• Volunteer of the Month

    Feb 02, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Steve Owen, CDM, CFPP
    This month we are honoring Steve Owen, CDM, CFPP, of the Idaho (ID) ANFP Chapter as our Volunteer of the Month.

    Steve’s love for cooking goes back to helping his mother cook their family meals. It eventually led him to Showboat Retirement Center in Lander, WY, to take a position as a cook after retiring from his ministry role of 36 years.

    Steve became active with Wyoming (WY) ANFP as a student in 2010 a then became a CDM, CFPP in 2011 and was later recruited to serve on the government affairs committee. During his time on the committee, Steve recruited volunteers and organized an ANFP Day at the Capitol (Cheyenne, WY) where he established strong relationships with members of the Wyoming House and Senate and Governor’s office. He also planned the first ever joint conference with Wyoming ANFP and the Wyoming Health Care Association. Steve has also served as chapter president and treasurer for the WY ANFP as well as a member of the Edge Magazine Editorial Advisory Board for two years. In 2020, Steve moved to Boise to be near his grandchildren and decided to get involved with the Idaho chapter.  He found himself being recruited to serve as interim president to help reactivate the chapter which has been inactive for the last few years. Steve, along with a small group of volunteers have developed their first meeting in three years, taking place this coming March in Meridian, ID.

    Steve’s passionate about serving others and has found deep satisfaction with his time with ANFP as a volunteer and member.

    Steve, it is volunteers like you that keep our chapters going strong! Your time, dedication and hard work are invaluable, and we appreciate all you have done for the ID and WY chapters, as well as ANFP! Thank you!

    If you would like to nominate a member for Volunteer of the Month, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Chapter Rebate Revised Requirements

    Feb 02, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    To help better support our chapters to become eligible for the next rebate, we have once again revised the upcoming rebates requirements.

    Chapters will need to submit the following by January 15, 2022 (except bank statement) to be eligible for the second rebate.

    ·       Bank statements for the month of October 2021 to ANFP Headquarters (Due November 30)

    ·       Most recent copy of bylaws

    ·       Most recent copy policies & procedures

    ·       990 e-receipt (if not submitted prior)

  • Chapter Champions

    Feb 02, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Chapter Champions

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

    Congratulations to the following Chapter Champions!

    Indiana ANFP
  • Food for Thought

    Jan 05, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Happy New Year! With another year behind us, many are looking forward to a fresh start as well as the opportunity to build off what we learned last year. For some chapters, this may be continuing with virtual events as an option for education. For others, they may be continuing with recruitment efforts, whether volunteers or members. Or perhaps chapters are embarking on a new goal. Whatever the chapter is pursuing, the new year is a great time for change as well as applying the knowledge we have gained and the lessons we have learned. As chapter leaders look at the year ahead, keep in mind the changes that may need to take place and how they can be incorporated into chapter management.

    Changes to Policies & Procedures – We ask each chapter to review their policies & procedures (as well as bylaws) annually and note any changes. If you have not already, your chapter may wish to incorporate changes related to job descriptions, such as the brand ambassador(s), board of directors’ meetings (allow for virtual meetings if needed) or travel expenses (standard mileage rate). Once you have made the changes, please forward a copy to chapters@ANFPonline.org, by January 15.

    Changes to Virtual Meetings – Some chapters held virtual events last year and incorporated this type of event into their regular education offerings. For those that are exploring this option or don’t know where to start, take a look at the our chapter leaders webinar that includes best practices as well as our Top 10 list on ANFPConnect. For those that have held virtual events, consider incorporating new ways to engage your attendees, including polls, Q & A sessions, networking events or breakout rooms.

    Changes to Websites/Social Media – The beginning of the year is a great time to take a few moments and review your chapter’s website and make any necessary changes. Check to see if the content/articles posted are still relevant to your chapter or should be removed. It’s also a great time to look at your chapter’s social media accounts and make any changes (logos, background photos, contact and chapter information, etc.). This should be done quarterly to ensure all content is accurate and relevant to your chapter. For changes to the website, please contact chapters@ANFPonline.org.

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Jan 05, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Rosalind Davis

    This month we are honoring Rosalind Davis, CDM, CFPP, of the Illinois (IL) ANFP Chapter as our Volunteer of the Month.

    Rosalind joined ANFP in 1989 and has held several volunteer positions throughout the years. She served as chair on the chapter’s awards and recognition committee as well as president elect and is in currently in her second term as the chapter president.

    During her years of service, she has had many positive impacts, but her biggest impact has taken place over the course of the last 18 months.  Rosalind has worked tirelessly to keep the chapter up and running and has done so by reaching out to all 500+ members, to encourage each of them to volunteer and become more engaged. This resulted in a fall meeting that was well attended and well received by IL ANFP members.

    As for the future of IL ANFP and what Rosalind would to see happen, is to have more members throughout the state attend the spring meeting 2022 and continue to grow the chapter and increase engagement among members.

    Thank you, Rosalind! Your continuous hard work, dedication and service are greatly appreciated! It is because of volunteers like you, our chapters continue to grow.

    If you would like to nominate a member for Volunteer of the Month, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Chapter Rebate Revised Requirements

    Jan 05, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    To help better support our chapters to become eligible for the next rebate, we have once again revised the upcoming rebates requirements.

    Chapters will need to submit the following by January 15, 2022 (except bank statement) to be eligible for the second rebate.

    ·       Bank statements for the month of October 2021 to ANFP Headquarters (Due November 30)

    ·       Most recent copy of bylaws

    ·       Most recent copy policies & procedures

    ·       990 e-receipt (if not submitted prior)

  • Chapter Champions

    Jan 05, 2022 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

    Congratulations to the following Chapter Champions!

    Indiana ANFP

  • Food for Thought

    Dec 02, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Some of our chapter leaders have had the opportunity to join Leadership Happy Hour that takes place the second Monday of each month. This call is specifically dedicated to our chapter leaders and an opportunity to have an open discussion about all things chapter related, and more. During these calls we are joined by National Board members, along with select staff, that can answer your questions. We’ve had some great discussion during past calls and have shared our struggles as well as victories. We hope you join us for the next call!

    Our next call will take place Monday, December 13 at 5:00 PM CT/6:00 PM ET. To register for the call, please click here.

    During our next call you can expect to have the opportunity to gain many benefits, including those below and many more.

    Networking/Camaraderie – During the call we have the opportunity to network with chapter leaders throughout the country that bring different perspectives to the group. It also gives us the chance to build camaraderie among our peers when we share our similar experiences and lean on one another for support.

    Solutions/Problem-solving – Many of our chapter leaders were able to offer suggestions and solutions to some of our chapter related challenges including meetings, recruitment, and retention.

    Opportunity to Ask Questions & Be Heard – Leadership Happy Hours also allows us to ask questions about chapters, ANFP, the industry and much more.

    Meet with National Leaders – This is also a great opportunity for chapter leaders to meet our National leaders, getting to know them better and giving them the chance to hear directly from you, our members.

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Dec 02, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    This month we are honoring Donna Ynostrosa, CDM, CFPP, of the Texas (TX) ANFP Chapter as our Volunteer of the Month.

    Donna, the current chapter treasurer, first joined ANFP in 2012 and begin volunteering with the chapter in 2018. She is also an alumnus of the Leadership Institute.

    During her time as a volunteer, Donna has worked diligently on promoting ANFP membership to prospective members. Through this and other efforts and initiatives, she hopes to see the chapter reach their full potential.

    For those that are considering volunteering, Donna states, “My best advice is to volunteer to get your voices heard to make a difference! It is rewarding, fun, enlightening and the networking is great. Be a mentor promote your chapter, educate about ANFP. Expand your horizons!”

    Donna, thank you for your hard work and continually advocating for ANFP! We appreciate your dedication and the time you have given to TX ANFP.

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Important Dates and Deadlines

    Dec 02, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo
    Chapter Rebate Revised Requirements

    To help better support our chapters to become eligible for the next rebate, we have once again revised the upcoming rebates requirements.

    Chapters will need to submit the following by January 15, 2022 (except bank statement) to be eligible for the second rebate.

    ·       Bank statements for the month of October 2021 to ANFP Headquarters (Due November 30)

    ·       Most recent copy of bylaws

    ·       Most recent copy policies & procedures

    ·       990 e-receipt (if not submitted prior)

  • Chapter Champions

    Dec 02, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

  • Food for Thought

    Nov 04, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    As many of our chapters are returning to regularly scheduled meetings and events, whether virtual or in person, it presents a great opportunity to focus some of our recruitment and engagement efforts on prospective members as well as students. One of the opportunities for recruitment is through our schools, colleges, and universities within our own state. Prospective members can include those currently enrolled in a program or those considering a career in foodservice. When speaking with prospective members, specifically students, we want to be sure we are using various strategies and the right information to help guide them in the right direction.

    • ANFP Approved Programs – Take a look at the ANFP Approved Programs webpage and learn more about the programs offered in your state. Be sure to mention this to prospective members so they can make an informed decision on the program best for them. Additionally, reaching out to the program directors at the schools with ANFP approved programs is a direct connection to students, and someone that can help increase awareness of ANFP and the CDM, CFPP. Forming this relationship is mutually beneficial to your chapter as well as to the school.
    • Engaging Students – For students currently enrolled in the ANFP approved programs, consider ways to get them engaged. Many of our chapters invite students to meetings, typically free of charge. Ask them to follow the chapter’s Facebook page or invite them to your next chapter social event. You may even consider asking them to help volunteer with micro-volunteering jobs such as handing out agendas at meetings or stuffing welcome bags.
    • Career Fairs – Inquire with schools about upcoming career fairs that your chapter can participate in. This will help to increase the awareness of the CDM, CFPP and the understanding of career paths that are possible as well as expose students to the foodservice industry.
    • Keeping Websites Updated – Another method that is simple, yet important part of increasing awareness and engaging prospective members, is keeping your chapter website updated. Any chapter related information can, and should be, sent to National which can then be posted on the chapter website.
    • Brand Ambassador Team – Recruiting members and increasing awareness is the perfect opportunity to put your brand ambassador team to work. Your brand ambassador team can help students understand the benefits of being a CDM, CFPP as all as an ANFP member. They can assist them through program enrollment to applying for the exam to becoming a member.
  • Volunteer of the Month

    Nov 04, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Dannielle Kozlik, CDM, CFPP

    This month we are honoring Dannielle Kozlik, CDM, CFPP, of the South Dakota (SD) ANFP Chapter as our Volunteer of the Month.

    Dannielle joined ANFP in 2010 and began volunteering with the chapter in 2016 as the chapter treasurer and continues to serve is this role as of today. While she has enjoyed her time volunteering with the chapter, she is looking forward to bringing a new volunteer into the fold and handing over the reins.

    During her time as treasurer, Dannielle helped lead the chapter into modern times when she implemented the Square payment system. This helped to streamline registration payments and made the process easier for members as well as chapter leaders. 

    As for the future of the SD ANFP chapter, Dannielle would like to see the chapter membership continue to grow and thrive. Additionally, she is looking forward to holding meetings in person again and reconnecting with other members and industry peers as many of us are.  

    Although Dannielle was hesitant to volunteer with the chapter at first, she stated “I think that it has not only helped me grown with-in the chapter but also within my career.”

    Thank you, Dannielle! We truly appreciate and value your time and dedication to ANFP and helping to keep the SD ANFP chapter sustainable.

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Important Dates & Deadlines

    Nov 04, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    If you have not submitted the required rebate documents, please do so by Friday, November 12 to receive the first rebate installment. If you do not know which documents the chapter is missing, please contact Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Chapter Champions

    Nov 04, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE.

  • Food For Thought

    Oct 06, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    At one point or another, we have struggled with disengaged volunteers. Or perhaps we have been disengaged or burnt out ourselves. It can be hard to stay motivated with our volunteer work when so many other demands fall on us daily. Yet, as chapter leaders, it's important we stay engaged and help our volunteers to stay motivated and engaged as well. We held a Chapter Best Practices webinar on Wednesday, October 6, that covered tactics to better understand our volunteers’ motives and to keep them engaged. Below are the highlights of the session which will be available for viewing on ANFPtv later this week.

    • What is Your ‘Why’? – We as volunteers need to understand our ‘why.' What motivates us to volunteer? What is our purpose and drive to become a volunteer? These are the questions each volunteer leader should be asking themselves on a regular basis. Understanding our why is the motivation to continue to engage and fulfill our roles as volunteers.
    • Different Motivators – Working with individuals, we will see that we are each motivated by different factors. Some may be motivated to give back, while others may be motivated to learn or enhance a skill. Whatever the reasons, it's important that we understand what motivates our volunteers.
    • Connecting the Motivator to the Volunteer – Once we know more about our volunteers’ motivators, we want to connect them with the roles that help fulfill their needs and meet their goals. Help them identify any goals or skills they wish to obtain and look for volunteer opportunities to match the volunteer’s motivation to achieve these goals.
    • Share the Success – We want to show our volunteers how they have impacted the organization. Each task and job completed helps to serve the chapter and impact the organization. It also helps ANFP strive to meet their mission and strategic goals. Remind them that their success is our success as well. We can also share our own success stories and how volunteering has made a positive impact on our own lives.
    • Ask – There are many questions we can ask our volunteers to gain a better understanding of their needs. Start by asking what is their ‘why’? Why did they choose to volunteer? We can also ask for their feedback/input/advice about their volunteer role. What is going well? What is not? What can we do better? Asking these questions, and more importantly, receiving the response will help us better understand and engage with our volunteers.
  • Volunteer of the Month

    Oct 06, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Felix Jones, CDM, CFPP

    This month we are honoring Felix Jones, CDM, CFPP, of the Georgia (GA) ANFP Chapter as our Volunteer of the Month.

    Felix joined ANFP in 2017 when his employer, Ethica Health and Retirement Communities, gave him the opportunity to learn and grow with his responsibilities. After earning the CDM, CFPP credential in 2018, he started volunteering with ANFP by recruiting members to attend state chapter meetings. He also helped secure event sponsorships by asking local vendors and employers to participate in GA ANFP’s chapter meetings.

    During a chapter meeting in Atlanta, Felix was approached by Regina St. Clair, GA ANFP’s president, and she asked him if he would be interested in running for president-elect, which he was nominated for in June 2020. In addition to Felix’s ANFP volunteer work, he has also served as a preceptor for CDM, CFPP students since 2018.

    One of the biggest impacts Felix has made was  building a relationship with a Georgia House Representative. This gave the chapter a direct link in the state of Georgia to listen to their needs, find out what ANFP stands for, and all that it represents, including the importance of recognizing CDM, CFPPs throughout the state and country. In addition, Felix has been an integral part in increasing awareness of ANFP and how we support continued education, skills, and expertise of every CDM, CFPP in the foodservice industry. Felix knows that being recognized will help the association grow in credibility and reputation.

    Moving forward, Felix would like to see more participation during chapter events. As president-elect, he wants to continue to pass the torch and help the organization move in a strategic direction for the upcoming term and foreseeable future. He would also like to help build a very diverse and cohesive board. Felix believes diversity is vital to our success, bringing together a board that is a mixture of different cultures, backgrounds, experiences, and opinions will help the chapter foster progressive change and introduce collaborative teamwork. He believes strength lies in differences, not in similarities.

    Felix’s advice for those that are hesitant about becoming a volunteer is “not to let fear hold them back from moving forward and advancing in their professional careers. Speak to inspiring co-workers, former members, especially those with longevity. Take a leap of faith and step out into something new. I did and I’ve never regretted it. Volunteering gives you a chance to make a difference!”

    Thank you, Felix! Your continued advocacy for the credential, and your hard work and dedication to ANFP are greatly appreciated! Volunteers like you keep our chapters strong and growing.

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org.

  • Chapter Champions

    Oct 06, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo
    Learn more about becoming a Chapter Champion HERE
  • Food For Thought

    Sep 03, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo
    Thank you to those chapters that have submitted their documents for the first installment of the rebate. For those that have not done so, there is still time to submit the required documents to be eligible for the rebate. Below is a list of the required documents and additional information. We strongly encourage those that have not met the requirements to do so as soon as possible. The rebates help to support chapter meetings which provide vital information (and CEs) to members as well as other initiatives. 

    • End of the Year Financial Statement (template available on ANFPConnect in Volunteer Resources)
    • Officers entered in chapter portal. If you no longer have access to the chapter portal, please contact national (chapters@ANPFonline.org) to regain access.
    • Chapter meeting date and location submitted in chapter portal
    • Code of Conduct - Signed by Chapter President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary
    • Affiliate Agreement - Reviewed, signed, and submitted in chapter portal
    • First part of Bi-Annual Chapter Report (upload to chapter portal)
    • IRS Form 990 e-receipt (upload as image, PDF, or Word doc to chapter portal)

    If you have questions or need assistance with the above requirements, please contact Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org

  • Volunteer of the Month

    Sep 03, 2021 by Abigail Solazzo

    Rejean Sheehy, CDM, CFPP

    This month we are honoring Rejean Sheehy, CDM, CFPP of the Southern New England (SNE) ANFP Chapter as our Volunteer of the Month. Rejean first joined ANFP in 2013 after studying to earn his CDM, CFPP certification at the University of North Dakota. He attended several meetings and seminars and discovered a great interest in learning and professional development. For Rejean, volunteering was the first step to becoming more involved and networking with others who had a similar goal. About a year after learning different areas of chapter management and having gained a number of skills, he decided to take on the role of chapter secretary. He found out that he truly enjoyed listening to others in different areas of kitchens and the ideas they brought to the table. He currently serves as the chapter treasurer.

    Being a volunteer for the SNE ANFP Chapter, Rejean was shown how to be a team player which gave him opportunities to listen and interact with other chapters as well as give and receive feedback. From these interactions, he has taught his fellow teammates what he’s learned and made an impact on others.

    Going forward, Rejean will continue to encourage individuals in learning more about how the chapter functions and what it entails. He would also like to mentor and inspire future kitchen workers to advance as foodservice managers and develop an enhanced career in the field.  

    For those interested in volunteering or becoming engaged with the chapter, he states, “First step is to volunteer in your area and get a positive experience that will spark an interest to join your state ANFP chapter. Some people may hesitate in participating in chapter roles, but you will only know how rewarding it is when you encounter others in a similar role creating a team building network.”

    Thank you, Rejean! Our chapters remain strong and successful because of volunteer like yourself. Your hard work and enthusiasm are greatly appreciated!

    If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org