• Chapter Champions

    Oct 12, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

  • ROOTS Roundup

    Sep 15, 2022 by Emmy Bender
    Welcome to the Fall 2022 edition of ROOTS Roundup! In this issue you will learn about the Government Affairs Committee's goals for the upcoming year along with updates and opportunities to serve as a volunteer! 

    The Government Affairs Committee will continue to focus on increasing the number of ANFP-Approved Training Programs and will promote the CDM, CFPP credential as the primary qualification for the Director of Food and Nutrition Services in the absence of a full-time dietitian. 

    ANFP realized an important victory when the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) withdrew its 2019 proposed rule “Medicare and Medicaid Programs: Requirements for Long-Term Care Facilities; Regulatory Provisions to Promote Efficiency, and Transparency,” which would have weakened the CDM, CFPP requirement for the Director of Food and Nutrition Services in skilled nursing facilities.

    CMS very quietly withdrew its 2019 proposed rule on August 4, 2021, with notification posted on the website for the Office of Management and Budget. ANFP submitted comments opposing the rule to CMS in September 2019 and its progress was halted when the Biden Administration came into office in January 2021. The Certified Dietary Manager, Certified Food Protection Professional Credential remains intact in the CMS §483.60 Staffing Requirements.  

    ANFP continues to make progress rolling out its youth apprenticeship program registered with the U.S. Department of Labor. Employers have signed commitment letters and the first apprentice is ready to begin. The goal is to have 20 individuals matriculate in the program, which is based on the CDM, CFPP curriculum with Department of Labor grant funding that now gives employers $2,000, an increase from the original stipend of $1,000, for each of the apprentices to cover the cost of the course and exam registration fees. 

    The Call for Volunteers will open on October 1, 2022. Members who are currently serving in a volunteer position on ANFP, CBDM, or NFEF boards or committees that end May 31, 2023, will need to complete the application process if they are interested in serving another term. Please encourage members of your state to apply and serve in a leadership role. Volunteering provides various ways to learn new skills, develop and enhance networking opportunities, and is a wonderful way to gain more experience that can further your career! 

    If you are interested to learn more about the GrassROOTS initiatives or to become a member of the network please sign up here. Please also consider giving to ANFP’s political action committee, ANFP-PAC, which is integral to our visibility and success on Capitol Hill. If you are planning to attend your local fall meeting, this is a great opportunity to make a donation! 
  • Food for Thought

    Sep 07, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    We are off to a great start with our fall chapter meetings, with twenty meetings already scheduled and more to come. For some members this may be their first time attending a meeting, or for others this may be their first in person meeting in a couple years. Either way, attending a chapter meeting is an exciting opportunity for members to gain new knowledge, learn best practices and network with their peers and industry colleagues. However, once the meeting ends, we want to ensure we maintain our momentum and our connections that we made during the meeting. We can do this using a few strategies to maximize the knowledge we gained and build on the connections we made.

    Monthly Networking Circles – Implement a virtual networking circle, like our Leadership Happy Hour calls, that extends from your meeting’s networking event. Once a month or every other month, invite participants to attend the meet-up and continue their discussions as well as meet others and ask and answer industry questions.

    Set Goals Related to Content – Much of the content we learn can be applied to our everyday jobs and/or volunteer roles. Before leaving the chapter meeting, ask attendees to set goals for themselves that are related to the content taught at the meeting. This encourages attendees to use the knowledge they have gained and apply it to real life situations.

    Follow-up Webinars – Once attendees have set goals, schedule a follow-up meeting(webinar) for those that would like to report on their progress and share what they learned through applying their knowledge gained at the meeting.

    Check in on New Members/First Timers – Be sure to keep in touch with first time attendees, new members, students, and non-members that attend the meeting. New member advisors can be tasked with reaching out to these individuals to act as a mentor or simply check in to see how they are doing. It can be a great opportunity for relationship building among industry peers.

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Sep 07, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Theresa  Faison

    This month we are honoring Teresa Faison, CDM, CFPP of the Georgia (GA) ANFP Chapter.

    Teresa first joined ANFP in 1989 when it was still known as DMA. She began to volunteer with the chapter after moving to Georgia, following her husband’s military retirement in 2018.

    However, volunteering was not new to Teresa when deciding to volunteer with the chapter. She has volunteered in many roles and organizations over the years, including marching band booster club at her children’s schools as well as the military spouse’s club. She is currently serving as president of the Robins AFB Spouses’ Club as well as an usher at her church. In addition to these roles, Teresa is currently the president-elect for the GA ANFP chapter having started volunteering as the chapter secretary in June of 2020.

    During her volunteer work now and moving forward, Teresa has brought in her experience and knowledge from other volunteer roles and applies it to her work she currently performs for the chapter. She hopes this will bring in a fresh perspective that will benefit the chapter.

    As president-elect of the GA ANFP, Teresa would like to see more members volunteer for leadership positions on the state level as well as the National level. As for entire organization and industry, she would like to see ANFP continue to push to have the CDM, CFPP recognized as a requirement within the LTC industry. 

    Thank you for all your hard work and unwavering dedication to your chapter and ANFP, Teresa! Our chapters are strong and successful because of chapter leaders like you. Thank you!

    If you would like to nominate a chapter leader for Volunteer of the Month, please contact Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Chapter Rebate Revised Requirements

    Sep 07, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Below are the rebate requirements which are now past due. Please submit as soon as possible in order to be eligible for the first rebate installment. Documents can be submitted either the chapter portal or sent to chatpers@ANFPonline.org.

    • Submit bank statement for the month of April to ANFP Headquarters - Due May 31
    • Officers entered in Chapter Portal for future volunteer year (June 1 – May 31) (Officers must be entered each year regardless of length of term.) – Due June 1
    • Code of Conduct - Signed by Chapter President, President- Elect, Treasurer, Secretary - Due June 1
    • Affiliate Agreement – Reviewed, signed, and submitted to ANFP Headquarters – Due June 15
    • End of the year financial statement by June 30 each year (for the previous fiscal year) to ANFP Headquarters – Due June 30
    • Education meeting dates submitted to ANFP Headquarters - Due July 15
    • 990 filed and E-receipt submitted (Fiscal year June 1 - May 31) - Due July 15
    • Bi-Annual Chapter Rebate Achievement Report - Part 1 - Due July 15
  • Chapter Champions

    Sep 07, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo
    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.
  • Food for Thought

    Aug 08, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Many chapters have already scheduled their fall meetings, and a few held theirs over the summer. As we know, chapter meetings are a huge undertaking and take much of our time and hard work to pull together. They also take teamwork and creativity to produce a meeting that offers quality education, lively networking events in addition to finding the perfect venue that is in a centrally located area all within a limited budget. However, there are some ways we can approach our meetings where we can still provide the same level of quality while easing some of the workload for the meeting/program chair and board. Here are a few options to consider when planning your next meeting.

    Combined/Joint Meetings - Many chapters such as WY and SD and NC and SC will be joining forces this fall and hosting joint meetings. Joint meetings allow the chapter board to split the work of soliciting speakers, searching for a venue, marketing the meeting, completing the prior approvals application, etc. They also may help to reduce costs depending on speaker and venue fees and travel expenses for your members.

    Form a Task Force – For those chapters that may not have a meeting/program chair or committee, forming a task force with the sole purpose of planning a meeting is a good option. Not only will this lessen the workload for the board, it will also expose new members to the volunteer experience as a one-time job and hopefully entice them to become more involved.

    Swapping Speakers and Exhibit Space – It is no secret that many of our chapter leaders speak at ACE, regional and chapter meetings, as well as industry conferences. We see some of our chapters swap speakers; speaker from chapter A, speaks at chapter B’s meeting and chapter B sends a speaker from their chapter to chapter A’s meeting. This can help relieve some of the pressure of finding speakers and reduce costs associated with speakers travel or fees. The same goes for exhibit space for a chapter’s food show.  

    Series of Sessions – Consider hosting a series of webinars rather than a stand-alone one- or two-day meeting. If a chapter decides to host a webinar each week as a series for one month, a chapter will only need to secure four speakers at the minimum. They would also reduce their expenses for speakers travel, venue, food & beverage and audiovisual. The chapter would also save time by not having to research venues, plan menus and book travel for speakers. Sessions could also be assigned one per board member or program committee/task force member as well. 

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Aug 08, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    D. Darnell, CDM, CFPP
    This month we are honoring Dorothy Darnell, CDM, CFPP of the Utah ANFP Chapter.

    Dorothy joined ANFP in January 1995 and started her dietary career in Texas. While in Texas, Dorothy was the Dietary Director at Johns Community Hospital from 2001 - 2006. She then moved to Utah in 2006 where she was the Director of Nutrition and Environmental Services Specialist for Amerinet and was responsible for implementing the GPO for Nutrition and Environmental Services Program. She finished her career at Central Valley Medical Center as the Dietary Director and is now retired.

    During her robust career, Dorothy still found time to volunteer with ANFP starting in Texas where she served as the district 6 president and district 6 treasurer. Following her move to Utah, she learned about an opening for the UT ANFP chapter president's position. She served in this position for 2 years and then became the chapter treasurer for another 2 years. During this time, she was very fortunate to have members volunteer to fill open board positions.  She has served in the same positions at various times throughout her volunteer career, and trained others in these roles in addition to serving as the newsletter editor. She currently serves as the chapter’s treasurer.

    During her years of service, the UT ANFP chapter received the Gold Level Achievement Award Chapter and also saw the largest percentage of membership increase for the month of February in 2007. She also served on the Item Writers Committee, that develops questions for the credentialing exam, from 2008-2010.

    Being back in a chapter leadership position, Dorothy would like to see the chapter go back to having two live seminars each year and increase attendance and overall member participation.  She’d also like to see UT ANFP members become involved, specifically with the quarterly newsletter by submitting articles or other relevant contributions.  Dorothy also encourages members to volunteer in any small way they can.  

    For the time being, Dorothy would also like to see the relationship strengthen between the chapter board and members. She also seeks the same outcome with UT’s communities through food bank donations or volunteering and participating in career days at local high schools. Dorothy would also like the chapter to offer more support for members planning to attend ACE or that need assistance with dues.

    Dorothy, thank you for your many years of service and hard work! UT ANFP has a bright future ahead with you as a member of the board. Thank you for all you do for ANFP and your chapter!

    If you would like to nominate a chapter leader for Volunteer of the Month, please contact Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Chapter Rebate Requirements

    Aug 08, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Below are the rebate requirements which are now past due. Please submit as soon as possible in order to be eligible for the first rebate installment. Documents can be submitted either the chapter portal or sent to chatpers@ANFPonline.org.

    • Submit bank statement for the month of April to ANFP Headquarters - Due May 31
    • Officers entered in Chapter Portal for future volunteer year (June 1 – May 31) (Officers must be entered each year regardless of length of term.) – Due June 1
    • Code of Conduct - Signed by Chapter President, President- Elect, Treasurer, Secretary - Due June 1
    • Affiliate Agreement – Reviewed, signed, and submitted to ANFP Headquarters – Due June 15
    • End of the year financial statement by June 30 each year (for the previous fiscal year) to ANFP Headquarters – Due June 30
    • Education meeting dates submitted to ANFP Headquarters - Due July 15
    • 990 filed and E-receipt submitted (Fiscal year June 1 - May 31) - Due July 1
    • Bi-Annual Chapter Rebate Achievement Report - Part 1 - Due July 15
  • Chapter Champions

    Aug 08, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

  • Food for Thought

    Jul 07, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    We have officially reached the mid-point of summer. June was a busy month for most of us, and the remaining months of summer will continue to be busy as well. In addition to our hectic work schedules, volunteer duties, and vacations, many of our chapter leaders were able to attend ACE that took place in Scottsdale, AZ, the last week of June. It was a unique opportunity for chapter leaders to network, learn, as well as discuss chapter related topics and the challenges many of our volunteers are facing. There were many other highlights that occurred during ACE which are noted below for those that were not able to attend.

    Volunteer Luncheon – Each year at ACE we celebrate our volunteers with a luncheon and special recognition of our chapters and their accomplishments. Several states took home multiple awards for communications, government affairs, membership and the state achievement. In addition, we recognized our Diamond Award nominees that included, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, DE, DC, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Congratulations to all our chapters!

    Chapter Best Practices – We had very engaging and dynamic session that featured four panelists/chapter leaders; Rick Eggert (WI ANFP), Robert McKeon (MD, DE, DC ANFP), Felicia Smith (WY ANFP) and Regina St. Clair (GA ANFP). The discussion was led by Omar Humes, National ANFP Chair, and we discussed resiliency in leadership. Many chapter leaders shard their challenges as well as how they have overcome these challenges and remained resilient during the last couple years. We shared many helpful ideas regarding recruitment, meeting planning, specifically related to speakers and session topics, and the importance of reaching out to one another for support and guidance.

    Networking Circles – This year we introduced networking circles which were small groups of attendees (a mix of first-timers and veteran members) that met throughout the conference to chat, share a meal, ask questions and share what they had learned as well as network within a small group. Each circle was assigned a leader that helped them navigate the conference and introduced them to other peers. The feedback from participating attendees was positive and we will plan to facilitate these groups again next year for those that would like to participate or could not attend.

    Honors Gala – Our week at ACE closed out with a spectacular evening at the Honors Gala. We recognized and celebrated peers and industry colleagues and one special chapter that have made a positive impact on the foodservice industry as well as ANFP. We concluded the evening with dancing and sharing laughs and good times among members. Congratulations to all our award winners! For a full list of award recipients, please click here.

    Diamond Award – This year Minnesota (MN) ANFP was the recipient of the coveted Diamond Award. MN ANFP focused on assisting members and facilities with understanding and implementing the foodservice and nutrition components of the new regulations for assisted living in their state. The regulations allowed the chapter to highlight the expertise of the CDM, CFPP and all they can bring to the table. It was also the perfect opportunity to position the CDM, CFPP as subject matter experts in the assisted living environment. MN ANFP provided a continuous stream of education, information, and updates to their members to ensure they were informed and knowledgeable of all the changes and could be used a resource when implementing these changes. Congratulations, Minnesota ANFP, 2022 Diamon Award winner!


    For those that were not able to attend, we hope you can join in is New Orleans, June 25-28, 2023!

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Jul 07, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    C. DesRoches, CDM, CFPP
    This month we are honoring Corinna DesRoches, CDM, CFPP of the North Dakota ANFP Chapter.

    Corinna became a CDM, CFPP in 2022 and has worked in healthcare/senior living dining for 40 years where she started as a part-time dietary aide right out of school, and worked her way up in the field, holding various positions throughout the years.

    Shortly after obtaining the credential, she started volunteering with her chapter as the education/program chair, planning chapter meetings which they often partner with the North Dakota Long Term Care Association. In addition to Corinna’s many years of serving as the education chair, she has been involved with the chapter’s fundraising efforts, trade show booths and hospitality committee that oversees the hospitality suites at their meetings. She is currently the ND ANFP chapter president and has served in the role since 2019 but will soon be passing the baton to her president-elect.

    Corinna’s biggest impact on the chapter has been collaborating as team and bringing new ideas to the table that help strengthen and grow the membership as well as support members when needed.  

    For the future of ND ANFP, Corinna would like to see the membership continue to grow as well as see new members step into volunteer roles where they can gain confidence and be comfortable in their roles to contribute new ideas to the chapter.

    As for volunteering, Corinna states, “I want all members to know that the support and knowledge we receive from ANFP is wonderful and they are always there to help us succeed every day and we are never alone, we are all in this together.”

    Thank you, Corinna! ND ANFP has continued to be a strong and successful chapter because of your continuous support and dedication. Thank you for all you do!

    If you would like to nominate a chapter leader for Volunteer of the Month, please contact Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Chapter Rebate Requirments

    Jul 07, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Below are the rebate requirements for the first rebate installment.

    ·       Submit bank statement for the month of April to ANFP Headquarters - Due May 31

    ·       Officers entered in Chapter Portal for future volunteer year (June 1 – May 31) (Officers must be entered each year regardless of length of term.) – Due June 1

    ·       Code of Conduct - Signed by Chapter President, President- Elect, Treasurer, Secretary - Due June 1

    ·       Affiliate Agreement – Reviewed, signed, and submitted to ANFP Headquarters – Due June 15

    ·       End of the year financial statement by June 30 each year (for the previous fiscal year) to ANFP Headquarters – Due June 30

    ·       Education meeting dates submitted to ANFP Headquarters - Due July 15

    ·       990 filed and E-receipt submitted (Fiscal year June 1 - May 31) - Due July 15

    ·       Bi-Annual Chapter Rebate Achievement Report - Part 1 - Due July 15

  • Chapter Champions

    Jul 07, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo
    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.
  • Food for Thought

    Jun 02, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Welcome to the new volunteer year! We are excited about the year ahead and look forward to all the success our chapters will have throughout the year. For most of our chapters, if not all, will be returning to regular in-person meetings and events. For some chapter leaders, it will be the start of a new role and for others they will continue in their role. Whatever the role you are in, there are few ways to get started on the right foot with your board. Each year, chapter leaders should consider holding a board orientation or training. Below are some tips to help you get started.

    Board Orientation – Make use of the board orientation checklist (available on ANFPConnect) which includes the very basics a board should cover at the start of the year or during orientation. In addition, all new members should review the Board Orientation online course that’s available in the Marketplace (at no cost). Returning chapter leaders may wish to view it as a refresher course as well.

    One-on-One Mentoring – One of the most helpful ways to train a new chapter leader is through one-on-one mentoring. Not only can you show them the correct way of doing things, but you can also offer useful advice and best practices that only a veteran member would know.

    Team Building – The start of the volunteer year is also an ideal opportunity for a team building exercise. You likely have a mix of new and returning chapter leaders on your team. Conducting a team building activity allows you to break the ice among members and start building trust and respect among the group. Here is a great list of team building activities that can be done in-person or virtually.

    Familiarize Yourself with Volunteer Resources – Becoming familiar with all the volunteer resources available (ANFPConnect, online courses, webinars, and archived chapter chats) will help you understand the tools available that will support you in your role. In addition to all our online tools and resources, keep in mind that other chapter leaders whether in your own chapter or another, are another great resource. Additionally, the Chapter Leadership Team and staff are here to provide support and guidance.

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Jun 02, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    This month we are honoring all our volunteers from this past year. Each of you should have received a volunteer appreciation certificate which is a small token of our gratitude and appreciation for all you do for ANFP. Our volunteers make so much possible for our members and generously give their time to improving and sustaining our chapters. Through our chapter leaders we have:

    ·       Spread awareness of ANFP and the credential

    ·       Cultivated future leaders

    ·       Provided education and other programs to our members at the state level

    ·       Created a network of colleagues and industry peers

    ·       Supported our communities or those in need

    ·       Recognized members and their contributions at the local level

    ·       Provided support and guidance to one another through difficult times

    While these are just a few ways our chapter leaders have positively impacted their chapter and the industry, each is an integral part of achieving our goals and mission as an organization.

    Thank you, volunteers! We are grateful for each of you and your hard work!

    If you would like to nominate a member for Volunteer of the Month, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Chapter Rebate Requirements

    Jun 02, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo
    Below are the rebate requirements for the first rebate installment. 
    • Submit bank statement for the month of April to ANFP Headquarters - Due May 31
    • Officers entered in Chapter Portal for future volunteer year (June 1 – May 31) (Officers must be entered each year regardless of length of term.) – Due June 1 
    • Code of Conduct - Signed by Chapter President, President- Elect, Treasurer, Secretary - Due June 1 
    • Affiliate Agreement – Reviewed, signed, and submitted to ANFP Headquarters – Due June 15
    • End of the year financial statement by June 30 each year (for the previous fiscal year) to ANFP Headquarters – Due June 30
    • Education meeting dates submitted to ANFP Headquarters - Due July 15
    • 990 filed and E-receipt submitted (Fiscal year June 1 - May 31) - Due July 15
    • Bi-Annual Chapter Rebate Achievement Report - Part 1 - Due July 15
  • Chapter Champions

    Jun 02, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Building on our work over the past several years, the Foundation continues to partner with ANFP chapters through the Chapter Champion program garnering financial support for the Member Dues and Certification Fees grant program. All monetary donations received are used during ANFP’s dues season to assist credential holders experiencing financial difficulties that prevent them from paying their annual membership and certification dues.

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.


    May 04, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    May is Mental Health Awareness month and the perfect time to check-in with yourself and fellow chapter leaders. Our chapter leaders are constantly being pulled in different directions, whether it’s by staff/employees, chapter members, friends, and family. We can all relate to this feeling. However, it is still important to find some time for ourselves, if only once a day to take a break. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health but is often put last on our long list of things to take care of. Consider taking just a few moments for yourself each day this month to take a mindful inventory of your mental health/state. Below are some ways to clear your mind, take a break and focus on yourself. You might find yourself less stressed, more productive or have improved your mood. Think about sharing these techniques at your next chapter meeting with your members and encourage them to take care of their mental health as well.

    Mediation/Yoga – Mediation or yoga can help us focus on our breathing and clearing our thoughts to better focus on our day or the tasks at hand. Its also makes for a great break during your busy day. Here are a few yoga stretches/poses you can do from just about anywhere. Or if yoga is not your thing, here are a few meditation techniques to hopefully reduce stress.

    Do Something Fun – Distraction isn’t always a bad thing, especially on a day where it feels like we can’t catch a break. Maybe its Sudoku, or Wordle or a few pages of a book you’re reading. Whatever it is, think about something that brings you joy, but can also help you get your mind off things for a little breather.

    Exercise – We know that exercise can boost our mood and energy level, so it’s something to be mindful of throughout our day. If you are in a sedentary position all day, think about ways you can get a few steps in by setting a timer throughout the day to remind yourself to get up and move. Or if you’re on your feet most of the day, think about how you can rest or get off your feet for a few minutes here and there. (Easier said than done!) Exercise is important, as is rest.

    Eat Right – Same with exercising, we know healthy food can help to boost or at the very least sustain our energy level throughout the day. That may look different for each of us. It may mean packing a lunch instead of buying it or drinking more water, cutting back on caffeine or eating more vegetables.

    Demonstrate Gratitude – Our chapter leaders are some of the most gracious people in the industry, and gratitude comes easily to them. While we hope that each of our chapter leaders are also being showered with gratitude by others, it’s important to do this for ourselves as well. When we practice gratitude, we give ourselves a chance to take a step back and take inventory of the good around us. Also, think about how you can spread gratitude to others through a gratitude challenge with your staff, colleagues or chapter members.   

  • Volunteer of the Month

    May 04, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo
    Robert McKeon, CDM, CFPP

    This month we are honoring Chef Robert McKeon, CDM, CFPP, of the Maryland, Delaware, DC (MD, DE, DC) ANFP Chapter as our Volunteer of the Month.

    Robert became a CDM, CFPP in 2010, and at the time he was working at an assisted living community with a memory care unit and wanted to learn all that was involved in healthcare. He was told about the CDM, CFPP program and wanted to expand his role into nutrition and food safety. However, prior to this, he graduated from the CIA and worked in high end restaurants and hotels, which is quite a bit different from his experience in healthcare.

    Robert was then invited to the MD, DE, DC chapter meetings and while he attended some board meetings, he did not join the board until 2016.  He was however, involved with the chapter prior with some minor roles helping at meetings (room/AV set-up, registration preparation, etc.) as well as speaking at the chapter meetings. 

    Then in 2016, he became the chapter vice president where he assisted with getting speakers and vendors to speak and exhibit at their two workshops: Spring workshop and their signature event in Ocean City, Maryland, “Workshop by the Sea” in the Fall.  Robert is currently serving in two roles as the chapter president and the vendor chair.

    When Robert decided to become a board member, his commitment and focus was on unity of the chapter and ensuring the chapter’s programs were fun, interesting, memorable, and relevant.  One of his goals is to conduct a workshop where members can gather information that is current and gives solutions to our challenges and concerns. Additionally, he is focused on giving back to the chapter by annually honoring a chapter CDM, CFPP of the year, and by engaging administrators by offering an Administrator of the Year award.

    He would also like assist those in the chapter that are going through difficulties and need monetary assistance, via a scholarship, in the chapter that are going through difficulties and need monetary assistance. He believes that even if challenged, everyone should be able to attend the workshops by covering the cost of the program, mileage, and hotel rooms if necessary.  At their latest spring workshop, General Mills donated $500 to this scholarship initiative after learning about it. 

    In the chapter’s newsletter, The Crab Chatter, the chapter selects various members and industry partners and recognizes the value they bring to the industry. These members include a CDM, CFPP that has added value to their community, a retired CDM, CFPP that is contributed so much to the industry as well as a vendor or company that sells products and/or services that serve or improve the lives our residents, students, guests, and family. 

    For Robert, he believes it is very important to volunteer and “pay-back” the profession that has had a positive impact during his career and lifetime. He finds it is all about relationships that we build and nurture while focusing on education and information our CDM’s are looking for.

    Robert also believes that everyone has a story; and he wants to be mindful about hearing that story. He states, “My goal is to make everything a little bit better than the way I found it. I challenge our board and committee members to see opportunities to give back to our chapter members, community, and healthcare profession.  To me, if we are able to enrich the lives of others with ideas and information that impacts them positively, that is success.  When you change your life from just being present to contributing, everyone thrives.  My goal as chapter president is see a CDM, CFPP who has enough CEU’s but still attends because they know it is rewarding to them.”

    Robert thank you for all you do for the MD, DE, DC chapter and inspiring each of us to give back and help others! Your service and commitment to ANFP and the credential are greatly appreciated! You are helping to build and sustain a strong, engaging, and successful chapter. Thank you!

    If you would like to nominate a member for Volunteer of the Month, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.