• Chapter Rebate Requirements

    May 04, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    April Bank Statements

    Per the rebate requirements, chapters must submit their April banking statements by May 31. The statement can be uploaded in the chapter portal or sent to chapters@ANFPonline.org.

  • 2022-2023 Chapter Officers

    May 04, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    While the new volunteer year does not officially, begin until June 1, chapters can add their incoming officers/leaders now via the portal.  A ‘How To’ is attached for those of you that are not familiar with the process. A video tutorial is also available on ANFPConnect, Volunteer Resources, Chapter Management. Even if your chapter officers are not changing, they need to be added into the portal each year.  When incoming officers are added using the ‘Add Electee (Upcoming Term)’ button, they will automatically appear on the chapter’s website on June 1.

    Please do not click on the ‘Clear’ or ‘Change’ buttons when you are in the chapter portal entering your 2022 - 2023 officers. As per the instructions, you will need to select the ‘Add Electee (Upcoming Term)’ button, when in the Officer & Volunteer Management section within the chapter portal. If you change the names of the officers using the ‘Clear’ or ‘Change’ buttons at this time, the term will only last through the end of the month. ‘Clear’ or ‘Change’ buttons are intended for any changes that take place mid-year or as necessary.

  • Chapter Champions

    May 04, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

    Congratulations to the following Chapter Champions!

    Indiana ANFP
    Kansas ANFP
    Minnesota ANFP
    Texas ANFP

  • Food for Thought

    Apr 05, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    We’re about to embark on the pinnacle of spring chapter meetings season. Many of our members are looking forward to reconnecting face to face and networking with new members and vendors. There will likely be a lot of conversation around the challenges members have faced and continue to face as the pandemic has become part of our daily lives. No matter the challenges, our members have persevered and leaned on each other for support and understanding during this time. We have learned a lot about ourselves and learned from our mistakes, which is one silver lining we can take away from the last two years. It has also presented us an opportunity to share those experiences which hopefully helps others learn and grow as well. One of those opportunities has been our monthly Leadership Happy Hour call. Though the call has only been taking place for a few months, we’ve learned a great deal from each other, while providing support to our peers and sharing ideas including:

    Meeting Topics/Agendas – We’ve heard from chapter leaders about some very interesting topics that will be presented at spring meetings, including automation (as it relates to labor), how to cope with stress, becoming a better listener and of course, sessions related to ethics and sanitation.

    Challenges & Solutions – Chapter leaders have had the opportunity to share their challenges with their peers as well as offer solutions. Hearing from those that are in a similar situation helps us from feeling isolated and reminds us that ‘were in this together’.

    Volunteer Recruitment & Retention – We’ve also discussed volunteer recruitment and retention. It is no secret that nonprofit organizations throughout the country are struggling to recruit and retain volunteers, but through our conversations we’ve learned of some creative ways we can start to approach our members and get them engaged.

    Self-Advocacy as CDM, CFPP – CDM, CFPP’s are humble individuals, and ‘tooting your own horn’ does not come easy to many of our members. Chapter leaders shared ideas on how we can help our members understand the value they bring to their positions and more importantly how they can show others the value they bring to the table.

    We encourage our chapter leaders to join in the discussion at our next Leadership Happy Hour call on Monday, April 11th at 5:00 PM CT. To register for the call please click here.

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Apr 05, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Diana Trout, CDM, CFPP

    This month we are honoring Diana Trout, CDM, CFPP, of the South Carolina (SC) ANFP Chapter as our Volunteer of the Month.

    Diana’s career and love for foodservice started in 1986 at a hospital in Wilmington, Ohio, starting as a dietary aide and finishing as a first cook. After moving in 1992, she began working in LTC and where she made the move to management. She obtained her CDM, CFPP in 1995 and began her volunteer career in 2013 when she agreed to be the SC ANFP membership committee chair. Then in 2014 she was elected as SC ANFP vice president and moved through the ranks as president-elect in 2015, then onto president serving two terms from 2016-2018. Following her term as past president, she was elected as secretary which she continues to serve in this role.

    Due to unforeseen circumstances in 2018, Diana needed to start thinking about her volunteering career with SC ANFP and where it was going to go. Volunteering had been a huge part of her career and life. She had made some great friends that have become like family. The learning, camaraderie, planning and the interaction with peers had been something she knew she would miss. She eventually retired but continued volunteering with SC ANFP. This fall Diana was honored as the SC ANFP CDM of the Year and also received the Roland Peppard award.

    As Diana reflects on her volunteer career, she states, “Serving on the executive board has been very fulfilling and I have enjoyed learning how the organization works from the inside. My favorite part is assisting with organizing the conferences and working with the venues, speakers, and vendors. I have learned that foodservice has some of the friendliest, giving, and hard-working people there is. I have acquired a larger respect for my fellow CDM’s through this COVID period. Their dedication to their positions, staff, communities, and residents is astounding.”

    As for the future of the SC ANFP chapter, Diana feels that volunteering is something everyone should get involved in. She would like to see the volunteer program get a boost as she realizes participation has been hampered by CDM, CFPP’s roles changing, long work hours, less encouragement and help from employers, and less time for involvement. She recognizes foodservice is an ever-changing profession but getting involved and supporting each other is rewarding. 

    Thank you, Diana for the many years and hours you have dedicated to SC ANFP. You helped shape the chapter and ensure it has been a success. Thank you!

    If you would like to nominate a member for Volunteer of the Month, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Important Update

    Apr 05, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    CBDM Approves Volunteer Leadership Activities for CE. For more information, please click on the following link.


  • Chapter Champions

    Apr 05, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

    Congratulations to the following Chapter Champions!

    Indiana ANFP
    Kansas ANFP
    Texas ANFP

  • Food for Thought

    Mar 09, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Spring is in the air and with it brings change. Perhaps one of the biggest changes will be the return of in-person meetings for chapters. It's also is an opportunity for new members to experience what our veteran members have in the past, including face to face networking, interactive sessions, and a chance to get involved as volunteer. New members, or current, will have the chance to meet the current chapter leaders and volunteers and learn about the ways they can help. More importantly, it’s a chance for our current volunteers to get to know new members and learn about how they would like to contribute and the skills they would like to learn. Either way, the chapter, its members, and the volunteer can benefit from the experience with the right approach.  

    Match goals/interests – Start by asking prospective volunteers about themselves. What are some of their goals or interests that volunteering can support? What skill would they like to learn or improve? When a volunteer’s needs are met, they are more likely to stay engaged.

    Not everyone is a leader – Not everyone wants to be the leader. There may be those that simply want to help or support the chapter or as mentioned, learn a new skill, or explore an interest. It’s important to keep this in mind when recruiting new volunteers to ensure their experience is tailored to their needs, but also serves the chapter.

    Alternate benefits – While leadership skills are what first comes to mind when you think of volunteering, think about some of the other benefits that you have gained as a volunteer. You have likely expanded your professional or personal network. You probably learned something about yourself through the experience. You may have also gotten some practical training, depending on the role you served. Make those benefits known to your prospective volunteers as they may be looking for something similar.

    Think small - Small opportunities can lead to big change. We know one of the biggest reasons some members don’t volunteer is the time or term commitment. Re-think how some of your volunteers’ roles or tasks can be broken down into smaller jobs, or micro-volunteering opportunities. Perhaps you develop an ad-hoc committee for your spring meeting, and when the spring meeting is over, the committee dissolves. Or ask a different volunteer to develop the newsletter each issue. Whatever the task or role may be, consider ways you can divide and conquer.

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Mar 09, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo
    Robin Hilbird Bardgett, CDM, CFPP

    This month we are honoring Robin Hilbird-Bardgett, CDM, CFPP, of the Wyoming (WY) ANFP Chapter as our Volunteer of the Month.

    Robin first joined ANFP in April 2016 after attending a couple conferences as a student and was amazed at the information and networking that took place at the live events. After obtaining her CDM, CFPP, she began volunteering, or in her words was “voluntold” to oversee the “Foodservice Rewards” as her first volunteer experience.  Due to Robin’s meticulous and diligent work, the chapter was able to purchase an Emeril Lagasse Air Fryer 360 for our WY’s 50th Anniversary which was raffled off and proceeds were donated to ANFP PAC.  

    Robin’s first chapter leader role was as the chapter treasurer from 2017 -2018. She had originally agreed to serve as president-elect the following year. However, as the term drew near, Robin felt the role was not for her. She felt she was better suited to serve in the treasurer’s role which she continues to do to this day. In addition to Robin’s chapter leadership roles, she has also served on the Item Writer’s Committee from 2018-2019 as well as the CBDM’s Standards Committee since 2018. She is proud to be serving on this committee and feels she can use her strengths through service to the committee. 

    As current treasurer, Robin has been able to apply her business management knowledge and experience to the role. She is detail-oriented, organized, and accountable with her work and responsibilities and is a much-trusted chapter leader among members because of honorable work ethic. Additionally, Robin’s flexibility and willingness to serve has made a positive impact on the chapter. By demonstrating her inclination to volunteer she has set an example for other WY members to consider volunteering and supporting the chapter.

    Looking ahead, Robin would like to see more members step up to volunteer and reap the benefits that come from volunteering, both personal and professional. Additionally, she would like to see the chapter continue to work with surrounding states and host joint or multi-state conferences, whether they are in-person or virtual, as this allows more members to attend. Robin would also like to see the WY chapter win a Diamond award that annually recognizes a chapter that goes above and beyond, implements innovative programs, and demonstrates best practices.

    As for Robin herself, she plans to continue volunteering with ANFP through various opportunities and would eventually like to serve on the ANFP Board of Directors and/or a national committee.

    Robin, we thank you for your hard work, dedication, and commitment to the WY chapter and ANFP! Our chapters are successful because of volunteers like you. Thank you!

    If you would like to nominate a member for Volunteer of the Month, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Important Update

    Mar 09, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    CBDM Approves Volunteer Leadership Activities for CE. For more information, please click on the following link.

  • Chapter Rebate Revised Requirements

    Mar 09, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    To help better support our chapters to become eligible for the next rebate, we have once again revised the upcoming rebates requirements.

    Chapters will need to submit the following as soon as possible (except bank statement) to be eligible for the second rebate.

    ·       Bank statements for the month of October 2021 to ANFP Headquarters (Due November 30)

    ·       Most recent copy of bylaws

    ·       Most recent copy policies & procedures

    ·       990 e-receipt (if not submitted prior)

  • Chapter Champions

    Mar 09, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

    Congratulations to the following Chapter Champions!

    Indiana ANFP
    Kansas ANFP
    Texas ANFP


  • Food for Thought

    Feb 02, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    It’s never too early to think about the start of the new volunteer year (June 2022). While many chapters are likely preparing for their spring meetings, consider setting aside some time in the next month, or at the next board meeting, to assess your needs for the next volunteer year. Once you have assessed those needs, you’ll have plenty of time to address them prior to the start of the volunteer year. 

    Assess Your Board – Taking the time to assess your board can lead to some great ideas and improvement of chapter management. There are a couple ways that boards can assess themselves. They can use the self-assessment tool as well as the SWOT analysis (both templates available in Volunteer Resources). Both will help the board to understand where their strengths lie and where they can improve, as a board and as a chapter as a whole.

    Assess Your Member Needs – One of the best ways to assess the needs of your members is through a survey. This allows for all your members to voice their opinion and needs and do so anonymously. You can also consider forming a focus group, a small sample of your members, to determine what your members would like to get out of their chapter and their current needs.

    Assess Your Goals – Taking time to review your chapter goals and the status of these goals should be done on a regular basis (quarterly). This is a simple enough process, as the goal has either been met or not. However, you and the board can drill down further and determine what still needs to happen to meet that goal by the end of the volunteer year whether that’s financial resources, volunteers or more time.

    Asses Your Needs – As a volunteer, it’s important to assess your own individual needs as well. You may have set goals for yourself as a volunteer, or perhaps you were looking to gain a specific skill. Did you accomplish that? If so, great! What’s next? If not, determine what needs to happen for you to reach that goal or what obstacles may be in the way.

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Feb 02, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Steve Owen, CDM, CFPP
    This month we are honoring Steve Owen, CDM, CFPP, of the Idaho (ID) ANFP Chapter as our Volunteer of the Month.

    Steve’s love for cooking goes back to helping his mother cook their family meals. It eventually led him to Showboat Retirement Center in Lander, WY, to take a position as a cook after retiring from his ministry role of 36 years.

    Steve became active with Wyoming (WY) ANFP as a student in 2010 a then became a CDM, CFPP in 2011 and was later recruited to serve on the government affairs committee. During his time on the committee, Steve recruited volunteers and organized an ANFP Day at the Capitol (Cheyenne, WY) where he established strong relationships with members of the Wyoming House and Senate and Governor’s office. He also planned the first ever joint conference with Wyoming ANFP and the Wyoming Health Care Association. Steve has also served as chapter president and treasurer for the WY ANFP as well as a member of the Edge Magazine Editorial Advisory Board for two years. In 2020, Steve moved to Boise to be near his grandchildren and decided to get involved with the Idaho chapter.  He found himself being recruited to serve as interim president to help reactivate the chapter which has been inactive for the last few years. Steve, along with a small group of volunteers have developed their first meeting in three years, taking place this coming March in Meridian, ID.

    Steve’s passionate about serving others and has found deep satisfaction with his time with ANFP as a volunteer and member.

    Steve, it is volunteers like you that keep our chapters going strong! Your time, dedication and hard work are invaluable, and we appreciate all you have done for the ID and WY chapters, as well as ANFP! Thank you!

    If you would like to nominate a member for Volunteer of the Month, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Chapter Rebate Revised Requirements

    Feb 02, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    To help better support our chapters to become eligible for the next rebate, we have once again revised the upcoming rebates requirements.

    Chapters will need to submit the following by January 15, 2022 (except bank statement) to be eligible for the second rebate.

    ·       Bank statements for the month of October 2021 to ANFP Headquarters (Due November 30)

    ·       Most recent copy of bylaws

    ·       Most recent copy policies & procedures

    ·       990 e-receipt (if not submitted prior)

  • Chapter Champions

    Feb 02, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Chapter Champions

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

    Congratulations to the following Chapter Champions!

    Indiana ANFP
  • Food for Thought

    Jan 05, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Happy New Year! With another year behind us, many are looking forward to a fresh start as well as the opportunity to build off what we learned last year. For some chapters, this may be continuing with virtual events as an option for education. For others, they may be continuing with recruitment efforts, whether volunteers or members. Or perhaps chapters are embarking on a new goal. Whatever the chapter is pursuing, the new year is a great time for change as well as applying the knowledge we have gained and the lessons we have learned. As chapter leaders look at the year ahead, keep in mind the changes that may need to take place and how they can be incorporated into chapter management.

    Changes to Policies & Procedures – We ask each chapter to review their policies & procedures (as well as bylaws) annually and note any changes. If you have not already, your chapter may wish to incorporate changes related to job descriptions, such as the brand ambassador(s), board of directors’ meetings (allow for virtual meetings if needed) or travel expenses (standard mileage rate). Once you have made the changes, please forward a copy to chapters@ANFPonline.org, by January 15.

    Changes to Virtual Meetings – Some chapters held virtual events last year and incorporated this type of event into their regular education offerings. For those that are exploring this option or don’t know where to start, take a look at the our chapter leaders webinar that includes best practices as well as our Top 10 list on ANFPConnect. For those that have held virtual events, consider incorporating new ways to engage your attendees, including polls, Q & A sessions, networking events or breakout rooms.

    Changes to Websites/Social Media – The beginning of the year is a great time to take a few moments and review your chapter’s website and make any necessary changes. Check to see if the content/articles posted are still relevant to your chapter or should be removed. It’s also a great time to look at your chapter’s social media accounts and make any changes (logos, background photos, contact and chapter information, etc.). This should be done quarterly to ensure all content is accurate and relevant to your chapter. For changes to the website, please contact chapters@ANFPonline.org.

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Jan 05, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Rosalind Davis

    This month we are honoring Rosalind Davis, CDM, CFPP, of the Illinois (IL) ANFP Chapter as our Volunteer of the Month.

    Rosalind joined ANFP in 1989 and has held several volunteer positions throughout the years. She served as chair on the chapter’s awards and recognition committee as well as president elect and is in currently in her second term as the chapter president.

    During her years of service, she has had many positive impacts, but her biggest impact has taken place over the course of the last 18 months.  Rosalind has worked tirelessly to keep the chapter up and running and has done so by reaching out to all 500+ members, to encourage each of them to volunteer and become more engaged. This resulted in a fall meeting that was well attended and well received by IL ANFP members.

    As for the future of IL ANFP and what Rosalind would to see happen, is to have more members throughout the state attend the spring meeting 2022 and continue to grow the chapter and increase engagement among members.

    Thank you, Rosalind! Your continuous hard work, dedication and service are greatly appreciated! It is because of volunteers like you, our chapters continue to grow.

    If you would like to nominate a member for Volunteer of the Month, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Chapter Rebate Revised Requirements

    Jan 05, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    To help better support our chapters to become eligible for the next rebate, we have once again revised the upcoming rebates requirements.

    Chapters will need to submit the following by January 15, 2022 (except bank statement) to be eligible for the second rebate.

    ·       Bank statements for the month of October 2021 to ANFP Headquarters (Due November 30)

    ·       Most recent copy of bylaws

    ·       Most recent copy policies & procedures

    ·       990 e-receipt (if not submitted prior)

  • Chapter Champions

    Jan 05, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

    Congratulations to the following Chapter Champions!

    Indiana ANFP