registration fees.

    According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) §483.60 Food and Nutrition Services rule, existing Food and Nutrition Services Directors hired prior to November 28, 2016, will have until November 28, 2021 to obtain the CDM, CFPP credential. As we approach this deadline, we encourage those of you who need or have someone you know who needs to complete the certification process, to reach out to ANFP for guidance. ANFP’s Professional Services team is here to help you register for the CDM Credentialing Exam. Please e-mail info@CBDMonline.org or call 800.323.1908, select option 1 Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CT.

    The ANFP-PAC committee volunteers will be at the Expo booth in Orlando, FL during the Annual Conference & Expo and welcome members to visit and make a donation! Your support continues to increase visibility and success on Capitol Hill.

    Learn more about the GrassROOTS initiatives, join the cause, or become a member of the network here.

  • Food For Thought

    Jun 03, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo
    It is the start of a new volunteer year for each of us. Our members have made it through many challenges this past year, but we are looking forward to more positive experiences in the coming year, including chapter meetings. Chapter meetings are not only a great opportunity to earn CE, but a much-welcomed return of networking with our peers and vendors. While not all chapters will return to in-person meetings, and some in fact may continue to hold virtual or hybrid events, there are a few new ideas we can use to re-engage our members and prospective members. 

    Hybrid Platform – Chapters may want to consider offering a hybrid version of their meeting. This includes an in-person audience as well as a virtual audience for those members that still may not be able to travel. It also presents an opportunity to record and archive sessions for those members that are not able to attend the live event. Wisconsin ANFP recently hosted a very successful hybrid meeting this past spring that allowed in-person and virtual members to attend the meeting simultaneously. 

    Registration Options
    – Many of our chapters offer various types of registration rates either for members, students, or prospective members. When the Southern New England ANFP meetings were taking place in person, they offered their members a complimentary guest pass which helped to increase attendance while exposing prospective members to ANFP and the CDM, CFPP credential.  

    Checking In With Each Other
    – Our upcoming networking events will offer opportunities for members to share their challenges as well as their solutions from the past year. It is also a time for members to discuss their professional goals with one another. This creates an opportunity for members to keep in touch as well as hold each other accountable for their goals until the next time they meet in person. Ask members to pair off with another member and encourage them to keep in touch between meetings. Wyoming ANFP has a strong network of CDM, CFPPs throughout the state that rely on one another throughout the year for purposes such as this. 

    Smaller, More Frequent Meetings/Courses
    – Another option chapters may wish to pursue is offering more frequent, but smaller meetings or education opportunities throughout the year. This can be done in various ways, including virtually, hybrid, or in person. This will allow your members to meet more frequently or as their schedule allows, with more opportunities to earn CE without the hassle or expense of travel in some cases. Iowa ANFP held various webinars throughout October that were very successful. 
  • Volunteer of the Month

    Jun 03, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Brian Cook, CDM, CFPP

    This month we are honoring Brian T. Cook, CDM, CFPP, of the New Jersey ANFP chapter as our Volunteer of the Month. Brian started his path towards the credential in the summer of 2007 after attending his first chapter meeting in Cape May, NJ. Though he attended as a guest at the time, he was impressed by the networking and camaraderie that was present during the meeting. Following the meeting, he inquired further about becoming a member with the chapter president at that time, who was instrumental in directing him on how to obtain the credential.

    Brian obtained his CDM, CFPP certification in February of 2008. He started his volunteer career by helping at meetings including room set-up, distributing literature, stuffing registration bags, and helping wherever it was needed. Following Brian’s micro-volunteering jobs, and demonstrating his enthusiasm for ANFP and the chapter, he was asked to take on the role as secretary and quickly became acclimated to all the responsibilities of the job. He is currently serving as the chapter’s treasurer and has done so for the past several years. 

    During his years of volunteering with ANFP, Brian has demonstrated dedication and consistency as a key chapter leader for the NJ ANFP chapter. Working alongside a strong, like-minded team has also helped to sustain the chapter and keep members engaged. 

    Moving forward, Brian envisions the chapter continuing to grow and be a viable resource for professionals and industry partners in the state. He believes NJ ANFP is truly helpful and provides insightful information and tools for the ever-changing foodservice industry.

    For members that might be considering becoming a volunteer, Brian states, “Anyone hesitant to volunteer just jump in. Often. It’s a small commitment of your time, but a very valuable reward not only for yourself but for an entire community of your fellow colleagues. The ANFP organization as a whole presents awesome opportunities and really allows you to enhance your learning in the many aspects of food service. The exposure to other professionals from all over, different trends, and new innovative ideas and perspectives really provide a great foundation for a young professional starting out or allows the 'seasoned' vet, no pun intended, to stay in the know of the new happening practices.”

    In addition to Brian’s role as the Campus Food Service Director at Bartley Healthcare, and his volunteering responsibilities with ANFP, Brian owns a small business, Heavenly Eats Catering.

    We thank you, Brian, for your years of service and dedication to the NJ ANFP chapter! It is because of volunteers like you, that chapters remain an integral part of our organization and industry. Your hard work and enthusiasm are greatly appreciated. 
    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org

  • Important Dates & Deadlines

    Jun 03, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Please note the important deadlines approaching.

    • Chapter’s April bank statement due June 1
    • Officers entered in chapter portal for future volunteer year (June 1 - May 31). Officers must be entered each year regardless of length of term. For directions on how to add future electees, click here. Due June 1 (If you no longer have access to the chapter portal, please contact National (chapters@ANFPonline.org to re-gain access.)
    • Code of Conduct - Due June 1 - (Signed by Chapter President, President- Elect, Treasurer, Secretary)
    • Affiliate Agreement – Due June 15 (Reviewed, signed and submitted to National)
    • Fall meeting date and location submitted in chapter portal – Due July 15
    • First part of Bi-annual Chapter Report, (upload to chapter portal) - Due July 15
    • IRS Form 990 e-receipt (upload as image, PDF, or Word doc to chapter portal) - Due July 15 

  • Changes & Updates

    Jun 03, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Government Affairs & PAC Updates

    For those chapters that are planning to make a donation for Chapter Champions or to the PAC Roots Campaign, please use the new forms to do so. Please dispose of any prior forms. 

    NFEF Chapter Champions Form

    ANFP PAC - ROOTS Campaign Donation Form

    ANFP PAC - General Donation Form

  • Chapter Champions

    Jun 03, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

  • Food For Thought

    May 13, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    As you know, we celebrated ANFP’s Volunteer Appreciation Week May 3-7. Volunteer Appreciation Week consisted of weeklong activities to honor and recognize our volunteers, which are the backbone of ANFP. Our volunteers, like you, are steadfast in their dedication and hard work. Because of volunteers, our chapters remain strong, and members remain resilient. Below is a recap of last week’s events. We look forward to another great year ahead!

    Monday– Volunteers received a video message from ANFP staff expressing our gratitude to our volunteers and the hard work you have contributed to ANFP this year. View the video here. Volunteers were also given access to a social media kit that allowed them to add the ANFP Volunteer logo to their e-mail signatures and social media profiles where they would like to be recognized as a volunteer.

    Tuesday - ANFP hosted a webinar for volunteers that allowed participants to swap ideas and share solutions to some of their biggest volunteer challenges. All that attended the live webinar were entered into a drawing for a CDM, CFPP merchandise gift basket giveaway. Maggie Rowlands, CDM, CFPP, was the lucky recipient. Congrats, Maggie!

    Wednesday – All ANFP volunteers were sent a handwritten thank you letter, noting our gratitude and appreciation for our volunteers and all that you do. Volunteers were also given a code to receive 10% off all merchandise through May 15. Be sure to use code VAW2021 when purchasing merchandise from the Marketplace.

    Thursday – ANFP Volunteers were invited to participate in virtual Volunteer Bingo. The bingo card was a reflection on the many ways our volunteers have engaged with ANFP over the years. Volunteers that submitted their cards were entered into a drawing for a giveaway of two $100 Visa gift cards. The lucky recipients were Marica Borton, CDM, CFPP and Felica Smith, MHA, CDM, CFPP. Congratulations to you both!

    Friday – To celebrate our volunteers, each were entered into the giveaway for a five piece Le Creuset cookware set. The lucky recipient was Melisa Roehrich, CDM CFPP. Congrats, Melisa!

    Thank you to all our volunteers for your hard work and support that make ANFP the great organization it is today. We look forward to celebrating you again next year!

  • Volunteer of the Month

    May 13, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    This month we are honoring Colleen Zenk, CDM, CFPP, of the Minnesota ANFP chapter as our Volunteer of the Month. Colleen did not originally seek to become a CDM, CFPP. She began her professional life as a high school home economics teacher. However, when home economics courses began to be scaled back at the high schools, she decided she needed to make a career change. During her time at a continuing care retirement community, she earned her CDM, CFPP credential. Shortly after obtaining her certification, she attended a MN ANFP chapter meeting and was persuaded to run for a district office. Once she became involved with the chapter, she never looked back and has continued to be a part of the leadership at the state and national level. 

    As a longtime volunteer, Colleen has served in many roles at the chapter and national level. At the chapter level, she as served in roles including president, treasurer, webmaster, and most recently, spokesperson. Colleen has also served on the ANFP National Board of Directors, where she worked her way up to serve as the national chair in 2002. During her year as past chair she founded a group of like associations in 11 countries that benefitted from networking and sharing  common issues and worked to strengthen the CDM,CFPP credential in the US. At the national level, Colleen also served on the Item Writers Committee, the Standards Committee, and the CBDM Board of Directors. She presents often at state and national meetings, sharing the expertise in food safety she has developed throughout her career.  

    Colleen’s biggest impact has been the example of leadership she has demonstrated to the chapter and the future leaders she has mentored. She has played a significant part in developing MN ANFP as a strong and vital chapter, and has cultivated leaders that continue to contribute not only at the state level, but those that move up to serve on national ANFP committees and offices.  

    She hopes to remain a resource to members and national leadership, as well as help members understand state and federal regulations in this important practice area. One point of pride for Colleen has been seeing those she has led be inspired to step up to leadership themselves, by the example she has set.

    She hopes to see MN ANFP continue to be a strong chapter and one that continues to produce strong leaders for our association. Additionally, she would like to see the MN ANFP chapter grow in membership and see the chapter as a source of support and a lifeline to its members during difficult times.  

    For those that are considering volunteering, Colleen states the many benefits it has brought her. “I can’t begin to express the ways that I have benefited from volunteering with ANFP. I have made new and lifelong friends that I would have never met any other way. I have met people from all over the country and the world and have shared our common passion for improving senior care. I have developed a network of colleagues and industry professionals that I can call on for advice, information, and support, which helped me grow as a manager and leader in my field. Volunteering with ANFP allowed me to develop knowledge and skills that opened other doors for me and helped my career to flourish. ANFP enriched my life and career, and being part of this organization was one of the best decisions I ever made. So I would encourage others to follow my example. Start with something small – a committee or task that you can do for the chapter and see where it takes you. You won’t regret it.”  

    A tremendous thank you to Colleen, who has set the bar for our volunteers. We are grateful for the time, hard work and dedication you have given to MN ANFP and the national organization. ANFP would not be the same if it were not for chapter leaders like you!

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org

  • Important Dates & Deadlines

    May 13, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Please note the important deadlines approaching.

    • Chapter's April bank statement due June 1.
    • Officers entered in chapter portal for future volunteer year (June 1 - May 31). Officers must be entered each year regardless of length of term. For directions on how to add future electees, click here. Due June 1.